Chapter Twenty-One, Dragon

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This is a DRAFT of what I was previously writing, and I am also not going to continue writing The Dragon Blade. My reasoning for the different versions of my mafia princess story is that you need to play around with words and plot lines. Basically, experiment with things to understand what you are doing, how you are doing it and what can you do to make it better. 


Waking up from my light alarm, take a shower, and getting dressed. Glazing into the mirror, I see myself in a Plain White Dress Shirt, which ultimately shows through to my Black Sports Bra that matches my Black Leather Jacket and Dark Blue Jeans.

Now pulling out my phone. I called Diego, who is waiting for his daily morning call from me. "Your awake early, Love."

"Did I wake you up?"

"Yes, but I would rather be woken up than miss your call." Diego

"You love me too much!"

"I am possessive of you, Elma." Diego

"Ok, Diego."        "I have a question?"

"Go ahead?" Diego

"I don't know what I am gonna do with my family. Last night, I lost control in front of them."

"Why don't you reset the boundaries?" Diego

"What's the point if they are just gonna break them?"

"At least give them one more try, Rin. They are trying to understand what happened to their little girl." Diego

"But, I am not little or innocent anymore."

"Rin! After being missing for twelve years, what are your family's thoughts about you gonna be? Your family needs time to process this older-" Diego

"Hey, I am not old!"

"I mean mature, responsible deadly teen." Diego

"Good point... So are you available tonight?"

"Indeed I am. What's on your mind?" Diego

"Fight club tonight, just the two of us?"

"Are you asking me on a date, Love?" Diego


"¡Diego, el desayuno está listo!"

"¡Si mamá!" Diego "It looks like my breakfast is ready. Where do you want to meet?"

"You pick the club, and I can get the VIP section."

"Ok, Red, I love you!" Diego

"I love you too, Black."

"Good morning, Principessa!" Dad sets down his weekly newspaper and coffee.

"How was your night?" Alonso

"It was good, Ally."

Having the rest of my brothers, cousins, aunts, and uncles at the table with the 'youngers' eating like the food will disappear any minute. 'Youngers' or otherwise known as Romeo, Mateo, Elio, Nicolò, and Alessio.

"Hm," Dad cleared his throat at the head of the table. "I hope you guys have not forgotten it's Family Day." Almost all the 'youngers' at the same time groaned with a few colorful sentences.

"Merda! Ho dimenticato (Shit! I forgot)..."

"Ma ho dei programmi per oggi (But I have plans for today)..."

"Dad! I thought we talked about this?"

"I forgot to tell you, didn't I?" Dad

"Yes, you did, but I can see what I can do." "Most likely, I can cancel my daytime schedule except my evening plans."

"What are you doing on a Sunday, Piccolo Cugino?" Giovanni


"Your seventeen, for crying out loud!"

"Why do you need a job?"

"Silenzio (Silenzio)!" Dad

Finally, getting them to push aside the fact that I have a job, we continued back to Family Day. Every month the whole Monti Famiglia (Family) gets together for a day of family bonding fun with no business involved.

Last month's trip was to the beach, where Elio tells me that Ricco sucks at surfing. Mateo is scared of crabs. Dominic, Dad, and my uncles are complete workaholics. Alonso and Giovanni have a thing for beach tanning. Romeo almost drowned last from his twin being too rough with him in the water. Nicolò is the master of sand castles with Alessio. 

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