Part 4 : Radish-bush brew

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When maxi awoke early in-the morning ,sun-light from the window across from her,glistening across her skin ,her eyes fluttered ,noticing it was still early she just laid there for a few moments more ,thinking about she looked a bit heavier ,than usual and that she had a growing bump on her stomach.

"Could I be pregnant?"
That would explain everything that had been happening these past few weeks ,her nausea,fatigue,sensitive to smells ,extra emotional,and her morning sickness ,which was quickly coming over her like a thunderous wave of water ,she ran to the bowl that had been placed by her bed side , and hurled .
After that was ....done with.. she sat up straight cleaned up the bowl,and drank a cup of water in one gulp , " I'll go get a cup of tea than head over to the infirmary ,to get tested to see if I really am....pregnant".

She quickly got dressed into a simple yet flattering green dress,for she knew this was Riftan's most preferred color that she wore.After that she tied her hair into a tight bun,then placed her shekel-necklace Riftan had given to her years before around her neck,of course she hid it under the top of her dress and placed it near her heart,no matter what fight they could get themselves into she would wear this necklace no matter what.

As she was preparing her 2nd cup of tea in the kitchen she ,turned and saw Ruth running towards her.
"Ruth?" She said calmly "milady!" " I think I may know the cause of your nausea !" "Follow me to the infirmary!"Ruth said ecstatically,Maxi then replied calmly "I was already heading there,i think I also know what is causing it but if you wish I will head there anyways" she stared up at Ruth ,and out of the corner of her eye ,she saw a large figure watching her solemnly,she knew that it was Riftan just by seeing his eyes,that were full of loneliness "perhaps he misses me" she gleefully thought to herself as she smoothed the wrinkles nervously from her dress .

"Oh ,you already know ? " he said quietly so the servants couldn't hear
She quickly turned her head back to Ruth and said "I think I do".

As they walked towards the infirmary,Ruth had said the commander looked very sollem and extremely lonely,and was being overall harsh with the knights in training .
" he made them run 20 extra laps around Anatoles walls this morning ,he was seemed rather sad  when he found he had not received a basket from you ,I think I saw a tear fall from his eye when he had quickly turned around".
Maxi replied worriedly "Oh ,we'll ,um I dont know what to say"

"I didn't mean to hurt his feelings" she said under her breath .

"I heard you say to the knights to "eat without a second thought" I see you are just as petty as your husband milady".

Maxi grew  flustered from embarrassment at Ruths unshameful attitude after that moment The rest of the walk towards the infirmary was silent .

Once they walked close the infirmary's doors ruth opened them for maxi "Here  milady"
As she walked in and Ruth followed behind her she saw that Cedric was inside working at the desk sorting medical herbs in jars . When Cedric had heard the sound of the door closing he turned around to see Maxi and ruth standing ,Lady Maximilian looked particulary nervous ,"hello My-lady,and Mage ruth"

"Hello Cedric how are you today ?"
"just as well as I can my lady ,what brings you here today,anything other than healing?"

"Oh u-um I'm also here for something else today if you don't mind,?"
"I don't mind at all what is it  Milady ?"
"I would like a jar  of,u-um"
She stared at the ground flustered and finally spit the words out
" I would like a jar  of Radish-bush herbs  for a,u-um"She was to flustered  to find the words ,so then Ruth  spoke  for her .

"He is-lucky he is my friend" she bitterly thought.

" The lady would like a jar  of Radish-bush herbs ,for a pregnancy test,she has been experiencing much nausea especially in the morning along with fatigue,so if you could be so kind Cedric" He said dryly with a plain expression worn across his face, tho he couldn't manage to hide the excitement in his eyes.

Maxi nodded at Cedric , " of course milady" he happily said while reaching for the jar .

" All you have to do is brew it as a tea ,but don't drink it,it can be highly toxic if consumed ,once it is brewed ,stir it with a cinnamon stick,than place a hair of yours,and the lords,once that is done ,you have to spit in it,than wait for it to change colors ,if it turns red,your are not with child,if it turns the color Lavender ,you will blessed with child" .
Cedric than gave the jar to Maxi ,she smiled as she thanked him "thankyou Cedric,can you please say nothing to my husband ?,I don't want him know yet especially if I am not with child".
"Of course milady I will not say a word".
She smiled back but then quickly towards Ruth
"You either Ruth I don't need riftan fussing over me as of right now".
"My lips are sealed miss." He said dryly with a smug look over his face ,tho he looked sarcastic maxi could tell he was being honest,
"All right ,good day I shall be down within the hour to tend to my duties here Cedric will you be okay until then ?"
"Yes,see you soon milady,I'm sure mage Ruth can help me until then" ,Cedric took great joy in teaching Ruth,the sarcastic ,new tactics of herbal uses.
"Yes I will help Cedric good day milady" .
"Good day" she smiled then turned quickly out of the door ,and ran through the training grounds swiftly  as her hair started to loosen from its tight bun,
She ran as fast and as quietly as she could trying to make sure ,no-one had noticed her especially her husband Riftan.

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