Part 3 : thoughts of curiosity

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After walking back into the kitchen ,she picked up the cup of tea that had been brewed for her and sat down at a small circlier table ,she drank the tea slowly ,feeling her nausea slip away ,she took a deep breath and sighed (maxis thoughts)

"I wonder if I could....possibly be.....oh no that couldn't be happening ...or could it?"

After clearing her thoughts and finishing another cup of tea ,which then continued to three more .,Maxi started to clean up her sitting spot when she noticed Ruth had walked in with Roy trailing behind him mischievously. "My-lady,if you could be so kind to follow me to the library,I have something to show you......" ,Ruth sounded more grumpy than usual .

Maxmillian nodded and quickly picked up her cup and set it down along the counter.

She then scrambled towards Roy,picking him up " did you learn nothing with Miriam ?! Oh Roy your going to get yourself into trouble one of these days" she sighed and begrudgingly followed Ruth towards the library .

Every step of the way was silent,except maxi was struggling to catch her breath after walking up the stairs even tho she did it daily ,it only seemed to become more difficult by the day to do any of her basic tasks ,even as much as walking up stairs .
Ruth glanced at her a few times along the way wondering why she was so out of breath.

Once they reached the library He than opened the door noticeably rolling his eyes towards Roy ,which then turned into a glare ,which he un-shamefully did so as usual .

Maximilian than stepped into the library noticing ,the blankets had been spread out ,dirt was everywhere ,and her notes were scattered along the floor .
"Oh roy" she held a deep breath another wave of nausea hit her ,and she felt dizzy.Ruth had continued to glare at Roy but than he noticed maxi,her complexion was more pale than it usually would have been ."Lady Maximilian are you okay?" "You seem a little pale today" He stared at her looking for any signs of lying as she spoke " Oh no I am p-perfectly fine Ruth just a bit more t-tired than usual.....and now that I have to clean this u-up.."
she's lying,Over the past years he and maxi had become close friends neither of which had never really had experience with friends for obvious reasons ,so of course he can tell if she's lying or not , "but not as well as the lord tho" Ruth thought .Ruth then said "go sit down Milady , I know you don't feel well ,I will call for a servant to fix this mess up".
She stood there for a moment to see if he was joking or not ,he liked to be more sarcastic than he had to be .
"Oh All right but ,only to tidy up it doesn't need to spotless" .
"As you wish milady now go sit down I'll order you a cup of herbal tea" he said solemnly
"I've already had 4 cups of it" she said ,
"Oh,then I'll gather you some medicine from the infirmary ,and send a maid to bring it to you,now go sit down and rest  "he said the last part of his sentence firmly, as he made his way out of the library ,maxi said " please d-do not tell Riftan about this ,I don't want to worry him especially with us not t-talking these last few days".
"Of course milady" he showed a genuine smile then turned around as the door closed behind him .

Maxi sighed as he left her nausea had been continuously stopping her from doing normal tasks during the last few months  . Especially her morning tasks ,but she didn't dare tell Riftan he had been especially stressed within the last few weeks and she didn't need him fussing over her health .Within the last week it had progressively gotten worse hitting her with sudden cravings ,and her sense of smell being sensitive .

She sat down on the cot and removed her hair from its tight bun ,Now with Roy,Lola and Ron all nestled around her .
    Once she was situated she started reading a book that looked familiar,it's was a book she had read as a child when she had still resided within croix castle ,she shuddered thinking of awful memories,but once she opened to the first page they stopped,as she was pulled into the world of fond memories. It was a book her mother had read to her as a little child .

She sat there staring at the painting of the three Fairie children Ron,Lola ,and Roy who she had named her cats after ,not quite paying attention to her surroundings she zoned out.That was until she heard some call for her , "milady ?" "Are you alright ?" It was ludis,she was carrying in her supper and a vial of something " oh yes um,-what do you there ?" Maxi said while unknowingly twisting her now loosened hair through her fingers.
"Oh here is your supper miss ,a bowl of light broth and barley bread,the wizard had said that you weren't feeling-well ,and suggested  a light dinner for the Lady ,along with taking a single "swig" of medicine before you fall asleep,he said he apologizes for not being able to give it to you personally but he got caught up with instructions from the Lord ". Ludis looked upon maxi with a concerned look awaiting for an answer.

"Oh alright thankyou ludis ,I am very thankful for you taking this extra step to help me" she said with a light smile and the fire light caressing her small stature ,as well as making her hair glow brighter than the fire light itself , " it is no problem miss I take great joy in helping the Lady,especially when it concerns your health miss. and you are so very kind," as Ludis what saying her words she sat down the tray along the end of the cot the soup still steaming of fragrances she started picking up the messes Roy had made ,once she finished cleaning,she then wished Maxmillain a good night and a "to feel better soon". Maxi offered in return of a " goodnight ludis please make sure to sleep well along with everyone else as well,I am sorry for my cat " Maxi said while caressing her cats back,Ludis smiled at them both "it is no problem milady "she said,then lightly bowed before she exited out of the room ,and quietly closed the large wooden door behind her.

After eating only a quarter of her meal,which she usually would have loved ,but now it made her feel nauseous just by the smell. Before she retired for the night she took a "swig" of the medicine just as Ruth said to .

Maxi layed on the cot for hours listening to the fire and thinking of her mother ,whom had never got to see her grow into the lady she was now.
She later fell asleep after putting new pieces of fire wood on the furnace .

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