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The girls were invited, well, not all of them. Bethany was left out. They said she might make things weird since she's an adult.

Madison and Jenny brought a stack of bags of chips, and Wednesday brought gallons and gallons of Mountain Dew, Coca Cola, Fanta and Pepsi.

While, Luna and Cata made few snacks.

"OMG! Oh my God! Your home is — ," Madison shrilled in excitement

"Fancy" Catalina winked

"Yep.. Am so jealous and speechless"

Jenny and Luna exchanged glances and said "Rich kids"
Catalina rolled her eyes and smirked.

"..... Maybe"

"So.. What are we watching?" Wednesday asked

"Maybe, I don't know....Sonic The Hedgehog 2 or Mulan or......" Madison suggested

"Am not good at movies... So I don't know much movies" Jenny faltered

"Maybe all the episodes of Tulsa King... The series  that Sylvester Stallone was in?" Luna suggested

"Nah... Maybe Jiu Jitsu, you know what, I'll go with Tulsa King, I've never watched it, and I guess it cool, since it's new?" Catalina said

"Noooo.... How about we watch Quantumania and maybe 65?" Wednesday added

"Yeah, we'll watch all those, but lemme get all the inflatable beds and comforters I can get, meanwhile I'll connect the TV to my Netflix so we can watch all the movies huhn?" Cata said


Catalina brought three Inflatable Beds and comforters. The girls watched few movies and Tulsa King,  all the episodes, they painted nails and talked about boys all night long.
They eat and drank like fishes.
But Catalina was happy and all cheerful.

The watched movies till around two in the morning, when Mr Montero came to tell them to go to bed.

By morning they all had large eye bags and headaches.

Jenny cooed "since when did you and Lun start acting all friendly and cool?"

Catalina exchanged glances with Luna

"I guess since when she helped me and don't ask how.. Okay?"

Luna smiled. Mr Montero was very happy that his daughter was feeling much better. He thanked the girls profusely.


Weeks and weeks pasted after the event. And surprisingly, the robots hadn't attacked anybody this  past few weeks. It seemed like the were all cleared out.

The schools opened, with tough security in every corners. The cops finally grew some balls.

Jenny was happy being in  her normal environment again, so was the gang. They ate launch together, had few classes together and interacted much.

Still, no news about the bots. It seemed they were wiped off the face of the universe. Jenny found it quite strange and they decided to meet one day at Wednesday's.

Wednesday's home was nothing like Cata's. Her house was downtown. In an environment were stray dogs ran freely, dropouts smoking like they don't care and strange people walking around and dressing all weird.

"...... I was also thinking the same thing, why did they just hide like that"Jordan said

" I know right "Wednesday added

"They must be planning something big. And it might hit Berston hard!" Jenny said

"We don't even have a head start or something" Catalina faltered

They kept deliberating and wondering, what can they do.

They sat down on Wednesday's rusty couch. They binged on watching few movies and drinking sodas.


The next day, after school. Jenny and Jordan were in the subway going back home, working on their Calculus homework, when a man, around in his early forties sat right besides them.

It was weird, but they made enough space for the man to sit.

He looked at them and began to speak

"So you're the infamous Jenny Lumberton and Jordan White? Nice to meet you kids"

"How do you know us?" Jenny muttered, looking around her suspecting everyone's movement.

"Am Max Deslgord, the inventor and owner of the DES company" the man said, crossing his legs.

"What?!" The kids both chorused, they said it a little loud and it received annoyed glances from the people near them.

"Yes" he nodded "nice to meet you kids" he repeated

"What do you want? Are you here to kill us, just like you did to those innocent people?" Jordan asked while raising an eyebrow

"No, no, not all. Am here to help"

This time they both raised their eyebrow.

"How?" Jenny asked while crossing her arms around her chest.

"Well... It's about it bots, but of course we can't talk here. Can we talk somewhere more secluded?" Max suggested.Jenny and Jordan exchanges glances "the park maybe?"

"How do you expect us to just go with you. Just like that?" Jordan said

"Trust me, we're both on the same page" Max Deslgord said.

"How about the park?" Jenny said

"No, not the park. We could go to my house, my mum went to work and would back  until late" Jordan suggested

"You sure?" Jenny asked facing him. He nodded.
Jenny and Jordan kept  stealing looks from Max, until the journey was over.

They walked to Jordan's house and talked over the kitchen island.

"Talk?" Jenny said, rather more demanding.

"So as you now know , am Max. And am sure you guys must be thinking am a bad guy or sorta, but am not. Yes, am the owner of the DES group of companies, but my brother is the major shareholder in the company. Actually my twin brother" Jenny grasped in shock and  Jordan looked unshaken. He continued "My twin brother Mark is actually the evil one here. My father, Jeremiah wanted to create robots that could help everyone with their chores and other stuff. But when my father died, Mark thought otherwise and decided to make the robots much advanced and deadlier, so he could take down the world. They need Natonium, but Natonium is really rare, so it can't be found easily, so my brother turned to chaos"

"How do you expect us to believe you?" Jordan asked

"Because am here, and am helping. Give me a trial and I won't you guys down"

"Then why didn't you try to stop him. Why are you telling us, aren't you his brother?"Jenny said still suspecting the man.

"My brother is quite optimistic and he won't just lay low because I told him so"Max said

"So what you trynna tell us is that, you're the good guy?" Jenny said


"So how did you find out about us?" Jordan asked

"Pretty easy. You," he said looking at Jenny with keen eyes "and a Blondie came to the DES headquarters, then I saw you guys in the van. Then I checked up your database and followed your every move"

"Oh..." Jenny said "guess we'll give you a trial? Lemme call my aunt and Luna"

"Your aunt? Bethany?" Max said

"Huhn yeah? And hey stop doing that, it's creepy!" Jenny faltered

"Doing what?" Max smirked

"You know what you're doing!"

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