Part 14 :Leaping from thought to thought

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Once Riftan had reached the training grounds,he let out a deep sigh.

Maximilian had been shunning him with absolute silence for nearly two weeks now.

11 days had passed without a single word between the two.She had shown a side of herself ,that he had rarely seen with their 3 official years of marriage together,pettiness .

First she had worn,her hair tight into a braided crimson bun ,to top that off ,she had worn a dress colored in green each and every single day,"oh maxi,how you kill me" he had muttered to himself every single time he had seen her.

lastly ,tho most upright pettiness she had shown,was when she had brought the knights A pastrie basket,which she would do about once a week,usually bringing him one as well,with a speical note, or something extra to get him through the day.He looked forward to the basket each week,never knowing when it would be dropped off.

This week however no special pastry basket had been dropped off for him,not even a note.

He had almost let out a tear that day,but Ruth had been watching ,waiting for a reaction,so he quickly turned around to wipe his eye,maxi was the only one within the realms that could ever  make him cry.

Suddenly he saw something flicker into his eye,he saw Maximilian running,with something peculiar between her arms,
A jar,of herbs perhaps.
Her face was a pale flush,he bangs danced around her face like flames of a fire as she swiftly ran towards the castle,probably trying to avoid conversation,
"Not today maxi,today we're going to talk wether you like it or not" he muttered under his breath.

"NIRTA! Take over the training!"he shouted as he quickly walked away chasing swiftly after his wife,whom seemed to be in a great hurry.

"YES CAPTAIN!" Hebaron yelled after Riftan with a hand cupped over his mouth so the captain could hear him.
Riftan didn't even bother to correct him,He knew Uslin would.

He ran swiftly,her firey red hair ,had been loosened from its tight up-do and bits of it fell out of the braid as she had ran quickly,.

Just a Riftan was about to reach her,she ducked into the castles doors ,just through the garden,She probably hadn't even noticed him for even tho he had large armory on ,he was so swift and agile ,no one could ever notice him.

He then swiftly opened the garden doors ,letting him into the hall,he traveled up the staircase briskly for it was the only way up,towards the kitchen were she would most likely take rest in.or the library to study her herbs in perhaps.

He looked around trying to see we're she might've gone ,when suddenly the kitchen door quickly opened with a wave of red hair flowing out from the side, she ran the opposite way,unaware her husband was right behind her,reaching for her small,hand.
At the sound of his voice,she stopped quickly,almost like a stunned rabbit.

As he grabbed ahold of her hand ,he moved her small figure to face himself.,her face was flushed,and she was breathing quickly,looking rather pale.
"Maxi?"he said concerningly
She tried to squirm out of his grasp but he held on tight.
"Maxi are you okay?I am truly very sorry for my words,it's I-just-I-"he tried to find the words ,but he simply couldn't spit them out .

"I know Riftan I am sorry t-to,can we talk later ?" She looked up towards him,then towards the large open window,that was only a few feet away from them.

He looked at her with a confused face,when suddenly she kissed him,This was unlike her,especially when outside their Bedroom chambers.
He stood there stunned,when she suddenly squirmed out of his grasp,he quickly turned his head toward her,trying to once again grab her her hand, but failed as she leapt from his grasp ,and grabbed hold of the window pane.

"U-um ,I am sorry Riftan !!! But I simply cannot postpone this task,it is Very important" she had said other things,but he couldn't hear them for He had felt his soul ,his entire being,feel paralyzed ,as she had given him a reassuring glance ,and mischievous smile ,blowing a kiss towards him .
As she had jumped from the window pane.

His thoughts ended,sounds silenced,as he ran towards the window almost leaping out of it himself,when he saw a burst of light below him, it was maxi,who then started levitating her-self towards him,her now entirely loosened hair fluttered around her,like a phoenix's flame,
She smiled,and said a few things more,probably trying to reassure him,but he couldn't hear anything as he said.
"You could've paralyzed my soul Maximillian ."

She looked at him thoughtfully and carefully with her large crystal eyes, as she replied with something he couldn't hear.
She then smiled,and started levitating down towards the ground .

(Hours later)

Riftan had received news of a werewolf pack spotted by Farming,and cattle lands,just outside the walls, and the possibility of wyverns as well.

He quickly gathered the Remdragon knights as he ordered Hebaron ,Yulyseon,And Garrow to keep Maxi safe,no matter what.They nodded in unison ,as they headed towards the infirmary where she could be found .

He shouted a few more orders towards the Rem-dragon knights,and then they hauled off towards the sight.They all hoped and prayed this would be the last one of the late spring ,for werwolves and wyverns hated The heat,so they would hibernate during the summer all the way through fall,until it was cold enough once again .

They reached the sight,there were more werewolves than expected,nearly 50 ," How could this be ?!" Gable ahoitwd from behind Riftan "we have slaughtered so many this pass winter and spring ,but they seem to never diminish in numbers!" Gable replied once more.
As they charged through the wood,instantly killing the werewolves that had pounced at them,within an hour they had all been slaughtered ,the knights rejoiced ,cheerful that the werwolves hadn't been able to kill any feed,or people ,when suddenly they heard the flapping of wings.

It was a fleet of about 22 wyverns .

Theyre teeth were barred,drooling with saliva,they're stench filled the air with gloom.

Riftan looked up without hesitation and charged with his sword swung high,ready to finish them all off,the remdragon knights followed behind him,Roaring shouts towards the hideous monsters,with their swords raised and ready for action.

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