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  Jenny informed Luna and everyone that her aunt was on their team. She felt very happy and satisfied that her aunt accepted, it made her feel warm inside.

During their last meeting with they agreed that they would check out, the DES headquarters. On a low profile.
They rented a mini van for their mission.
Since, school was closed they were all able to come.

"Yuck, Jenny... This place is tight, it can't even accommodate us all"  Catalina said in disgust "Ewww.... It isn't even well cleaned, it's messy, you guys should have allowed us to take my dad's SUV" she  shouted in annoyance

"Hey, you spoilt brat for a child. You should better keep your word hole shut, it won't help you if you keep shouting!" Luna shouted at Catalina

"Yeah Girlie, shut your mouth up, unless, I'll shut it for you" Wednesday added

"You???" Cata pointed in annoyance

"Hey girls, calm down. Okay? We can't be in the same team and keep on fighting like enemies" Bethany said

"She started it" Luna said in a firm voice

"Luna!!!" Jenny shouted at her.

Madison and Jordan were the quiet one's in the team. They talked less, but contributed generously.

The vehicle was silent for some while.

"How about I get coffee in the café over there. Am sure it I'll boost us" Bethany said

"Yeah, cool. I'll like mine with Sugar and milk, please"  Jordan said

"Alright, any more requests?" Bethany pointed out

"Mine, plain black, no sugar " Wednesday said without even changing her demonic voice

"Black coffee, with little sugar will do" Luna said

"Same with Luna's " Madison said

"I'll like what Jordon offered for too" Jenny faltered

"Alright, I'll be back. Please guys, don't go out it might be dangerous" Bethany said before leaving.


A guy with a hoodie just came into the DES building, with two hefty guards behind him, they seemed so, secretive.

Bethany still didn't arrive. Jenny grew impatient.
She stood up carrying her jacket.

"Am going out there!" She said

"What? Didn't you hear what your aunt said; no going out" Luna shouted

"But, we might miss this awesome opportunity!" Jenny insisted

"Yeah, I agree with bookworm. I tired of sitting here, it's been like thirty whole fucking minutes" Catalina added

"Hey plastic Barbie, I wasn't talking to you. Okay?" Luna faltered

"Oufff!!!!" Cata mumbled

"Please, I'll be back before Bethany arrives. Trust me" Jenny said holding Luna's hands

"Ughhh" Luna said stamping her feet " two minutes, I give you two minutes. Please come soon."

"I don't think it's such a good idea!" Madison said

"Yeah" Jordan added

"Thank you sis" Jenny said while avoiding what Jordan and Madison said

"And hey, take long legs along" Luna squinted her eyes on Catalina

"Yeah, yeah" Jenny said, Cata also squinted her eyes back

"We'll be back"  Jenny said and went out

"Ride or die" Wednesday faltered

Everyone turned faces on Wednesday, she simply smiled demoniacally


Jenny and Catalina didn't show up. Bethany arrived soon after,  Jenny left

"Why did you let her go, you know how she is. She's uneasy " Bethany shouted.

"Am sorry" Luna said with her eyes on the ground

"You're sorry,  for Pete's sake?"

"How about we try to call her?" Jordan suggested

"Yeah"  Bethany said

"No, we might place her in trouble" Madison added

"True, but we can take the risk " Bethany insisted

"Yeah, I agree with Jenny's aunt" Wednesday said

It was agreed and they tried calling Jenny, and surprisingly it went through.

"Jenny!!! Why did you go out of the van!?" Bethany shouted

"Am sorry, but I'll be back soon. We have some useful information" Jenny replied

"Uhnnn..... Alright... Don't take too long and please be careful, okay?"

"Yeah. Am hanging up now"

Jenny cut the call, Bethany's face looked very sad and unsatisfied.

"She's okay!" She said

"Oufff" Luna exhaled loudly

"That is  great news." Jordan faltered

"Good" Madison said with a smile

Wednesday looked at Bethany with a raised eyebrow

"What happened? What did she say?" She asked

"She said she'll be back soon and that, she had useful information"

"Good. It won't be good if they come back with nothing" Wednesday muttered

Bethany looked at her with annoyance, she wanted to say something, but she was too petrified to say a word.

After about half an hour later, Jenny replied with Catalina.

"Jenny did you know how worried I was!?" That was the first thing  Bethany said to her when she came

"Am sorry, but it was worth it" Jenny replied

"Yeah Jenny's aunt. Take a break, ish " Catalina said.

Bethany squinted at her with her power glaring eyes.

If not  for Jenny, I'll have broken your legs

Catalina was shocked at how Bethany looked at her and went to drink the cup of  coffee, she brought.

"Well.. It was pretty easy to get into the company, I guess it's because they don't want to get suspected.  But, that place isn't what we're looking for. I think the guy with the hoodie must be Max Deslgord. Because of the way he gave orders." Jenny said

"But Max is dead!? The bots killed him" Madison argued

"Whether it's Max Deslgord or not, that man is up to something. He's sorta like their boss" Jenny faltered while taking some coffee

"But you're okay? Right?" Bethany asked Jenny with a curious expression

"Yeah aunt, am all good"  Jenny said  while placing a hand on Bethany's

Bethany was shocked, Jenny never called her aunt, in fact in public!

Wow, after I agreed to do this stuff , Jenny's attitude really changed towards me. Am so happy and delighted, and am sure that  Becca will be happy wherever she is.


They drove back to Bethany's. And from there, each went to their respective houses.

Bethany was really excited that day, infact she made sure that Jenny didn't complain that night. Her happiness was worth it.

Jenny was really surprised at her aunt's attitude, but what made her happy was seeing her happy.

Jenny promised herself to make sure that her aunt never had to worry or be unhappy about her.........

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