Chapter Twenty, Extended

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Wow, I really need to stop pulling these all-nighters. I am exhausted, and you could even see bangs under my eyes again. Let's just hope I don't get in trouble with Dominic or Dad.

Ug, I need coffee!

Walking down the central stairs, still wearing my black two-piece silk pajamas, I hear a bunch of chatter.

R-I-N-G! R-I-N-G! After the phone rang, it attracted all the attention towards me, including my relatives whom I forgot who had arrived this morning.

Returning back to my phone, an automated voice starts out of my phone. "Salve, questa è una chiamata da "Huston Knight" che chiama dalla stazione della Polizia di Stato di Milano, Italia. Questa chiamata sarà monitorata e qualsiasi cosa detta verrà usata contro di te in tribunale. Per accettare le accuse, premi su. Per respingere le accuse, premi due (Hi, This is a call from "Huston Knight" calling from the Milan, Italy State Police station. This call will be monitored, and anything said will be used against you in court. To accept the charges, press on. To reject the charges, press two)."

That fottuto idiota (fucking idiot) got arrested again! Doesn't he already know the police are different here than in Tokyo? He better not of called Brooklyn, or he is definitely dead this time.

Now, pressing one on my phone, accepting the call. "So, Elma, can you pick me up?"

"No, I will not pick you up from the station. You know better, Huston, when street racing that the police here in Milan is different from Tokyo." I lecture him while entering the kitchen, earning the eyes of the guest on how much they missed me.

"I understand, boss. So, when will you pick me up?" Huston completely ignores my previous comment.

"This evening," I shoved the expresso pod into the black coffee machine.

"Why can't you pick me up now?" Huston, being Huston, whined, not wanting to be in holding for the whole day.

He is literally a Damn Child! "Huston Knight, You Will Not Complain About When I Will Pick You Up!" I shouted into the phone, using his full name while now receiving full attention from my family.

"Yes, boss." You could hear the fear in Huston's voice before the call reached its limit.

Putting my phone down on the counter and grabbing my finished Expresso. I could not help mumble, "Quel fottuto idiota è un dannato bambino (That fucking idiot is a damned child)."

"Good morning, Neonata! Was that Huston Knight as in the brother of Brooklyn Knight, a Dragon?" Dad breaks me out of my train of thought as he stood next to the rest of the family.

"Yes, you're correct. That idiot got himself arrested again for street racing. I thought he knew better than Tokyo is different from Milan." I ranted, not watching what my mouth said.

"Question, are you talking about Huston Knight, the brother of Brooklyn Knight, one of Queen's Capos?" The six-plus, cobalt blue eyes and black hair man, who I think is my Uncle Valentino double, checks the information he is hearing.

"Yes, and you are?" I played the dumb card, looking at him all innocently like I hadn't done anything, which was true.

"I am your Uncle Valentino." My Uncle created a smile that took his son and others entirely off guard. "This is your cousin, my son, Giovanni." Valentino guested to the male next to Mateo with the gray-green eyes and dark brown hair.

If I remember correctly, Valentino Monti, forty-six years old, is one of the twenty-three Capos of The Sicilian Mafia. He had a wife named Elena, who died when his son Giovanni was fifteen. Another thing about my uncle is that he has secret Tuesday evening dance lessons. Giovanni Monti, The Rapace, is an underground street fighter who also has hobbies for Cycling and even Boxing.

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