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   Catalina and Jenny went to their respective homes, while the family had dinner in silence. The clanking of forks and knives filled the air as they ate their spaghetti and meatball silently.

Everyone had their own thoughts to themselves, silently they kept thinking and said nothing. Playing around with their spaghetti round the forks.

"Lulu? You aren't eating? What happened?" Linda asks

"Nothing, am just not hungry anymore" Luna replies, lying.

Linda quickly takes a fork full of spaghetti and sliced her meatball in half and ate from it "Why? Doesn't it taste nice"

"No, no, not at all" Luna tries to fake a smile

Linda nods then returns the smile reluctantly, facing Danny "Danny, what about you? Why aren't eating too?"

"Oh mum! Am just tired" Danny replies, standing up and pecks his mum on the cheek " Good night mum, it's been a long day, try and get some rest" He walks up the stairs and stop halfway " Lun, good night! We're gonna talk tomorrow, okay?"

Luna nods in affirmation and returns back to her food.

"Dear, go to bed. As Danny said, it's been a long day" Linda says

"I will. What about the dishes?"

"Don't worry about it, I'll do them. Just rest!"

"Uhm, okay" she pecks her on the cheek "Goodnight"

That night, neither of them slept well, they kept thinking and thinking.

Luna remembered the day her dad left, she was still very little at that time, but she could understand both her parents were in a heated argument, the memories were a little bit vague, but she remembered the day through and through.

"Oh Gosh! What sort of woman did I marry? Huh? Now tell  me, why are you bothering me? And who cares whether I left the house for some days. Who. Cares? " Mr Cabanero says.

"Why are you acting like a crazy person. You left me and the kids alone, no food, no allowances and you didn't even tell us where you went to. You just come back and start creating a silly fight" Linda replies softly.

Luna was eavesdropping on her parents from her room, her parent's room was the room next to her, so she placed a glass cup on the wall and was listening to their argument.

Mr Cabanero sighs "Linda! Why on earth do you have to complain, huh? I left. Yeah, fine, I left, and so? Can't you take care of the kids, you have a job, they pay you money, right? So why are you complaining?"

"But... Okay, okay, fine. Am sorry, but you didn't have to leave the house, where did you go to?" Mrs Cabanero softens her voice a little.

"Are you questioning me right now?" Mr Cabanero shouts "I think it's high time I left this house for you and your lousy-always-demanding kids"

Luna gasped at what her father said, Luna was still in shock when Danny came in. He was much younger then, soft curls and warm blue ocean eyes.

"Shhh... It will be alright, don't cry" Danny said as Luna began to sob, rubbing her hair gently and saying comforting words " Dad didn't  mean it"

"B- but he said we are lousy and always demanding!" Luna continued to cry.

The next thing they saw was their father barging into the room, holding a duffel bag, stuffed with clothing.

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