Part 7 Life Changes

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Once maxi had made it into the kitchen after scarring the daylights out of Riftan ,....and herself as well .

once again she apologised to Serfano for leaving so quickly.he said "it is more than alright milady you clearly had something important to do and i cant interfere with that" he said with a reassuring smile .
"your herbs are done brewing miss" one of the female brewers said .

"oh thankyou anne you are sucha help!no one sampled it right? It can be highly toxic if drinken,I myself am using it for an experiment".she pushed her now messy hair out of her face and unknowingly twirled it around her finger.
"of course not milady we received the instructions from serfano" maxi  gratefully smiled at both of them ,"Have you  sent it  to the library along with the cinnamon sticks yet ?" She asked curiously ,
"Yes about 3 minutes ago it should be there by now " Anne said gleefully as she stirred the pot of herbs getting them ready for drying ,so they could be out into tea bags .
"Thankyou all of you ,I greatly appreciate it ,please have a good rest of your day" maxi said as she waved goodbye her hair flowing behind her.

Everyone within the kitchen smiled,waved,or said their thanks to the Graceful Lady of anatol the nymph of the tale of uigru herself ,beautiful and kind just as the tale had said .

Once maxi had made her way into the library she prepared for something that could change her and Riftans   lives  forever ,"ok I can do this,I fought in the monster war ,and figured out the magic of warlocks ,I can surely conduct a pregnancy test" she said to reassure herself. She tied her hair into a loose ponytail hanging behind her shoulders.

As she followed Cedric's instructions.Stir the tea for 10 seconds with a cinnamon stick,then wait 5 minutes to do it once again,once it had been stirred a collective of three times ,she first placed riftans hair in the "tea"and stirred it once more before adding hers ,than once the

hairs had weirdly dissolved as Cedric said they would ,she looked around and made sure no one was watching ,she than spat into the "tea" and waited 20 minutes ,she decided since she had an extra batch of Radish bush "tea" and another price if Rifts hair she could do another batch of the test to make sure it was correct .She repeated the process over once again and then let it sit with the other bowl for 20 minutes as well ,because she knew once the color had collected it wouldn't change .

After what seemed like an eternity the 20 minutes had passed.
She slowly pulled the bowls out of their place careful not to spill them ,her eyes were closed shut .

She took a deep breath and forced her eyes to open .

Both the bowls were Lavender which in their world meant New life and in the test she had taken it also meant she was with child .
"oh dear lord" she said to herself ,she didnt known what to think.

She covered her mouth with her hands "what will Riftan say ?" she carefully spoke trying not to fry as  she walked her self over  to the cot in the corner slowly  and held her stomach instinctively as she did so. 
She remembered the monster war,were she had lost their child ,and nearly her life .

She thought,unaware of the tears strolling down her face ,as she wondered how the child would have looked ,she hope it had been reborn to a worthy mother .

Their unborn child would've been nearly 5 years old ,she wondered if the child wouldve  been like Riftan, or herself .

I will love you however you are little one

she said to her child .

Still unaware of her surroundings tears continued to flow down her face ,when she heard a worried voice pulling herself back into reality.

"milady ?" "what is the matter ,
are you unwell miss ?" Ludis said like a worrying mother ,instinctively Ludis moved Maxis hair from her face to be behind her ears.

"are you ok miss?"
" I am better than okay Ludis"
"but then why are you crying my lady ?"
"these are tears of joy"
"what for milady?"

Maxi wiped the tears from her puffy eyes and calmly said

"for I am with child"

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