Part 13 The thoughts of a worried husband

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Today was like any other day,wake up early ,wash thy self clean ,combing through the short tangles of hair,and get suited into your armor ,and before you leave the room,kiss your sleeping wife upon the forehead,and fix her hair out of her eyes.,then leave quietly as to not disturb her in the early hours of the morning ,before the morning dew upon the leaves outside had settled.

He had been not been able to kiss her upon her forehead or fix her hair this morning ,not for more than week ,for they had,had an explosive fight,and wouldn't speak to each other .

Riftan liked predictability,always being able to count on things,These past few weeks had not been predictable in any way imaginable,
Letters came in from the house of Reuben declaring war on The land of Balto,for the Lord of the land had betrayed The king .
"What an idiotic ,most imprudent man ,so full of pride,but little intelligence" Riftan grumbled to himself, irritated about the circumstances he was about to face.

He may have to leave for an expedition .

He flipped through the papers reading the carefully and quickly,signing documents,and writing letters.

He looked out the window ,towards the Anatolian mountains ,He was proud to call
It his,for nearly 18 years ago this place was a wasteland , crawling with blood thirsty werewolves,sprinkled with ogres, but over the years he had made it a safe ,and respectable land that he,the people,and his beloved wife called home .

Tho he and his most beautiful Maximilian had not spoken a single word to each other,not even a glance into their spouses eyes .

"Oh maxi how I miss you,you are just within my grasp,but I am to stubborn to hold tightly onto to you"

it had been just a week 1/2 mark since the day of their Exlposive fight.

He had noticed she had become paler,more fatigued,and sickly within the past few months ,but the last few weeks had been the worst for her.

He greatly worried for her health,which grew into anger as she ignored his requests for her to stop her daily duties ,and to rest ,when one morning as she and himself were getting dressed she had brought up ,a new magic spell she had been studying, "Is that you have been doing ?! Studying all day in the library,?!"

She had stared at him with a peculiar glance as she was putting on her dark midnight blue cloak,lined with golden details.
"No Riftan I do other things as well,I am not stuck in the library all day and neither do I work myself to death inside the infirmary" she said calmly as to reassure him.

This made his worries for her health ,blasted into a thousand pieces as if it were shattered by dragons breath

"Maximillian,I don't want you to work yourself so hard"
"I am not Riftan ,please do not worry"as she brushed the hair out of her face,showing her eyes that were colored as a winters lake,and as deep as the Gallion sea.

He worried anyhow ,despite her reassurances

That's when the fight broke out between the two causing maxi to shout " I am not made of glass!!!! Riftan calypse !" As he stormed out the door,not wanting to say any more Hurtful words of anger,towards his wife .

If she wasn't made of glass than how did she look like porcelain he thought to himself as he sat alone in his office,with the fire glowing bright.
He was truly sorry for his words,and actions
Even after their years of marriage,the couple still had many miscommunications between themselves but always worked it out.

The day before ,Riftan had been walking towards the castle ,near the gardens when he had seen his wife,he longingly wanted to run to her and scoop her into his arms and carry her swiftly towards their bedroom chambers,but she looked absolutely ethereal as she picked  the budding herbs from her garden.

He saw her turn her head towards the wall he had been behind ,he swiftly ducked behind a large tree that covered his large and muscular stature.
"Probably a bird" His Maximilian said in an angelic voice,as she returned to her collecting .
When they were children ,he had seen her collecting pebbles,feathers,rocks,and color-full flowers and would stuff them into a pouch .

He perked his head from behind the tree watching her turn towards her pumpkin,and potato patch, annoyance crossed over her face adorably ,"Those Damn birds better stay away from my garden,unless they want me to make Roy a new feather-down pillow"

He rarely heard his wife even mutter a curse,this made him want to laugh wholeheartedly,but that would give away his position of stealth .

As she finished her herbal collecting,"perhaps for tea" he said to himself ,he had found something peculiar ,her hair had been tied tightly into a braided bun.

"Petty little nymph" he muttered silently to himself as he watched her dress follow her quick movements when she then entered the castle walls paying no mind to his suffering of her beautiful nature,the aura around herself was utterly captivating .

His thoughts begrudgingly returned back to the knights training grounds,which he needed to head towards,and so he did.

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