Part 15:instincts

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As Yulyseon,Rashly entered the tent,maxi grew faint fearing horrible news.she could only continue staring at the parchment paper she had been writing on.

"My lady! Children!! We must leave NOW!!!! Wyverns are closing in!,we must hide beneath the trees !Quickly!"

Maxi dropped the feathered open she had been writing with,as she turned her head towards Yulyseon quickly,then to his niece and nephew,her hair bouncing from each side,causing it to since again stumble into her face,she didn't have to time ti fix it though.

She couldn't even stop to think about what she was doing ,she instinctively ran over to the sleeping children,kneeled down placed her hand to the childrens heads ,and told Evan he needed to wake up imeidiantly ,she picked rosemary up gently ,as she fringy took ahold of his hand,placing a cloak around him,and one around herself.

She nodded towards yulyseon,he Had a sense of relief as he could tell his little juice and nephew would be safe with her.

She could hear thunder all around them,Though it wasn't thunder ,it was the flapping Of A fleet of wyverns nearing them.

As they walked quickly among the shadows,Maximillian was grateful that the patients she had treated earlier had already entered Anatols walls hours before,and was utterly thankful that yulyseons nice and nephew had stumbled upon her.

Suddenly something had landed near them,it was like an earthquake ,the thunder loudened,and she cooked hear the roars and cheering of men from a distance,they had defeated the wyverns once again.

All but one.

Maxi stopped breathing ,and held tightly,and firmly onto the children ,she could hear it's deepened breaths from behind them.

She took a deep breath and prayed for not only their safety,but also for her unborn child.

She began drawing the spell she needed within her body,as the wyvern approached, and the clopping of horse-hooves nearing,Yulyseon and Garrow stood in front of her,Ready to attack.

She handed Rosemary to Evan and held them close to her,as she prepared to fight,every second the beast slowly moved towards them ,almost stalking if you will.

When suddenly,The same sound of thunder appeared,

Another wyvern,of course that one was just a diversion .

Their growing smarter .

Garrow charged at the one that had landed previously ,while Yulyseon had noticed the one that had stalking from above ,and told Maximillian,and Evan to prepare to run .

Maxi ignored his warning ,for running in the woods,at the brink of midnight was nkt the smartest thing to do,especially in a kong dress,she looked around their surroundings,nothing to shelter in.

She would have to fight

Once again she drew up the previous spell within her soul an aloud it to spread through her body,before she could act upon her spell,she could see The Remdragon knights over the hill,with Riftan in the front.

Maxi almsot fainted with a sigh of relief when she had heard a thud.

Garrow had defeated the first wyvern than they had encountered,and ran towards Yulyseon's aid.

The children whimpered into her side holding tight onto her,and she knew she needed to do what needed to be done.

She Conjired the spell once more,unaware of the knights coming closer,and summoned her power.

Materials of metal lifted from the ground below them,glowing in light,and formed the shape of a sword,and held it at the ready,years ago if she had done this,she surely would have died,but she was stronger now.

The wyvern Had stopped fighting at the sight of the lights around it,but once it saw what she was doing ,it flew over the tow young knights,and stared deep into her eyes,almost daring her to try.

And so she did.

Rosemary and Evan stood behind her in awe. Maximillian gripped het earth bound weapon tightly ,and prayed it would all be alright.

"Dear lord help me"

She stared back into the beasts eyes,daring it to come closer,the rem-dragon knights neared,and she could hear Garrow and Yulyseon trying to bring the Wyverns attention back to them,but she didn't dare lose her stance .

The Large animal ,it's gaze stayed locked on her,as did hers.
She gripped tightly onto her weapon,as she heard voices from the hill above.and around her.

And charged

She muttered another spell,which commanded the stones of the earth and branches of the trees to lift her up ,as she jumped highly towards the animals neck,her wild hair going in all directions,and her cloak fluttering around her

"Please let my child be safe" she said to herself as she swung the weapon towards the creature ,swiftly cutting it's neck clean off.

Once the beast had been killed, maxi stood there,the weapon,evaporating from her hands,and the stones,and branches returning to their rightful places,Riftan and The Remdragon knights were almost near to them.

The world went still ,maxi was never one to kill anything let alone a beast of such size,especially to her small stature .
"Milady !!are you okay ??"

Maxi quickly regained control of her thoughts once again ,and looked towards the two young knights,who seemed baffled that Their lady would ever do such a thing to protect them.

"Yes,we're ok,tthankyou for your concern " she smiled at them,reassuring them she wasn't the same as she had been years ago,when she had nearly died from mana depleation,as she looked towards her ever growing baby bump.

She turned her head towards the children ,and quickly ran over to them ,with her messy hair following her every move.Garrow and yulseon followed het towards the children ,she made sure they had no wounds or marks left on them,Evan had only a minor wounds on his knees from tripping .And rosemary was unscathed,tho they were both a bit startled ,Yulyseon comforted Them both reassuring them it was well,and that they would be heading home soon .

The knights And Riftan had finally arrived,shocked and utterly baffled to see they had defeated two wyverns on their own.

Once they had all made it back through Anatoles walls,they headed their separate ways,Most if the knights towards the barracks,while Yulyseon and the two children headed towards a small house.they said their goodbyes,and good nights,and Parted ways.

Riftan and maxi rode side by side together through the quite streets,and up to the castle,where they could finally rest.

Together .

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