Part 10 legends of the red lady

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She quickly regained her composure from the shock of Hebarons question.

She quickly ran to her book putting her notes in it and slamming it shut.
"Shh!" she held a finger up to her mouth
"You mustn't let anyone hear!"
"Hear about what? " Yulyseon and Garrow said ,eyeing her curiously like they once had when she had met them,they were like little puppies .

She stared at all of them,a glare of death threatened them if they spoke another word about it.

Maxi ran towards the door and slammed it shut  ."You will not speak of anything that happens in here,until I announce it myself,alright?" Maxi said sternly with the aura of seriousness bouncing off of her like how flames bounce of a fire.

"Y-yes m-milady,but say nothing of what ?" they all said in unison ,fearing the fury of the usually mellow Lady.

She stared at them looking for any signs of dishonesty,she knew she could trust them,but she was  on guard she didn't really want anyone to know

" Sir Hebron if you must know the answer to your ,peculiar question ,I was studying,about u-um .....pregnancy as you have noticed.....and the reason why I was doing that because...of um personal reasons......."

She couldn't spit it out ,even if her stutter had been nearly gone for years it always came back when she needed it least.

They stared at her waiting for an answer ,it finally clicked to them when Garrow said "My-lady if you don't take it as me being imprudent... are you perhaps with child?"

"You had said you were studying for personal reasons" Yulyseon chimed in she could see the curiosity roamed in all of there eyes.

Sir Nirta smiled smugly.

"Y-yes you are both correct," maxi said smiling  ,
They all started congratulating her when ,Hebaron said "Oh so that's why you've looked so tired  lately" in snarky tone,not meaning any harm,as he jokingly said "can't wait for a junior captain !" He said .

as he
Turning to look out the window as she rembered being carried by the then two young boys after being attacked by a goblin ,and losing her and riftans child .her smiled faded as she continued to think of that terrible memorie.

"Milady are you okay ,?"
"Yes .....just thinking about what could have been"
They all knew what she meant ,and flinched at the memories of her laying coldly in the ground going in and out of consciousness....and then losing her child.

Nirtas playful smile faded "The war is long over Milady thanks to you,I am sure your child will be safe now"he said trying to reassure the commanders wife.

She turned to look at hebaron who had spoken those words,usually he would've been talking playfully or sarcastically,but he was genuine and serious in this moment .

She lightly smiled as the terrible memory faded away as they all congratulated her on the soon to be "junior calypse".

Before they all helped her carry her things to the horses  we're she could go an heal/tend to the injured after the attack of werewolves,she made them all swear they wouldn't tell a single soul about the news until she made the announcement herself.

They all sweared their silence of the situation and nodded as they helped her pick up her supplies for the injured .

"Have you told Lord Calypse ?"
Yulyseon asked curiously as Garrow and Hebaron walked ahead .
She shook her head nervously saying "no the time is not right ,I mean we haven't even apologised to eachother abiht  the fight we had a few days ago" she looked into the distance.
"we heard about it"  garrow grumbled ad he thought about the harsh training of the last few days .
"Oh yes ,I deeply apologize that Riftan always does that when we ...fight"
"It is not your fault Milady,it is ok ,we needed the extra training anyways we have been slacking" Sir hebaron said while gleefully grinning while rubbing the back of his head as if he were embarrassed to admit that to The lady .

"Milady are you sure it's ok for you to go and heal the wounded ....with:..your um condition?" Garrow said worriedly .

"I am not made of glass ,you know ,I am perfectly capable of handling myself and my mana" .
They all knew she was correct .and started telling tales of the "Red Lady" or the "Nymph of Anatole" as they rode on the horses ,and of course maxi had never heard the tales that had been told about herself and her skin turned almost as red as her hair,but she laughed it off thinking how funny it sounded ,"me a savior to the lands?oh no,no ,no it was surely everyone else that participated that ended the war so quickly " she thought to herself .

"shortly after you left for the wizarding tower  my lady, tales and stories of the lady who saved everyone at ethylene castle by sending large down onto the monsters it was as if there was an earthquake ! The stories spread around telling all that would listen of the Return of the nymph ,also known As lady Maximilian Calylpse" .Yulyseon said adoringly ,as he told the tales people had made up about her ,all of them were kind and laughable ."oh really?" She said almost crying from her laughter as hebaron told the story of the "Red Lady" which was very exaggerated at least she thought it was"do people really think I'm so special ,as special as the nymph of
Uigru? " she had asked curiously,  "everyone who resides in Anatole and those who fought in the war sure think so ,you saved us all from numerous more deaths that could have happened ,and monster attacks,nearly sacrificing yourself,which most would never do especially such a respectable lady"he said happily and cheerfully as they loaded the horses.
"so naturally you won the love of all of Anatole and those in the monster war" garrow said cheerfully ,maxi was flustered from all of the compliments she was being given .
They then mounted their horses riding to were a camp for the injured should be set up.

Maxis heart raced at the thought of so many people adoring and loving her for such a simple act that she made rashly in the act of life or death .

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