Chapter Fourteen, Sibling Bond

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Going into the living, I see Dominic in a suit at the kitchen island with a mug and his laptop. "Good morning, brother," I stated. Making my presence known. "Did someone piss you off last night?" I questioned, seeing that he could throw his laptop out the window.

"Yeah, but it's nothing you need to wrap your pretty head about, Farfalla," Dominic stated. Closing his laptop and putting his attention on me.

"Are you sure, Dom?" I doubted as I saw the tried state my older brother was in.

"Yes, I am sure, Elma." He uses a stiffer tone, not making me push on the topic. Whatever you are doing, fratello. I will find out and help.

Having an awkward moment, I decided to ask Dominic. "Um, Dom? Can we please spend the day together?" I begged with my puppy face.

"Don't you have work today?" He questioned back like a brother.

"I can do it tomorrow, and I want to tell you more about you know what." I hinted that I wanted to talk about my past.

Choosing the path of the underworld to survive. Becoming the Mafia Queen, the ruling power in the mafia world. Showing the world never mess with the Monti family. Protecting innocents from joining the cruelty of the world and getting revenge for my childhood.

Give or take a few minutes. He sighs, saying, "Give me thirty minutes, and we can go to Graphic Falls."

"Thank you, Dom, and right now, you're my favorite brother." I giggled out of the room as I earned a smile from Dominic.

Double checking that I have my knives, gun, both phones, wallet, Mila's leash, and vest. "Mila, Come," I commanded. My black labrador as I put her walking vest and leash on.

"Elma? Are you ready?" Dominic enters my room wearing outdoor clothes.

"Yes, and I hope you don't mind me bringing Mila?" I asked him nicely, hoping to take her on our adventure.

"Of course, you can, and it's a good idea since we are going on a hike, Farfalla." Dominic approved me bringing my happy fluffy black lab.

The ride to the trailhead was magnificent, with the different mountain formations and trees. Who knew that Italy's mountain views are a sight to see and if I am right the view over the water will be more spectacular. Mom, I wish you could see how much I have grown up and how powerful I have become. Even if I do not have all the recognition of my achievements from my family yet... I know they admire me from all the rumors.

"Farfalla?" Dominic snaps me out of my trance, hovering over me from the driver's seat. "We are at the trailhead." I get reminded of our location.

"Oh, thank you," I mumbled, unbuckling my seat belt and getting out with Mila following me.

"There is nothing you need to thank me for, Farfalla." Dominic closes his door and locks it after I'm out.

"If you say so, Dom," I confirmed. Checking Mila's walking harness and looped the leash around my shoulder like a climbing sling.

"Now, why don't we go on our adventure?" A smile replaced my older brother's neutral face as he held a hand out for me.

We walk in silence, listening and observing the nature around us. Mila looks happy, chasing and pouncing on fallen leaves. "Dom, I was rescued when I was ten and was scared to come back," I whispered in shame as I held my head down.

Then my brother stopped and held my head up with his fingers. "A Monti never bows their head." Dominic's statement screams confidence that I rarely see in people. "And remember, Elma, that we will always be for you no matter what love you." A kiss landed right on my forehead.

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