Part 12 two little birds

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Once she had finished  braiding her hair back into place ,she started to fiddle with her shekel-necklace that had loosened from its place,she had lost track of her surroundings,knowing that Riftan was fighting to keep werewolves away from the people who resided on the farmlands just outside the wall ,out of their homes and feed.

She almost nodded off to sleep when she felt a small hand touch her dress,tugging on it .
She shook her head and looked around,everyone was either sleeping or reading a book,then something caught her eye,it was not one but 2 small children one standing behind the other ,the  child that had looked the eldest stood in front ,while the youngest tugged her dress,they were covered in mud ,and specks of blood.

She quickly awakened from her daze and quickly stood up,"is there something wrong children?" She said in a motherly tone ,kneeling down towards their height.

They looked as if they were in a tranced,dazed by her look of care and affection.

"Are you the nymph?" The youngest said softly and curiously as she spun her curly golden hair around her finger,fidgeting with her dress.
"You we're singing a song of the lost empire,weren't you?" the eldest said with curiosity roaming through his eyes .the two children standing side by side,looked at her like two curious birds.

"oh yes,i guess I was,it was an song my mother had sung when I was young,and her mother to did  you know that?" She turned her head to the side playfully questioning the boy's knowledge.

The young boy ,probably around the age of 6 said ,"I like to read....a lot. .....sometimes I'll sneak into the towns library after hours....shhhhh dont tell anyone I'm not supposed to!" he held his hand to his mouth ,as he said so.his other arm still held around his younger sister  tightly .
Maxi smiled widely as she said "I promise to keep my mouth shut!see my lips  are sealed" she said while drawing a line across her lips with her thin fingers.
"But you must tell me young sir ,and young lady ,what are your names?".maxi said curiously.

The girl looked around shyly to her brother,The boy looked at her as if he was confused ,but then he answered "Oh yes I forgot to tell you miss!!! My little sister here is named rosemary ,and my name miss, is Evan!" He bowed showing a sign of respect and adoration .

He acted like a certain young knight she knew.

"Oh my!!! What wonderfully beautiful names!"
The little rosemary ,was flustered almost instantly .Maxi wondered if she looked as red as the little girl ,when she was flustered.

"Now tell me what are you doing in a place like this ?" "We're are your parents ?"she eyed them thoughtfully,
Rosemary twirled  her hair around her fingers nervously eyeing maxi with a peculiar gleam in her eye.
Evan answered maxis question saying "we came here to find our uncle  whom takes care of us!,mother and father left into the land of an freelance  almost 3 years ago when she was just a babe ...." He said sadly said,while looking around for his uncle who was nowhere to be seen  .
"Oh I'm sorry to hear that,I'm sure they were wonderful people,my mother went their a while ago when I was a young child as well".she said sympathetically,as rosemary reached for her.She instinctively picked her up ,and sat the little girl  upon her small lap , rosemary looked up at her curiously and asked if she was the Nymph the legend had talked about ,her eyes full of curiosity and admiration ,"no I am afraid not,I don't think I could ever measure up to the nymph of Uigrus  tale",she said smiling .

The little girl looked at maxi as if she had told a lie,not believing that such a pretty, kind ,and nurturing woman couldn't be the nymph of uigrus tale .

"That's not true miss!!!I have heard the story myself that you saved the entire continent from the seemingly never ending war of monsters !!!!" Evan said

"Oh really do tell me more" She stood up placing rosemary upon her hip as she did her rounds once again,Evan walked beside her offering his help ,she said "alright,you can help me ".she eyed him awaiting for an answer as she went to grab a wet rag for the ones who were  suffering from a fever .
"Yes miss!!! I will gladly help you ! It shall be an honor helping the Red lady !!!!"
"Wait your uncle perhaps a Yulyseon Rovar ?"

He smiled wide as he answered,his fill of ecstatic "Wait you know my uncle ?!"
"Yes,I know of two act much alike" she said said,He then noticed that Yulyseon had peeked into the tent up hearing a familiar voice.

He walked towards them ,his eyes darting from Evan,to Maxi than to Little rosemary who seemed to fall asleep in her arms.

"What are you two doing here??" Yulyseon asked Evan .
He looked up at Maxi then worriedly said "Oh no milady !! I'm so sorry if they had bothered you while working!" He kept trying to apologize,even tho it was nothing,Maximilian didn't mind.
"Yulyseon ,it is okay,I rather enjoy their company,their very curious I might say,Evan acts a lot like you Sir Rovar "
her face lit joy,with the young children around her,and the little girl upon her hip. She looked looked like an actual nymph , the setting sun glowed over her skin,making her freckles glisten,and her crimson eyelashes looked like that of a pheonix feather,and her long hair waved slightly as if it were a dancing flame .

She smiled at Yulyseon reassuring him that his niece and nephew were not bother to her,for they had nowhere else to go when there uncle was on duty.and that she greatly appreciated the practice .

After Yulyseon was assured ,he started to leave the tent after making sure his niece and nephew would behave ,he didn't have to worry about rosemary All to much tho for she was in a deep sleep,Evan helped Maximilian switch the old rags with new ones for the the fever patients ,and helping the injured and fevered into a large covered wagon to be taken to the medical office where they could be taken back by their family's, and receive one on one medical care ,the wagon was covered with a protective shield around it to protect from potential monster attacks ,once they were settled ,maxi had the little children sit upon a woolen blanket  in the corner if the tent so they could get some much needed rest from such an eventful day of werwolf attacks,and helping the lady of Anatole.

She fixed the two children ,two bowls of beef broth and 4 pieces of buttered barley bread,they said it was delicious ,once they finished that,maxi pulled out a price of Cake,she had made a few days before,she had learned to love baking and became quite good at it surprising all of the servants who worked in the kitchen,
Little did they know that when her father had left on Trips her mother would sneak themselves into the kitchen were they would bake ,old recipes of the Roem empire.

The children's eyes lit-up when they saw the price of cake ,she crouched down towards their height,and gently handed them the piece  of cake ,her braid falling over her shoulders as she did so.

"Here ,I hope you enjoy" she said in a soft and calming voice,almost like the ripples of a still lake.
The children took it slowly of her hand,and cautiously took a few bites,once she walked away to put away her supplies,she had noticed they already finished it,and were nodding off to sleep.she was delighted that they had enjoyed the food a grin escaped her pressed lips.but then she looked towards the window,realizing it was almost completely dark ,and that they my have to spend the night,or ride a even more dangerous night ride back to Anatole,she patted her stomach,we're her unborn child was resting ,she would soon be halfway through the 2nd trimester,if her calculations were correct.

She thought about how absolutely annoying and terrible the packs of werewolves and flocks of wyverns were,they always found somewhere to hide,until they could strike once again.even tho the rem-dragon knights had gone through the Anatolian mountains numerous times and would wipe out hundreds of packs and flocks of monsters but it always seemed like a pack or two of werewolves and wyverns seemed to stay "underground" and would reproduce causing more havoc the next year and the year after that .
Tho she was glad it was much safer her than it had been when she had first arrived here .

Her thoughts ceased when suddenly,the tent flap opened abruptly and quickly .

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