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School ended quiet early, since the whole thing started the school closed much more early than usual. Jenny wasn't ready to go home and argue with Bethany, so she phoned her and told her she was going to Luna's.
Luna Cabanero was that kind of crazy, dark, sorta demonic person. Her personality was so sorta cool, compare to Jenny's . Jenny was a more quiet and more focused on her studies than Luna.
"Dude,  your silly plans can't work. Girl, you have some wild imaginations going up there" Luna said while indicating her head
"Luna, do you think am making some silly imaginations here, look this is like the earth is crushing, so we have to do something about it!"
"Okay, if we go into war with those crazy metal bots, now tell me who will help us. Your crazy aunty doesn't wanna leave this freaked up SciFi derailed town and more of less my parents are nitwits not willing to help. Who will help us. We're virtually alone girl, we should just brace ourselves for a pure death" Luna said then chuckled " you get it 'pure death'!"
"Luna!!!!! This is no time to make jokes am for real! And I think I have someone who is willing to help us" Jenny said while smirking
"Your cousin, Wednesday. She's gonna be a whole lot of help. And maybe I can call up my friends in the school probably they'll help us"
"Girl, you're going nuts slowly, tell me something, Wednesday is a freak, a pure demonic freak. She is crazy, she'll kill us imagine, her pulling our damn guts out. Jenny, am not ready to die!"
"You just talked about 'pure death' , Wednesday is the best match  and with my friends am sure, we're gonna conquer those scallywags"
"Okay, let me accept that Wednesday will help us. Do you have any friends, girl, am your only damn fucking friend"
"But, I do have friends!" Jenny argued, well knowing that she didn't have any
"Okay, can you name some?" Luna faltered
"Ermmm...... Okay, you got me, I have no friends, but we can try"

Luna finally accepted to call Wednesday. Jenny was happy and was sure that everything will go as planned.
Bethany picked Jenny up and on their drive home they talked a little
"So how was school today?"
"Good, just for the fact that the school will go on an indefinite closure" Jenny exhaled "Bethany, can't you see everyone's trynna hideaway from these devilish bots, yet, you want to go on researching  only God knows, Berston is hunted by evil robotic engines and what you only care about is to fill your oversized pockets with more money"
"So... How was Luna's? Hope you had fun?" Bethany, yet again didn't mention a word about what Jemmy said
"Bethany! With all I've said the least you could do was to give me an honest reply, but no you bullshitted it. Bethany!"
"Hey, Jen, what do you want me to say huhn? 'Let's go home and pack our stuff, we're leaving tomorrow!' Is that what you want me to say!"

Yeah! Maybe
Jenny said inwardly
"Look girl, no matter where we go they'll hunt us down, trust me. These bots aren't just aiming for Berston, they're aiming for the entire world. So that's why we have to face them" Bethany said "now can we just go home and have a nice relaxing evening, with no quarrels?" She continued " please, am also human, am scared, really! But, the fact is they'll  hunt us any where we go"
Jenny just nodded

Should I tell her what I and Luna are planning, or is she just doing this to make to belief  and dance to her tunes. No tell her, yes tell her. Okay, I'll think about it. She can't be trusted.

Well, for some few days Bethany and Jenny didn't aruge, the house was mostly quite, and Jenny didn't like it. She had to move quick, her pace needed to be faster than her aunt's cause she didn't know what she was planning.

She phoned Luna to talk to her about their plans
"Yeah, girl, I talked to Wednesday and she's coming next week Saturday around four. But when I told her she was like ' Luna I'll come only for  the sake of those monsters' and she laughed"
"That was sorta creepy huhn?"
"Jen, we're placing ourselves in great danger by teaming up with my crazy cousin" Luna panicked
"Hey, girl! Who used to be the badass around, who used to  bully the bullies in school? Calm down"
Luna took deep breathes then said
"Alright. How far with your so called 'friends' you're gathering up"
"I've talked to few, but they refused. I think we need some enticing, that will lure them to us"
"Like what?"
"Money! Money is enticing, nobody can refuse" Jenny smirked at the other line
"So where do we get it? We aren't rich enough, do we rob a bank, a jewellery store or something?" Luna said, while giggling
"There will be no money. We'll just lure them in our coven and at the end, just imagine if, we win the battle. There will be no money, but we'll be popular, the government will know us. We will be popular and famous, that is much better!"
"Okay, with all your listed plans, do you have a headstart?"
"Yes, creating the damn group"

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