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The following Saturday, the team decided on going to the beach.

Bethany woke up early in the morning to make preparations for their outing. She brought her barbeque, sunscreen and basically on the stuff they needed in the beach.

"Why did you pack this much stuff?" Jenny asked Bethany, hands akimbo

"Someone might just forget their own stuff, duh" Bethany replied. They were stuffing their load into the clearly full car trunk. Bethany pushed the load to get more in "How about you help me rather than stand there doing nothing!"

Jenny snickered in reply, making Bethany pause and give her a deadly stare "fine"

After they finished packing their stuff, Bethany asked "Did you leave anything behind?" Jenny nodded while typing away on her phone "Go get it, while I take out of the driveway... And be quick"

Jenny strolled into the house, still typing away, while Bethany drove the vehicle to the driveway. Bethany started to honk the car horn.

"C'mon Jen we're getting late" she muttered, checking her watch.

Jenny appeared at the front door.

"Am coming... Am coming" Jenny shouted loud enough for Bethany to hear and ran with a small duffel bag at hand. As she entered the vehicle, Bethany questioned.

"What were you doing? I told you to be quick, didn't I?"

Jenny rolled her eyes and sighed, throwing the bag she held onto the backseat "I was packing my stuff  and I  needed to use the toilet, okay?"

Bethany passed her another deadly stare and Jenny muttered something, she couldn't comprehend. Leaning onto her sit and starting the engine, it roared to live. She wore her seatbelt and started to drive out.

"Wear your seatbelt too" she commanded

"Whatever...." Jenny reluctantly wore her seatbelt and turned on the radio. Lovely by Billie Eillish and Khalid was playing, Jenny mouthing the words slowly.

Out of annoyance Bethany turned off the radio "Ugh! Why does it sound like someone's about to die?"

Jenny facepalmed her herself "It's called MUSIC, okay?"

Bethany said nothing in reply but carried her phone and suddenly a female monotone voice said : "Bluetooth connected, you can now play audio, phone calls and music" and then, Young, Dumb & Broke by  Khalid started to play.

"You see, MUSIC" Bethany said as she move to the tune of the music, still driving "We argue all the time, you always say am wrongg, am pretty sure am right, what's fun 'bout commitment....." Bethany sang to the music lyrics.

"Ugh!" Jenny mumbled and placed her earpods into her ears.

Bethany increased her tone " Young, dumb broke high school kids..."

The drive to the beach was pretty wild, with Bethany playing all songs of her choice and typically dancing to it, to annoy Jenny. Jenny, however, remained unshaken and continued typing away on her phone and pretending she was listening to music through her earpods.


After arriving the beach, they used the restroom to change into the swimming wears. Jenny wearing a black swimsuit and Bethany wearing a purple swimsuit.

They met the others at a drink bar "what took you guys so long? You've arrived late" Madison asked

"Hey Jenny? What's up? Am fine, thank you!" Jenny said with sarcasm.

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