Part 16 :Rest and Remembrance

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Once they had reached their untouched bed  chambers ,Riftan called for a bath .

The maids quickly brought it in,filling the tub with steaming water,and soaps .
Once the maids had left,the started to undress,maxi couldn't help but blush,at his carefully crafted torso,which shone like copper in the dim light from candles.

He looked at her ,with a mischievous smiles once he had noticed her staring,she covered her face,and ran towards the tub,dipping her sore body into the relaxing heat,Riftan quickly followed her in.

"Let me wash your hair maxi" he said with calm voice of longingness ,she scootedb herself over towards him ,allowing him to brush through her hair,oh how she had missed him.

She looked down at her stomach and smiled softly,letting out a small thankyou to god for not only protecting her child,but the other children as well.

"What are you staring at maxi ?,is something wrong ?" He stopped brushing his fingers through her hair,and looked at her waiting for an answer
"Nothing is wrong Riftan ,it's j-just,I...I missed you a lot over this past week and half "she replied,fixing her gaze back onto her stomach,
"I missed you to darling " he said in a seductive voice,he couldnt see her face directly,but could tell she was blushing wildly,just by the sight of her small little ears.
He let out soft chuckle.

"what are you laughing at Riftan?"
He turned her body towards himself easily,looking into her deep crystal eyes, and kissed her.The two stayed like that for a moment ,until they needed to come back for air.
Maxi yawned ,with her arms stretching over het head,"Riftan,I'm tired,can we sleep now?"

"I think that would be quite nice actually".

Once they had dried off and settled into bed,maxi kissed Riftans forehead lightly,smiling softly at him.

"now what was that for?"he said playfully
"nothing,i am just ...perfectly happy as of right now ,"she said as she held her stomach.

"Tell me why your so happy my love,"he said as he moved the hair from her face lovingly .
She held her hands around his,and placed them over her stomach,"this is why i am so happy ,Riftan"she smiled,as he had given her a confused glance ,she stared at him happily before saying.

"because I get to carry Our children"

His faced was filling with tears ,"maxi?d-does this mean?"

She calmly said "yes"
He pulled her closer towards him kissing her,and her belly ,rubbing it softly.

"This is why I had been running from you earlier today,for i had to conduct the pregnancy test ,Riftan?"

"I hope she looks like you"he whispered into her ear contently
"well I hope he looked like you"she replied back,slipping into slumber as he rubbed her stomach ever so gently .
"Well I hope,she collects pebbles,and trinkets"
He replied
Maxi yawned once more being coveted in a blanket of exhaustion "i-i-i hope he collects,colorful leaves and festers for one to find within their garden"

"I hope she leaves flower crowns ,for whomever may come across it"he said staring upon her closing eyes
"I hope he saves copper,and turns it into little crowns" she said as she half him
And then in almost perfect unison they said
"I hope they are kind"
"I hope they are strong ,and stubbornly petty"
"I hope they are just like you"

"But however they are,we shall love them till eternity falters"

Before they had fallen asleep,Riftan had quietly  mentioned
"This Is my most favorite gift from you maxi,for it came silently and unexpectedly,it
Was a silent surprise I'd you will"they both laughed at his comment,until they were to exhausted to do anything more.

They drifted off to sleep slowly,embracing each other,dreaming of their child ,whom they would love no matter what ,as they had loved eachother .

A silent surprise (Under the oak tree fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now