Part 17:waking up

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As maxi awoke to the earlt morning sun gently caressing her face,she looked down towards Riftan, his head still rested near her stomach,and his arms held around her firmly.
He was in a deep sleep.

She looked upon him gently ,and wished this moment could last forever.

Maxi tilted her head dowards towards riftans head,and kissed it softly,gently running her fingers through his soft ebony hair .
He started to stir,but Maxi didn't really care.

As Riftan awoke from his deep sleep,he could feel something upon his head,when he looked towards the source,it was his Maximillian,
Whoms lips rested upon his forehead,as her hands ran through his hair.

The sight of the morning sun caressing her pale porcelain skin,was a sight only one could read from a book,but here he was ,trapped under her spell.
He then grabbed her lightly and pulled her body down to face him.
"Oh!" She said startled,but once she was within his eyesight,he couldn't help but smile at her confused look.
"I see you like my hair as well,maxi"
Her face flushed a deep red,as always,and as always he found it absolutely beautiful.
"Oh I'm y-yes,I do love your hair,it's perfect"
The moment she said perfect his face flushed,he was sure of it.
She giggled lightly ,cupping her hands around his face,and leaning to kiss it,and she did .

Minutes,maybe hours passed as they held each other in the early morning hours.

If she was a siren,he would gladly die at the hands of her beauty ,hethought to himself .

When noon came,they had no choice but to ready for the day,actually they did have a choice,but maxi forced Riftan to carry on with the day as if nothing happened,until they could announce it at the dinner banquet that would soon be held for the coming of summer.

As maxi finished putting on her dress,she walked over to Riftan,asking him to brush through her hair,he of course agreed to do so,after that he let if fall around and down her shoulders,"it's like a waterfall of fire,"
"oh-um thank you riftan"
"Promise me you won't work yourself to hard Maximillian"thoughts came back of her,laying unconscious in his arms,blood leaving her body,and the words that she had ,had a misscariage,they broke his heart.

"I know what your thinking of,that's all anyone can think of Riftan,but I promise you that I will be careful,I know my limits,and I won't come close to them" she held his hand tightly,staring into his deep ebony eyes,and he into hers .

He nodded,and she did as well.

"What we're we talking about last night?I can't seem to remember" maxi had asked ,Riftan had never told her about the copper crowns he had made and left for her,but deep down she knew it had been him.

"I dreamt last night"
"About what"
"About a boy,who I had known as a child,he saved me from death in many ways,and I wish I could thank him for it,he reminds me of you Riftan" she said looking at him,as they walked through the halls together,towards the distant dining room.
"We'll I dreamnt about a young girl I had met,as a young boy,she would collect pebbles and color-ful things,I wonder were she is now"he said staring at her adoringly,maxi was confused on how he knew that,and decided she would question him on it later.

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