Part 2 pastrie baskets

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Once Maxi had made it to the kitchen she set down her herbal basket onto the brewing counter and waved at the servants who nodded kindly in return she noticed that her hair was once again in her face,so blew it away as the nearby sunlight made it look like the colors of an autum leaf.
She decided to pull her hair into a tight bun,this would help her be able to do her tasks more efficiantly and to spite riftan,he loved her hair especially when it was held down low,and took it upon himself to always undo her hairstyles so her could feel it run between his fingers.But since they were distancing from eachother she knew this would annoy him for not being able to touch it.

After she put her hair up she could see that the pastry chef was just now pulling out the pastries she had ordered for the knights,the scent was favorably delectable ,the melted butter glistened along the tops of the pastries
She could tell just by looking at them ,that the knights would surely enjoy them,she might have to sneak a few herself.

"Hello" she said with a soft voice "it's smells absolutely amazing in here Serfano"
He put the pastries along the counter which were then being sorted into a large basket along with cheese and sausage,"Hello Milady" "the basket is almost finished" he said cheerfully.

Lady Maximilian had made it her goal to visit the knights at least once a week to bring them snacks while they were training always bringing something for riftan as well except for this week she decided against it ,(maxis thoughts) "maybe this will get him to rethink his choices at what he said to me hmph!"Quickly before she got swallowed by her thoughts she shook her head softly and smiled "thank-you serfano ,everything looks delectable as usual". "Oh It is no problem my-lady I'm only doing my job ,I greatly appreciate your kind words tho it's makes the days easier". Flustered by the compliment she gave him a nod and a silent thanks ,she picked up the basket and before she left the kitchen ,she gave them all a wave and left.she walked towards the training grounds swiftly giving the basket extra care ,she walked towards the barracks canteen which she would always leave her usual two baskets one large one for the Knights and squires and one for riftan ,but for this week  it was just one.Maxi  sat it down on a large wooden table carefull not to spill anything,she caught a smell of the sausage and almost hurled ,but she unwillingly swallowed it back down her throat " elghh....."she groaned,she walked over towards the water bucket in which she poured a small cup of water for herself ,once she finished that nauseating gulp of water she quickly walked outside the small building. She could hear the clanging of swords stop and heard " 15 minute break" being yelled across the grounds ,the sound of fleeting were quickly coming towards her ,she quickly held herself together ,and walked forward ,maxi ended up meeting with the nights 30 seconds after.

"good lord they move awfully fast" she said under her breath .

"Good afternoon my-lady" said Sir Hebaron who gave a quick bow as did other knights.She politely smiled back then said "good afternoon Sir Nirta   and to all of you as well,there is a basket waiting for everyone within the canteen I hope you enjoy and feel free to eat it all without a second thought" .

Hebaron could hear exactly what the lady was saying without her needing to actually say it ,she had obviously wanted to spite Riftan  and he of course was all in for it ,especially since The other knights,squires and himself  couldn't possibly get in trouble for it since it was an order from the Lady,Herself.

He mischievously smiled and winked letting her know he got the gist,she smiled back and left ,he noticed that the lady had looked a little paler than usual and hoped that she was not falling ill .

Quickly after that he followed the rest of the men and they all ate to their hearts content without a second thought just as she had said to do and of course you can't turn down orders from the lady ,he chuckled to himself .Knowing fully well that this was the commanders own doing for letting his temper, slip words off his tongue towards the lady.As the thought ended Nirta, quickly hoped they would make up for it because he was utterly exhausted from the training this week.

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