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"But mum, why did Nana have to leave us?" Little Catalina asked her Mum.

"I don't know, but it's for the better" her mum replied.

"Are you also gonna leave me one day?" Catalina looking frightened.

"No, I'll  never leave you and if I do it's for the better, but not now dear. Not now"

This was during her Nana's burial. She was around ten then. Her mum was trying to calm her down from the trauma, the night after.

"Make me a promise that  you'll never leave me, you or dad" she said stretching out her little finger.

"Pinkie promise" her mum joined her little finger with Cata's and smiled "now go to bed, you have school tomorrow"

"Sing to me!" Cata demanded.

Her mum smiled and nodded "Okay love, but you must go to bed after" Catalina nodded vigorously.  Her mum, then began to sing 'Let it go' from Frozen the movie.

She fell asleep as her mum patted her straight blonde and silky hair.

Just like she did.

When she saw her.


Two days after her mum's death, it was finally her funeral. Catalina's mum didn't like the way they preserved bodies after they died. She said it  creeped her out.

Still, Catalina's face was blank. The team were present, so was Officer Lester Brown. Her dad continued to cry, silently. While the sympathizers, came to give their condolences to the family.

Most of her family members were in Mexico. So only few attended.

Surprisingly, her boyfriend wasn't present.

All these happenings made Jenny emotional and tears dropped.

"Am very sorry Catalina. I understand how you feel" Jenny said to Catalina. Catalina didn't reply, she just nodded her head and faced her mum's body, still patting her hair. She sniffed her nose and looked around her, and locked hands with her dad, and gave him a reassuring blink.

"On behalf of the police department of Berston, we are highly sorry for your loss, and hope you accept our apologies" Officer Brown said as he stepped forward to give Mr Montero a warm handshake.

He sniffed his nose and wiped his tears "Thank you Officer Brown" as he looked down at his name tag.

Catalina gave the officer an affirmative nod and faced her mother's body again.

"Catalina I want you to know that we're here for you and we'll stay by you at all times. Okay?" Bethany spoke

"Yeah, I want you to know that the doors to our homes are always open to you. Am sorry for all the wrong things, I've done to you and I hope you see it in you to  forgive me." Luna faltered

Catalina finally faced them and thanked them. Atleast she spoke.

Jenny squeezed  Cata's hand  and spoke " I understand how you feel"she repeated

"Am so sorry, I know how you feel and how you can't respond to this situation. I really hope you feel better...." Madison said

"Yeah, we're all here for you" Jordan spoke.

"Thank you all very much" Catalina said.

All the black was making Cata feel drowsy and she went back home with her father and few family members.

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