Hebarons pov Part 5 ;) +The chase

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As sir Hebaron and other knights were training ,he saw something red out of the corner of his eye it was Lady maxmillain ,the captains wife she also known as "The red Lady"  but the people of Anatole called her the nymph ."what is she doing?" he thought ,as she was running with something in her hands ? As he got a better look it was a jar ,a jar of herbs perhaps,most likely conducting an experiment, he thought to himself .Suddenly ,the sound of a sword hitting his own ,he was brought back to the world around him .

Hebaron swung his dull training sword high,the sun hitting the metal with a reflection which bounced off of his word than onto maxis glass jar which than reflected ,into...Riftan'seyes ,hardly squinting he could see his wife's fiery red hair ,loosening from its tight bun glistening like flames of a fire,and her small stature covered in a most beautiful green.
"Oh maxi what you do to " Riftan said under his breath longingly as he continued to stare at her small frame already getting smaller from the distance between them ,he noticed she was carrying something "what is that?"he thought "Nirta !!!! Take over the training for now!" He said loudly and sternly .

"Yes captain!" Riftan didn't even bother to correct Sir nirta but Sir uslin sure as hell did "you mean commander" uslin said dryly "oh commander shmander and captain shmaptin,is it all the same to me." he chuckled to himself and showed a smug and playful grin across his face, Uslin frowned "tsk"."Back to sparring!" Sir Nirta ordered ,and they continued.

Riftan briskly chased after maxi as she went into the castle,he followed,he couldnt see her anywhere almost as she had disappeared,he had missed her dearly over the past week,regretting every night the words he had spat out in anger at her.

his heart had  tied around his soul calling for her every moment that they were separated .

He had been watching her from afar ,she continued with her tasks,"she looks pale,more pale than she usually is,she seems more fatigued as well,I hope she is not working herself to much".he thought to himself

"Serfano please ask the brewer to brew this for me,it is not not drinking it is for u-um an experiment and can be highly toxic if consumed,also I need cinnamon sticks please ! If you could be so kind"she lightly smiled "of course miss I will let them know,when do you need it by?" Serfano asked while writing down the instruction that we're being carefully but quickly given to him.
"u-um within the next 30 or so minutes if its not much of an problem,I deeply apologize for being such a hassle as of now ,but I seem to be in a hurry ,please excuse me" she quickly ran off "oh um g-goodbye miss!" "goodbye Serfano I greatly thank you!"
That was odd he thought,oh well as the Lady  had said she was in a hurry so it must be something important .

As Riftan was looking around for maxi he couldn't see or find her,until he heard the kitchen door open loudly ,It was his wife maxi ,the most beautiful woman in the land ,and petty as well,which he had learned a few days before.
She had ,had her long fiery crimson red hair tied tight in a bun,he loved her long hair and when she had first come to anatol he had asked her to keep it down when she was with him ,but since their fight she pinned it up tightly ,but while she had been running it started to loosen an fall out of its place cascading down her shoulder and past her buttocks.

"Maxi!" He shouted her name down the hall .
She stopped in her tracks almost confused that he had been chasing her through the training and castle grounds .Riftan quickly and briskly walked towards her "maxi?" he placed his hand on her shoulder concerningly ,they were in front of a large window ,that had been opened to let fresh air in,"Maximillian are you okay my love ? ,you were running through the training grounds and I was worried". "no need to be worried,just busy " she quickly said looking down towards her feet than turned het head towards the window causing her hair to flip over her should and into her face. " I am afraid I am awfully busy as of now and cannot postpone this duty"
He gently moved the hair out of her face."maxi are you still mad at me ?"
"n-no but can I please get back to my duties ,this is very important"

" trust me riftan nothing is wrong I just need to complete this u-um task ,before we can talk please u-understand" .She looked into his deep ebony eyes that shown like the deepest of midnights,he looked back into her own crystal like eyes that had been  displayed like the most fragile of  glass.

Maxi thought to herself "hm I've never shown him I now how to levitate ,I have an idea".

She mischievously smiled at him,kissed him on the cheek ,which stunned him for a moment with her boldness.
which was a perfect amount of time for her to squirm from his now loose grasp,as she did so she lept towards the window pane,with her hair flying towards the side as the wind passed by .

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