Part 6 <3 a window pane

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As she lept towards the window pane and grabbed hold of the side she looked back at Riftan who had looked awfully stunned a
Moment before ,but now looked worried as she was very close to the edge he reached out his hand telling her to come down from there ,

(let's say they were up about almost 4 stories high).

"Maxmillan Calypse what the Hell are you doing!?"

Maxi honestly didn't now what she was doing ,but these new emotions inside her made her do it even tho she was wasn't one to do
such things ,but she knew she could do it .

"u-um we will talk later Riftan I promise ,but simply must finish this important task and I have a feeling of If stay standing there you wont let me do so" she said briskly ,she quickly drew the levitation spell within her body took a deep breath

And Jumped

As she did so she Turned  towards riftan and mischievously smiled waving as she waited for the perfect moment to start levitating .

For a moment Riftan was paralysed all of his thoughts left him .

He instinctively ran towards the window and looked down expecting to see his wife screaming for help but instead ,she was looking up at him smiling .

"MAXI!" he shouted almost crying reaching out his hands trying to grab her ,but then he saw a glow of light as she started to float upwards toward him .

"Yes Riftan ?"
She said awfully calmly

"What the actual Hello ?!"
" I thought you jumped and you were going to die!" Riftan said frantically

"You wouldve paralyzed my soul"

Staying a good distance from the window so he couldn't grab her and ,not let her finish her "task" maxmillian calmly said with her hair fluttering around her .lI didn't mean to do that it's just ,I am sorry truly I am ,
but I know how you are Riftan and you wouldnt let me go if hadn't done it ,besides this task is really and utterly important and cannot wait " she said firmly and reassuringly

" you scared me maxi".he said with near tears in his eyes
"I am sorry Riftan it's just This is an important task I must finish and I can't delay it ,we can talk later Tonight," she blew him a kiss as she levitated herself towards the garden floor her hair glistened in the sun light flowing all around her .

Still halfway paralyzed ,riftan just stood there staring down at her as she waved at him and held her hand up to her face.unbeknownst to Rift an she snagged a hair off of his head she made her getaway which she needed for her "experiment" .

"I'll show how very sorry I am for fighting with her,tonight" he unshamefully thought to  himself .

"just you wait my Maximilian",as he watched her walk towards the castle door quickly once again .Her now completely loosened hair following her every movement she made as if it were a cape.

"she must be a nymph herself" he said under his breath As he closed the window pane.

As Maxi entered the castle doors ,she stood leaning against the wall as the door closed itself ,and let out a deep breath " I cannot believe I juat did that,what the actual hell  came over me?!"  she said quietly under her breath hoping nobody had heard her,A proper and respected Lady curse .

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