Part 21: along the hillside

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Once the couple had left the safe walls surrounding Anatoles town and port, the couple made their way to the hillside were they had gone years before.

Maxi held her lunch basket as she made her way down the familiar trail, while Riftan carried everything else since he insisted, he almost hadn't let her carry the basket but then again she's as stubborn as he is.

they made their way to one of the old oak trees along the hillside, the view stretched as far as the eye could see with Anatolian port not so far below them, but they were well out of sight .
Riftan once again insisted that he set everything up, he fumbled a bit trying to make everything perfect as per usual but that made her face soften more than it already was, because she knew he would take care of her and their unborn child .

That afternoon they talked, talked of everything, names they would call there child.

"I want you to name our child it would be most special to me" Riftan held a puppy's face within his eyes as he held maxis small, but very worked through hand to his lips, truly he wanted her to name their child, but she being as stubborn as ever insisted he came up with a name .

"Fine I'll make a compromise, I will name the child if it happens to be a boy" maxi said as she held her ever growing stomach, tho it might just be from the food she had chowed down .
"And if it's a girl?" He asked raising an eyebrow
"Than you'll name her, quite simple and easy like how I like it" she smiled, they both liked the simple life and
Knew that when the time would come for their child to enter the world they would be loved by not only them, but also the knights, staff, the people of Anatole, and even Ruth serbel the cranky wizard who was indeed a very good friend.

    The end 💞 and thankyou everyone for reading this 💞

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