Chapter Seven, Found

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Yes! Monica had just informed me that my father and Dominic had just decided to get their princess back this evening. It's been five days since my spy told Dad where I was. At first, I thought they were not going to come for me and that they felt it safer to watch me from a distance.

Now being me, I could not help watching the clock, but then I got bored. So I decided to bake a Japanese dessert called Ichigo Daifuku, a strawberry-flavored daifuku consisting of a ripe strawberry coated in sweet red bean paste wrapped in a layer of mochi. It takes about twenty-five minutes to make and creates a batch of ten. The recipe requires a one-third cup of glutinous rice flour, one tablespoon of sugar, four tablespoons of anko (red bean paste), and katakuriko (starch).

After looking through my kitchen cabinets, I realized I needed Anko and Katakuriko to bake the Daifuku. So I quickly ran to the grocery store with Mila wearing her service vest. While at the grocery store, we grabbed what's needed for the Daifuku but also some peanut butter dog treats.

Once we returned back to my apartment. I started working on three batches of Ichigo Daifuku. The first two batches are intended for my family, and the third is for work. I'm only making some for work to cover the real reason I knew they were coming. An hour and fifteen minutes to bake thirty Ichigo Daifuku, and it's still early dinner time. It takes them forever to get here because it's only an hour and fifteen minutes from my apartment to The Monti Mansion.

Right now, I think I'm gonna act like they got the wrong apartment. I don't want them to know that I had planned for them to be here. D-i-n-g, D-o-n-g, my apartment doorbell goes off, and Mila starts barking at the door. Now quickly out of excitement, I yell, "C-O-M-I-N-G!" Now I opened the door with Mila growling right beside me. There was my Father, Dominic, and Elio. Father and Dominic were in their professional black suits. Vs. Elio's with his casual ripped jeans and baggy gray sweater.

"Hi, my name is Lorenzo Monti, and these are my sons, Dominic and Elio." The older male, my father, said without fear of Mila growling at him.

"Hi, I'm Elma. Now, if you don't mind. Read the signs next time, and apartment B is to the right." I stood my ground and pointed to my neighbor's Aldo apartment before attempting to slam the door shut until a nice shiny black dress shoe stopped it.

"We are at apartment A, where Elma Edwards lives?" My eldest brother speaks up from behind my father.

Now to escalate things. I stepped back, letting Mila go in front of me. "ミララウドノーアタック (Mila Loud No Attack)!" I commanded Mila in Japanese, which made the three family members in front of me raise their eyebrows.

"Please just look at this." My father calmly stated as he held some documents towards me.

I grab them and take a quick moment to glance at the documents knowing what they are. Custody papers making Lorenzo Monti my legal guardian and the DNA test showing that he is my birth father. "ミラ・スニフ、ノー・スレット (Mila Sniff, No Threat)!" I command, letting my muscles relax and visible guard down while keeping a hidden guard. At first, Elio steps back with a worried face before I say, "She just gonna smell you." I roll my eyes at him; the others see it but ignore it.

"Oh," Elio said as his face softened in relief to not be bitten. How is he the son of a Don?

"Thank you, Neonata! For hearing us out." My father said with a happy smile on his face. I can't believe I made The Don Of The Sicilian Mafia smile at me, but it's also not really a surprise since he is my father.

Once I had My Father, Dominic, and Elio settled in the living, I brought a plate of

Ichigo Daifuku. "U-m, these are some Ichigo Daifuku that I made today."

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