Part 11 Arrival

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They arrived to the camp shortly.
Yulyseon insisted that he help her off her horse even tho she was more than able ,In the near distance she could hear the cries of the werewolves,and the clinging of metals.

"Isn't it curious my lady?"garrow said ,
"What ever do you mean ?"maxi replied thoughtfully with a look of thought in her eyes.

"Well ,it's just weird that even tho we hunt the werewolves and wyverns constantly ,to ensure the safety of Anatole,they always seem to return".Garrow looked around as if he felt something was watching them,as they walked towards the tents that were hidden under tge large underbrush,hidden away from eyesight of monsters .

As they reached closer to the tent they could hear the groans of the injured grow louder.

"Please set my supplies on the floor over there,near the corner please " maxi calmly ordered as she set up the antidotes,and numbing creams.

"Milady I shall be heading out now,please be careful" Hebaron said in a serious yet thoughtful tone.

" I shall,"she said tilting her head and smiling ,as she got to work on healing the most harmed of the werewolf victims.

Hebaron pointed two of his fingers towards his eyes,then back towards Garrow and Yulyseon,
"You two protect her ,don't mention anything alright?" He said firmly .

"Yes Sir!!!" They said loudly in unison while holding their swords that were hitched to their sides tightly.

Sir Nirta smugly grinned and said "I wish you the best of luck,you two ,while dealing with the lady!" Hebaron chuckled as he left the tent.

both Yulyseon and Garrow were aghast at Hebarons comment,but she didn't mind,she knew he meant well .as he left the tent he yelled something louder than he should have
"To Hell we ride as we vanquish these beasts once again!"

Which he said in a Uslin like voice,awfully prideful maxi thought happily as she started treating her patients . Hebaron rode off happy to get some actual action in his life once again,with his sword already in the air .

As yulyseon and Garriw took guard of the front and back of the tent ,she had a servant boil some water,as she prepared the antidote.

Once the water was boiled she put many rags into the large pot ,she picked up a rag from the pot and ringed it damp,she calmly walked over to the young man who back had been scratched raw ,from were Wolf claws,for he must've been working in the now fertile fields when they attacked,just like the other residents .

The man groaned loudly with terrible pain,as he tried to sit up to bow,"There's no need for that here sir,please lay down so I can tend to your wounds" ,she said motherly ,"this may sting a bit so please forgive me" as he played down max carefully placed the warm rag to his back,he winced painfully which made maxis heart break at the sight,bur she had to get the job done,once she had cleaned the area of the wound she had him drink the antidote was she rubbed rubbing cream onto his back,she then rapped him in cotton bandages,her hair had fallen into her face once again,but she chose to ignore it for once,as she closely examined making sure that she had wrapped it properly .

Once she made assure that she had wrapped it properly she said "you will need to change the bandagesb every two days until it is fully healed,make sure to
not move as much as you usually would"

After she said that,she handed a small bag of herbs and badages,which was enough to last a few weeks.she placed it in his hands carefully "please take these herbs for pain,and bad ages for coverage" she warmly said as she started to walk away to the next patient whose leg was turned out of place.

"Thankyou Milady!" He said weakly,but gratefully .
She turned around ,her long braid swooping over her shoulder. A small smile escaped her lips as she said "Please do not thank me,just do the same for others as I have done for you".she turned around ,heading towards her next patient and the patient after the next tending to wounds,and healing bones into place carefully and thoughtfully giving each a bag of necessities as needed.

She repeated the processes over again,until the injured patients were all taken care of,she was glad she had plenty more mana than she had,had only a few years before.she inhaled a deep breath.

She then started walking over to the pateints she had treated making sure those who had broken into fever were being properly tended to with had a change of a rag every few minutes.
She decided against using her healing ,unless it was terrible injury,or deadly fever,which she was glad that there were few of those .

She was exhausted ,but not from the mana usage,she still had more than plenty left ,her feet were sore ,and her back hurt .after making sure everyone was ok, She decided that it would be best for everybody if she rested for a bit,especially for her and her unborn child's health .she laid down her cloak onto the hard ground and sat there closing her eyes ,humming a tune only her and the people of the ancient empire of Roem knew,as she braided her hair back into a long an tight braid .

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