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     After Jenny introduced Jay to the adults, they ate their meals and went on with their beaching. They finally settled down and they talked including Jay. Jay left to go back to his duty post, leaving the gang alone, excluding the adults who were talking about the modern world.

"I think it's about time we told you the truth. We lied to you guys" Jenny announced.

"Lied about what. And who are the we?" Luna says, but as soon as realization dawned on her about what she was talking about, her expression went solemn "Yep. We totally, goddamn fucking lied to you guys" she shook her head.

"Lied. Lied about what?" Danny asks.

"Yeah" they others say in unison

"There is no reward. I mean  there is no money. We just lied, to lure you guys into helping us" Jenny confessed, as she closed her eyes for a split second dramatically.

Danny's eyes popped out of his eye sockets "what? What a drama" he muttered as he continued to  drink the lemonade he held. Luna gave him a thud in response. Suddenly, Catalina burst into laughter.

"Wh- what's funny?" Luna asks

"Come on, did you guys think I believed you? Huh? Like seriously. I just joined you guys because I was bored and I needed something to keep me busy. Besides, from your looks, I knew you guys were blunt liars" She shrugged " No offence "

"It was very evident" Madison added.

"But, Luna why would you lie about such huge thing? I mean, you practically defrauded these kids" Danny said with a smirk.

"Oh Danny, you better wipe off that smirk and stop acting like you care, okay?"

Danny rolled his eyes and Jordan finally spoke "I just joined because it would be like a breakthrough and probably something I can focus on after school.  Though, the money was enticing. I wasn't totally involved because of it....." He shrugged

"Oh wow. Am totally speechless." Jenny says

"Jen, why did you even choose us? To be part of your team. Like?" Madison faltered

"Well....she " Luna exchanged glances with Jenny  "she was the one who choose you guys, so...."

Jenny continued from there "I choose Cata because she was the moneybag. The resources. The funds." Catalina rolled her eyes "And as for Madison, I did my research and found out your dad was a research scientist, who was crazy over this case so I decided you. Jordan was special. He was like the powerhouse, the whole idea, the brewing of calculations, would come from him and then I thought of Wednesday. The crazy demonic one."

"Oh." Was all managed to come out from Wednesday's mouth.

A few seconds passed "Well... Won't someone say something?"Jenny says.

"Firstly.. That was crazy, I mean the whole money idea was stupid and crazy. But, I'll surely give you guys a 10/10 right now. Bravo!" Danny clapped dramatically.

Luna gave smacked him on his back "Ow" he mouthed.

"Jen, Luna, relax. I mean it. Seriously, we aren't angry or something. Am sure you can see that from our looks." Jordan spoke.

"Thank you" Luna smiled and hugged him. They made up and split up,each going to either the sea or talking with the beach goers or their parents. Jenny and Bethany were talking in under the beach umbrella.

They both sat down on the sand "Is it me or does that  old lady look like man?" Jenny asks, looking at an old lady, wearing a blue sweater and and oversized flora designed skirt. She had slivery gray curly hair, a dark shades on and was holding her bag close to her chest, talking to a younger man.

"Oh come on Jen. She's probably like that because.. Maybe she was a wrestler when she was young or even an army woman. And I can't even notice any manly features in her. She's an old lady for Pete's sake, have some respect." Bethany warned.

"Oh, whatever..." She replied and kept on looking at the beach area. "Hey, isn't that Officer Brown coming towards us?"

Bethany looked at the direction "huh? Yeah, it's him. What brings him here?"

Officer Brown moves closer to them. He was also wearing  dark shades on.

Oh, what is it? Dark Glasses On day. Max, Old lady, Officer Brown. Who else? Why is everyone wearing a glass today?

"Hello Miss Lumberton" He greeted.

"Officer Brown. What brings you here today?" Bethany inquires

"Nothing really, I just want to ask the kids a few questions. May I?"

Bethany's eyebrow  arched and she folded her arms over her chest " And why officer? Did they commit any crime?"

The officer smiled in return and rested him hands in his pockets "Nothing really. Just a few questions about the death of Mrs Monetro, that's all"

"But I thought you closed the case since it was the bots who murdered  her?" Jenny finally spoke.

"Yes we did. But am here unofficially. Just to ask a bit personal questions. That's all." He replied.

Jenny heaved "Fine, lemme call them. Let's go to a drink bar"

She strolled away to call them and Bethany kept asking the officer if all was okay. Mrs White and Mr Monetro got informed about the officer's visit. They also came to talk to him as to why he wanted to talk to their children. Finally, they let them talk alone at the bar, but they kept an eye on them through the window glasses.

"So, officer what do you want to talk about? Jenny told me it was about my mum" Catalina's face was solemn as she spoke.

"Yes. I've been thinking you know and I just wanted to ask what you kids were doing a the jewelry store, together, during the attack?" Officer Brown asked as he removed his glasses to assess their expression.

They exchanged glances and Jordan finally spoke, " we went there to support our friend, she heard on the news her parent's store was under attack so —" he was interrupted by Jenny squeezing his hand.

She sighed, "I think it's high time we told the officer the truth. He's needs to know. He might help" once again they exchanged glances, until the officer finally spoke.

"Know what?" They explained their whole experience to Brown.

"Wow. Like seriously, wow. I mean you kids did that? That's crazy, I mean, you guys even have contact with Deslgord? Like that's so amazing. I must give it to you guys, you really out did yourself. The Berston Police Department must hear of this," He said with a smile and stood up"now that, that's settled I better get going. This is gold, and kids please if you find any thing or a headstart please contact me or the police department "

Luna frowned, "why can't you just arrest Mark Deslgord? It's pretty clear that he's the villain in this story."

"Yeah," they all agreed.

"It's not that easy kids. We need a big evidence to make an arrest warrant, or else we would just make a scene and disgrace the BPD" Brown said and they all nodded in agreement"I better get going, since I came here unannounced. Happy beaching." He smiled and left.

The adults came in and they had to explain to them what happened, again.

They spent about half an hour at the beach and went back home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05 ⏰

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