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The girls arrive at the shopping mall.

A Chanel shopping mall.

Luna and Jenny literally shouted their lungs out. They've never been in an expensive designer shopping mall, but today they felt like royalty.

Jenny kept tripping even though she was wearing flats. Luna kept saying

Oh my Gosh, Catalina! Why on earth didn't you tell us we were coming to a designer shopping mall. Oh my goodness, am so underdressed right now. I feel so tacky and oh my, look at my dress. Am wearing just a pair of jean pants and a stupid shirt. How do we even afford this? I don't have a dime on me.

They stood outside,  briefly glancing at the tall building.

"Don't worry girls, the bills on me" Catalina smirked

"The bill's on me"Luna mimicked " come on, you can't pay for it all"

"My dad's friend is the manager here, so just relax and enjoy... Besides, we get a discount for our first purchase"

"A discount?" Jenny snickers "a discount that can pay for my ticket to Arizona and back. Triple, my monthly budget and- and even pay for my college admission fee to the ivy league. I suggest  we go back from where we came from and manage our pockets, cause I ain't spending a cent in there"

"Puh lease.. Don't be dramatic and come in" Cata says, literally dragging them into the building. Immediately they enter the building's lobby, the cool air of conditioning cools the aura.

They silence their little quarrel and they go through the escalator to the elevator, to the fourth floor, which is the floor for women dresses.

They silently enter into one of the mini shops there and greet the receptionist there. She directs them to the main dress area where other clients are. Two other women comes to usher them in and show them around, while the receptionist goes back to her duty post.

Lingering around for a little while and Jenny squealing loud enough to catch annoyed glances from the  clients and ushers. They finally pick their dresses and Luna uses the dressing room first to try her gown out.

Out of paranoia and anxiety, Luna starts to text Jenny while at the dressing room.

Jenny — come on Lun, come out! We've been waiting for quite some  time now

Luna — Jenny! I swear if you see me you'll laugh. I really look ridiculous.

Jenny — *eye rolls* get outta there, and follow the groove:-)

Luna — you're so not helping! Anyways, I'll be there, I don't want the expensive employees to think I ran away with their expensive dress. * eye rolls*

Jenny — Yeah, right! Now get outta here and show us your unique prom dress!

After few moments of waiting, the Queen finally arrives. Wearing a mini fuschia coloured gown, which is right below her knees, covered on the waistline with feathery coloured roses, designed by celebrity fashion designer, Panama

"Holy potatoes and meat sandwich! You look adorable Lu" Cata says squealing.

"I swear you look nice" Jenny comments


"For real!"

"But the only thing looking out of place is your shoes" Catalina comments making them look at the shoes "but don't worry, you'll look amazing, I'll make sure we get something at the shoe store"

"Oh thank you guys" Luna hugs them

"Oh- okay now don't crease the dress, cause we've gotta get this dress" Catalina falters.

They all picked their dresses and paid,  Jenny insisted on including her money in the purchases, so she and Luna contributed to tip the employees.

Next up they went to the shoe store where, shoes were kept in a fountain style. It was nothing Jenny and Luna have seen. Even Cata. According to Cata,  this was the first time she would buy stuff from a Chanel designer shopping mall.

They bought their shoes and went on to the deodorant section, were they bought cologne and body sprays.

Finally, they made their way back to Luna's home.

"Mum, am back!" Luna announced, but she received no reply which was strange.

"Danny? Are you back?" Luna shouted again, but she still heard nothing.

"What happened?" Jenny asks

"I don't know, let's check upstairs"

Sprinting upstairs,  they  first went to Danny's room and it was empty. Then to Luna's room and finally her mum's room.

"Mum? Danny? What happened?" Luna ran next to her brother and sat on the floor.

"H-he-he?" Danny said in between sobs. Her mother was very quiet and kept looking at the carpet.

Luna's eyes grew wide "he who? Who? Danny! Why are you guys crying?"

"Dad! Your Dad! He- he called" her mother said, dropping the bombshell. Luna's eyes grew even wider and she leaned on the bed next to her.

"What? Dad? No! No! It can't be" she said crying.

"He called. I was downstairs when I heard mum's screams. When I ran up, I saw her with the landline talking to someone, and when I collected it, it happened to be dad!" Danny whimpered in a sad tone.

"Dad! Wh- wh-what did he say? Why did he call after years?" Jenny and Catalina kept looking from the small family to their selves, confused.

"He said he was sorry, he said he misses us and wishes to see us. Bullshit! I swear my head can't even calculate what happened" Danny said.

Luna kept ruffling with her hair, whispering and mumbling nonsense.

She sniffed her runny nose and stood up in determination "No! No! No! It can't be dad. Da-dad-dad left almost ten years ago! Right? No!"

"It was him Luna! He called, I heard his voice,  he- he talked to me. It was him, he talked to Danny" her mother faltered "no - yes! It was certainly him"

"Am very sorry Mrs Cabanero" Jenny managed to say.

"Ma'am please get a hold of yourself. You've gotta be strong for your kids" Catalina says

Linda continued to sob, while Danny rubs her back gently.

"He said he's in town. He's gonna visit us soon" Danny says

"What. Is. Wrong. With. Him." Luna shouts " He left us when we were very little and needed love and now he's telling us he's coming. What sort of father does that to the children he supposedly care about. What sort of father leaves his kids when they needed him the most. What sort of father leaves his Darling wife to take care of the kids, what sort of father doesn't pay for his child's fees. What sort of father is he?"

"Lulu, am sorry, am very sorry. I let you guys down, I didn't give you guys the father you've ever wanted. The family you need. Am so sorry" Linda falters and sobs.

"No mum! No! It was I who let you down, it was I who kept accusing you for nothing. Everyday, every single fucking day! I vented my frustration on you. On you guys. But you still loved me, unconditionally. Unlike dad, who chickened out when it was time to accept his fatherly duties and ran away, doing shit. For Pete's sake, what sort of caring father does that to his family?"

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