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Investigations were ongoing about the unknown man. This mission brought Jenny and Bethany closer than ever, they eat breakfast like a normal family.

Today was Jenny's mum's birthday and deathday, so Jenny and Bethany brought flowers to her at the cemetery.

"Mum, today makes it the third year you've passed away. It hasn't been easy, really!
Am missing you day by day, and I need the love of a mother, though am not saying that Bethany isn't doing a good job, but your love is different. I didn't know my father, but you filled the  hole in my heart, with all your love and affection. Nobody will ever be able to take you or your love from my heart. Mum!" Jenny said in between sobs.

"You know I don't even know what to say, sis. All I want you to know is that I'll take care to Jenny with all my heart, might and soul, this I promise. Sis, your girl is all grown up now. She's even leading a group. Just pray that it works and we come back alive" Bethany said in a hysterical manner "don't worry, I'll take of Jenny for you"

They dropped the flowers and said their goodbyes.

While, jenny and Bethany were about to enter the car, they noticed the same man, with a hoodie walking into the cemetery, Jenny alerted Bethany and they both followed the man back into the cemetery, unaware.

The man stopped at a tombstone that wrote:

Jeremiah Deslgord , 1950-2023. A loving father, brother and philanthropist, you'll forever be in our hearts

Jenny's  mouth went wide open when she read this. She and Bethany hid behind a big tree and watched the man from afar.

"I promise to complete what you left started, I'll make sure that your mission doesn't go to waste and I promise" was all Bethany and could hear the man say

This might be Max Deslgord and this dead man might be his father. How cruel?
So his father was also involved in this crazy and evil plan. What a match

Jenny thought

"Let's go, let's go" Bethany muttered silently to Jenny .

They left the cemetery unnoticed.


"Are you for real? I thought the dude was dead!" Cata said

Bethany and Jenny called for an emergency meeting that very day.
They explained what happened.

"That was also what I thought!? Can you imagine that it was his dad's plan to create those bots

"Am not surprised, but the thing is why?... I want to know why?" Madison muttered

"That is something we'll are asking!" Jordan added

"What amazes me about this discovery is that Max dude, you know we all thought he was dead" Wednesday said

"Seriously" Luna said

"Well... The most important thing now is to go back to the DES headquarters and find out more!" Jenny said

"Yeah" they all chorused

At Luna's home, during breakfast. Her family talk about the bots and what they've done to the town.

"....... And yesterday, they attacked Mr Patrick at his shop. Many customers were killed, even Mrs George, our neighbour was killed. And it seems like the cops aren't doing anything concerning this case, it just keeps increasing day by day. Am very afraid, but I don't want to leave this town cause of Grams, she can't travel" Luna's mum, Linda said at the dining table

"I don't even know what to do, only God knows whose gonna be next" Luna's elder brother Daniel muttered

Luna didn't like talking about this kind of stuff at the table.

This town, those bots and us. We can't defeat them all. They will kill us all. It's about time we did something about them. We can't keep quiet all the time, and let them kill us all..........

Luna's thoughts were interrupted, by the vibration of her phone in her pocket.

"..... Yeah, sure. I'll be there" she said and hanged up "Mum, am going to Jenny's" she continued

"What's happening Lun!? You always go to Jenny's and come back late at night. We don't even have time for ourselves as a family. Besides, those damn robots are out there and all you do is to go to Jenny's, 24/7" Linda huffed " am fed up. If your dad were here, am sure you won't be doing all this!"

"But mum, what do you want me to do? Stay at home always, doing nothing. And don't bring up dad, you're the main reason dad left us, you're the main reason your marriage failed, so don't bring up dad" Luna shouted

Linda and Daniel grasped in shock.

"Luna, what is wrong with you? Can you hear  yourself. Dad left us because he choose to, not because of mum!" Daniel said as he held his mother, who was about to fall on her feet

"Am going to Jenny's and that's final. Excuse me" Luna said and left.

Linda didn't know what to say, she just looked at her son pitifully and broke into tears. Daniel held his mother tight and hugged her. He helped her sit down on the couch.

"Please mum, don't think about it. She's just being dramatic because of the bots" Daniel said in order to ease his mum

"Danny...... She is right, your dad left because of me. Am not a good mother, neither am I a good wife. Am so sorry I failed you" she said with tears rushing down her cheeks like a heavy rainstorm.

Meanwhile, Luna is thinking about what she said to her mum, while driving.

......Mum made dad leave, am sure about it.

After taking deep breathes, she turns up the radio and the reporters were talking about something concerning the bots. Cam, did you hear about the latest happening at the Montero Jewellery store.

Yes Dave, I heard about it and it's sad, actually guys it's happening live at the Montero Jewellery store.

Cam, the bots are really causing destruction to the store. I mean, the security is tight enough, yet still they came in.

Ah Dave, this is saddd..........

Luna raised an eyebrow and said

"Oh No! Oh Gosh.... I've gotta call Jenny now"

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