Part 18 :Breakfast

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As the Couple happily walked into the dining room,the knights were already there Talking about last nights occurrences ,some talked about the" Red Lady"and her "badassery".

Maxi was heavily confused about why they had been talking about her,Maxi had thought they were to far away to see anything that she had done,As she walked closer towards the head of the table Riftan  eyed her carefully as he pulled out the seat before her,she sat down ,looking around ,and then to her stomach,which Riftan had laid  his hand upon ,staring at it softly,with a small grin painted across his beautifully chiseled face.

"Here are your meals My lord ,and Mylady" a servant had said kindly as she laid out a two large plates of Scrambled eggs, Seasoned sausage ,and fried potatoes ,a very delicious meal indeed.

Maxi ,was happy that this meal was not one that would make her gag at the thought of its smell,she carefully picked up her utensil and cut the sausage,As she lifted the fork towards her mouth when she could see Riftan out of the corner of her eye staring at her contently .

She couldn't help but smile at him as she ate her food,He started to eat his as well
When Sir Gabel mentioned Yulyseon and Garrow killing off two wyverns by themselves,"Oh but Sir Gable ! It wasn't all us!,I have to say I am a little bit embarrassed,but if it weren't for the Lady,we surely wouldn't have been able to kill the two off,She is not a force to be reckoned with" gabel said shyly as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Oh yes! She surely isn't!" Yulyseon chimed in
Maxi turned as red as a beet when the two started talking about what she had done ,She could sense riftans nerves growing tense,and laid her hand upon his wrist.

"As we had finished defeating the first wyvern ,Out of the corner of my eye I could see things moving upwards from the ground, And I know they lady is certainly very well accomplished in the area of magic,but I never expected her to do something as this!" Garrow Had said said as he lifted his fork towards his mouth as to take a bite of the sausage .

Maxi shyly spoke up "oh it wasn't much,really"
She said while trying to not sound so embarrassed of her actions.

"Maybe for you milady,but I had never imagined ,a Sword being created by the minerals of the earth in minor seconds ,truly amazing!" Yulyseon said.

Riftans left eye twitched anxiously,as they told the stories of last nights events,barely eating his food ,maxi held on to his hand tighter,trying to soothe his worries,especially now that he knew she was with child ,he would be fussing over every little thing that happened.

Once they had finished they're meals,maxi heard someone saying something "I saw someone jump from the window ,yesterday I wonder whom it was ,since it has not been mentioned upon "

Maxis faced turned a bright red,but she that quickly went away as ruffian and herself walked along the castles halls,in silence.

Maximillian was glad,more than glad ,she was Utterly content .She and riftan didn't need to fill their relationship with pointless small talk ,but instead could bask in each others presence ,comforted by their comforting auras.

As they walked up the stairs ,maxi leaned her head against Riftan side,for a moment he was tense,surprised ,but he looked down at the most beautifully enchanting thing he had ever laid his eyes on.

"Do-do you know how far you are maxi ?"
He said ,waiting for her reply,as they came closer towards their bedroom chambers .

"Well,Riftan,I should be entering the first half of my second trimester"
She said as she looked down towards her stomach thoughtfully which seemed to have grown noticeably overnight .

"and that means?"
"it means I have probanky just a few more months before it is here" she said smiling softly as she gazed into his deep ebony eyes,which seemed to held something deep within them.

"We should have a picnic today,"
She suggested as they entered their bedroom ,

He agreed "We should" Riftan said ,as he sat down onto the carpet near the fireplace,gesturing for her to come rest next to him.
Then they said "Then we shall" in unison as they sat in front  of the dancing flames,bathing in the light of the early morning sun.

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