Part 1 morning thoughts

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Warning literature and grammar mistakes

Nearly 2 years since Maximilian's return to anatol

Maxi and Riftan  had yet again another explosive fight ,neither of them remembering what it was about still determined not to break the silence until the other one decided to.

It had been nearly a week since either had spoken . Riftan sleeping within his office quarters and Maxi residing within the library ,both had thought the other was sleeping in there bedroom chambers so they seldom bothered .

She had been feeling sick for months but these last Few weeks, Maxi had become more tired , had woken up nauseous,and looked heavier,she assumed it was because she was supposed to be near her time of the month but it hadn't come so she assumed it was late as it usually was.
Within the library she was studying books on human anatomy and botany,she was trying to find plants that left certain effects on the human body she hadn't found anything new or that had caught her peculiar interest she was nodding off to sleep for she hadn't been able to sleep well lately, but when she heard a knock at the door she jolted straight up flickering her silver eyes,and fixing her posture, She looked at the door.
it was Ludis, who had become more than a mere ladies maid, more like an older sister , and a little bit short of a mother within the past few years, .

Ludis had brought in a simple bowl of beef broth with potatoes one of maxis favorite dishes with a side of barely bread and water for her midday meal  ."Thank-you ludis ,my favorite" her eyes glimmered with happiness of a homely meal.
"It is no problem at all my-lady ,tho wouldn't you prefer something more lavish and tasteful?"ludis asked with curiosity drawn all out her face.
"Oh no ,this ,this is perfect ,.." she gave a sigh and showed a small smile ,
"And besides you know me ludis ,I prefer a simple soup over a lavish banquet feast...and this is better than anything I ever had in castle croix,or even nornui" after thatbwas said , It was as if there was shadow was cast over the room. The room fell silent, even the cracking of the fire seemed to stop ,ludis wore a fearful look over her face knowing fully well what horrors the lady had faced while residing there .

Maxi had noticed the look on ludis's  face and gave her a reassuring look "no need to worry ludis ,I am glad to know you care but as you can see I am happy here in Anatole and it's is thanks to everyone who resides within the walls ,thank-you and send my thanks and gratitude to the cooks in the kitchen,I shall be down there within the hour to fetch the pastries",maxi smiled once more, giving a nod of appreciatikn ,ludis smiled back and took her leave nodding her goodbye as well .

Once she had finished her delicious meal, Maxi , quickly finished her chapter that she had been reading ,she picked up her books and put them onto the cot she had been sleeping in ,and let out a deep sigh her hair falling over her eyes .She missed talking to Riftan tho it had only been a week .She shook her head and said "No he brought  this upon him self he can break the ice once he wishes to and only then will I decide If will forgive him".She chuckled to herself thinking how funny she sounded ,talking to herself alone . Suddenly she felt a a wave of nausea hit her ,she quickly laid down on her makeshift cot she splashed some water from a cup onto her face it didn't help very mucg and tge nausea didnt go away quickly ,but about what seemed like an eternity of staring at the ceiliny above, she was finally able to sit up and move her long,wavy red hair out of the way of her eye sight.

After that maxi decided to head down to the garden to gather some herbs for a nausea-defeating tea,after cleaning up of course she did not want to subject the servants to cleaning up such a mess . Quickly after heading down to the garden and grabbing her basket she felt someone watching her .she turned around a saw no one "most likely a bird" she let out a heavy sigh and looked at her ruined patch of pumpkins she cursed under her breath saying "those damn birds better say away from my garden unless they want to become Roys  new feather down pillow" she then started to quickly finishing her usually not so tedious task .She sat down beneath the oak tree that had been revived nearly 5 years before it was beautiful and had grown as much as she had as a person .

She sat there for a few
minutes resting .

Edit:  dear (you know who you are) who loves to nitpick 🩷sorry for the grammatical errors I was literally 13 when I wrote this 💀, and I only ever wrote at night so by then I was tired 😪. Anyways I had great fun while reading your comments so thanks ☺️🩷🫶🏻.

And to the person whom replied to this other persons comments, thank-you 🫶🏻😂

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