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    The next day, Catalina and Jenny came to comfort Luna. They had breakfast together, subsequently, lunch. When the family, Jenny and Catalina were about to eat their lunch, the door bell rang.

"I'll get it" Danny announced. His mother nodded in approval, and they continued  eating, while Danny went to open the door "Hey!" He said grinning.

"Hey? Am here for the girls" Madison says

"Oh yeah, come in" he says, making way for her to enter the house. Madison walks in and greets the girls.

"Hey lovelies" she said, hugging them respectively. She sits on an empty sit right next to Catalina, opposite Danny.

"Why don't you join us? Have some cupcakes" Linda offers pushing them towards Madison "They're freshly baked, from the oven"

"Oh. Thank you ma'am, but am okay for now" Madison says

"Nope, you've gotta eat them now, remember that they are much sweeter and moist, if you eat them hot" Mrs Cabanero insisted

Madison sighs "Okay, I'll have one" picking one and taking a huge bite out of the cupcake "Uhm... Uhm.. Uhn, this is so freaking good. I'll be taking more than one for sure"

Linda smiles and continues with her meal, while the girls have a little chitchat on what Madison missed the day after.

"Wow. OMG. You mean, you guys went to a Chanel designer shopping mall? That's so freaking cool" Madison shrills in excitement as the girls, tell her about their shopping.

"Yeah and we even bought a designer dress made by Panama. And  guess what? It's my dress and it's in my room, I'll show you when am done here" Luna explained, casually drinking a cup of rhubarb juice.

"Panama? Don't fuck with me here, and you guys didn't bother calling me, I thought we were a team. A something!" Madison says

"A team?" Danny asks with curved  eyebrows, which all calls the attention of Linda to the talk.

"What team?" Linda asked

"Erm.... Uhm..... It's a long story mum, but promise me when I tell you, you won't freak out?" Luna says. Linda nodded in all seriousness. Jenny, Madison and Catalina exchanged glances and excused themselves to go to Luna's room, to give the family some privacy.

Danny surely knew something was up "what's the problem?"

"Erm.... But please do not freak out when I tell you?" Luna quivers

"Lulu, do you see any of us freaking out? Just say what you've gotta say" Linda says softly.

"Right"Luna sighs, takes deep breathes and explains the whole entire thing to them.

"Wh-wh-what? Now apart from you being friends with those kids, you're also trynna be Batwoman? What the fuck's gotten into your head, huh?" Danny panics.

"Geez... Calm down a Danny, am just trynna help" Luna shouts back.

"Help? Come on! That's ridiculous. In a few years, this is the most bravest I've ever heard you say, and it's crazy.. All crazy!"

"Ah"Luna facepalm-ed her self " What the heck is wrong with you? Why the criticism? You're supposed to support me, not criticize me. For Pete's sake, you're my senior brother, atleast show some support and love"

"Yeah right, am your Senior brother and that's why am trying to protect you. Am protecting you, not criticizing you"

"Really? Well... That's what I don't see here— "

"Hey? Hey? Kids! Why are you bickering over this trivial matter, huh?" Linda who has been quite finally says

"What? Mum!  Trivial matter?"Danny shrieks in disbelieve.

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