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       "Gas!" Bethany huffed "the only thing, you kids could find was gas?!" She exhaled blankly looking down at the gallons Wednesday and the gang had brought back.

"Sorry Beth, but that was the only thing we could find at Wednesday's, besides we were clueless and saw nothing but this gallons and brought them along" Jordan tried to explain.

Being the only dude in the gang made him feel somewhat, at their mercy for anything that involved him being present. It didn't even disturb him that much because, he was the child in his family. And his mum practically bosses their activities around, so it didn't really bother him that much.

On the other hand Madison, was looking all innocent and naive, speechless and went in mute mode!

"Huh?" Catalina shrugged "I don't understand why you brought gas, it's dangerous and can cause serious harm to my parents and the people in there"

What is wrong with them? It isn't like  i did a bad thing by helping. Ugh! It won't even kill anyone. Ungrateful bitches! This thoughts were busy flowing Wednesday's mind.

"Where did you even get such huge amount of petrol?" Bethany demanded
Wednesday simply gave her a i-don't-care-what-the-fuck look.

"I don't think petrol will help at this point" Jenny said " we've called the cops"

They all exchanged glances, but no one talked. The silence lasted about two minutes, before Catalina spoke.

"We didn't know what to do, and the cops were like our back up plan.. You know? Both my parents are in there, not only them but few people also. We just thought it'll help"

"Hmm... I guess you're right with that point there. We can't do all this alone! We're just a bunch of fucking kids with an adult whom I guess is below 27. It's a good one" Madison added

Everyone gave Bethany a very close look. She simply shrugged.

"Yep, I guess you're right then. Besides, that building has been quiet for some time now. We better do something before the cops come" Bethany suggested

"Exactly, I hope they come-" Jordan said

Moving police vans came closer to the parking lot. Immediately, they stopped their vehicles, they came to talk to the kids.

"Good day kids. Am Officer Lester Brown. I guess you guys were the ones who called?" Officer Brown said while looking around to survey the premises, about ten police men at his back.

"Yes Officer Brown. We called you and am sure you've heard the news" Bethany said

"Yes, unfortunately" he replied

"Officer please do something, my parents are in there," Catalina spoke in a whimpering voice

"Oh, and you're?" Officer Lester Brown said

"Catalina.. Catalina Montero. My parents are the owners of this jewellery store," She said

"Oh..." Was all the officer could say "Alright then, Officer Jones, you and four other officers should follow me, while the rest stay with the kids, okay?"

"Yes sir," Officer Jones replied

"But Officer Brown, we'll like to come along?" Jenny said

"Yes," the kids all chorused

Officer Lester rose an eyebrow, and frowned at the kids. He was about to speak when Bethany spoke

"Officer please understand,"

He contemplated on what to do, but he finally agreed.

Officer Lester Brown was a well built officer, thin and tall. Has curly hair and should be around he's early forties.

The group walked straight on towards the building. They arrived at the first floor which was the lobby area. It was silent and cool music was playing. They walked up to the elevator, and chose the main floor.

"Are you okay?" Bethany asks Cata

"Uhm... No... I've never felt so helpless, I hope they're okay?" Catalina replied sobbing silently

"I know, when I lost my parents I felt like my whole world came crashing. I was less than ten years then. Jenny's mum took care of me, she was my sister, my hope and my joy. Sadly, she died last two years in a very ghastly road trip to celebrate her birthday !" Bethany said looking very rigid, no emotions showed on her face

"Ha, am so sorry, it must have been a great deal on Jenny to lose her mum on the same day, as her birthday. Am sorry-"

The doors opened and they were exposed to the quiet air of the room.

Were are they? Did they run

"Mum? Dad?" Catalina shouted

Many  faces popped out of their hiding spots. All except, Cata's parents.

"Mum? Dad?" She repeated, this time more helpless and at need.

"Survey the building" Officer Lester said through his comms, he must be talking to the officers outside. "Jones, check everywhere properly"

Tiny sobs could be heard at the back of the special jewellery exhibition spot.

"Dad?" Catalina asked as  she recognized the voice, she continued to hear the sobs grow much louder "Dad?"

"Cata?" The voice replied.

"It's my dad" she announced "dad!" She said walking in a hurry to the exhibition spot.
Immediately she saw him with the lifeless body of a woman, she screamed in dismay.

"Noooooo!!!" She panicked and dropped right besides the body "Dad? What happened, what happened to mum?" She asked ruffling with the dress of her mum.

"They killed her, those animals killed her!" Her dad replied still in shock and sobbing.
Catalina was rigid, all the years of her life she never imagined this moment would come, even though she knew it would come, she never imagined it would be like this.

Tears didn't fall from her face, she looked solemn, no emotions showed. She looked lifeless. Just like the body besides her. Just then she screamed, and screamed and screamed like never before.

"Get a hang of yourself Catalina!" Madison said. Everyone didn't know what to say or do. They just looked, it was a shock to all of them. Most of them never saw a dead body  like this.

Catalina's mum was beautiful even in her death. She wore a polka gown, that was coloured with the bright colour of red. Her red. Her blood. Her hair wasn't blonde at all, it was chestnut brown. Probably, Catalina got her blonde hair from her dad. He was blonde. It flowed round her skin as Catalina pat it, like she was still alive. Her face didn't look disturbed, it looked at peace.
Mr Montero drew her body closer, and hugged it like never before. He cried like the world was about to end.

But Catalina Montero's face was solemn. The Queen of Berston High, the diva of the music club, the  pride of the Montero family was blank. All blank. No tears dropped, not even the littlest one.

Everyone around her went in a blur, and she went black and pale.

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