Part 8 morherly comforts

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Maxi smiled wide at ludis than her stomach ,hiding the anxieties back in her mind .

" I conducted a pregnancy test,two of them to be sure,and it was positive" she said quietly to make sure no one else could hear,
"Oh milady!I'm am so very happy for you"
She pulled maxi into a hug forgetting her position as The ladies maid ,Maxmillian held her tightly ,trying to hold back tears,but they fell down anyways despite her efforts.

The two stayed there for a moment not caring for their positions inside the house,Maxi thought of Ludis like the mother she had so loved,and this ,this was comforting.
"Oh dear milady, ! I'm so sorry! ,it's just emotions came over me ,and-and,I do not know what came over me ,is just I'm so happy for you miss!"Ludis exclaimed excitedly  "please excuse my actions,miss"
It is alright ludis I needed that reassurance"

maxi wore a look of worry over her face
"Is everything alright miss ?I can send for the Wizard" Luis started to turn around ,but maxi grabbed her hand "oh no I am fine really,I am ,it's just-"
"I am worried..." maxi felt a wave of guilt wash over her
"what for miss?" Ludis held tightly onto maxis hand leading her towards the cot,just as a mother would.

"you can tell me what is wrong miss"
"ludis-you can call me maximallian if you wish to ,we've known each other for s-so long after-all"

Ludis was shocked, most Ladies of aristocracy would never ask such a thing ,especially one with such heritage to the Roem empire , she was truly blessed to have such a lady to tend to.

"Alright then miss, I shall call You lady Maximilian from now on,but only when it is proper to" .
Ludis was beyond glad that the lathe Lady of Anatole entrusted her so much as to let her call her ,her own name,and tell her(ludis)  a measly ladies maid about her worries and secrets .

"Thank-you for understanding Ludis,-it's just I-i-i I don't know what to expect"
"Expect from what Lady Maximilian?"

"Well first of all ,I worry about how my husband would act ,he already fusses over me enough,I know he doesn't mean to be so suffocating tho,he means more than well.."
"I see"

"And,and what if ......what if I fail as a mother"

"My own mother didn't even live to see me live beyond the age of 5 ,everyone had thought I would surely be dead by then,.......what...what if I suffer the same fate as my mother ,I don't want to leave Riftan or  our child alone..."

The room was absolutely silent

," I know I am healthier and happier than my mother ever was during her married life" Tears formed inside her eyes

"It just ,it just worries me I don't want to leave Riftan alone ,not ever again ,especially with our child to raise alone".

Maxi choked back tears as she looked up towards Ludis's face ,her face reminded her of her mothers face,full of care
"I am sorry for letting my emotions spill..Ludis"

Without even thinking ludis pulled maxi into a deep embrace whispering reassurances into her ears ,the only one maxi could truly hear between her choked sobs ,was .

"It will all be ok Maximilian,you are loved and you are safe"

Maxi stopped crying after hearing those reassuring words .
"I think I'm okay now Ludis  ,I thank-you ,for everything you do"
Maxi wiped her eyes and smiled ,she truly felt better now that she had finally talked to someone about her worries of being a mother.
Maxi embraced her once again .

It was very rare that a lady of a land would become close friends with a maid,but maxi didn't really care not at the moment,Ludis was someone who was truly a good person.

After a few moments maxi and ludis released each other from the embrace .
"Have you told the lord about  this?" Ludis said,while starting to fix Maximilians hair,which had been messed up due to everything that had happened within  this short time of day.

Maxi looked down at her stomach which was growing into baby bump and smiled .
"No not yet,"
She looked at ludis and said "Can you please not disccuss this ,with anyone please ?"

Ludis offered her a smile "of course I wont  Lady Maximilian,but once you announce it ,no one will be able to stop talking about it"
Maxi softly let out a laugh as she spoke
"Thank you" 
"it is no problem milady ,I expect you will still be sleeping within the library tonight?" Ludis had finished Maxis hair that was now in a braid  that was swooped over her shoulders.
"no i believe i will be residing within my chambers tonight,it will be better for everyone" ",.....especially Ruth" she said sarcastically,tho it was true ,she took the wizards usual sleeping spot from him for the past week an a half .
They both chuckled merrily about how the wizard always seemed grumpy .

"I think I'll be heading to the infirmary to do some studying and perhaps some healing for the rest of the afternoon,I'm about 25 minutes late I believe"
" alright miss,I will see you later, I will keep my mouth shut about everything that has happened in here".

"Thankyou once again Ludis, you are truly so helpful and kind ."
They both showed a smile towards each other as maxi turned and left the library heading towards the infirmary were she would tell one other person  she could trust about the wonderful news.

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