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"Why do you put yourself in trouble, Mi Amor?" She asked, patting her hair, like before.

"But mom, am doing it to save us, to save  dad, to save myself. To save Berston and the world if I could"

"My sweet, you have pure intentions about this. Am proud of you and will keep supporting you, even from here" She faltered

"Mom, I missed you." 

"Mija, I miss you even more, but what can I say? I  just want you to know am in a better place, and we would meet some day"

"So how do you feel, seeing me save the world"  they laugh

"As I said, I feel proud, and am happy, because you're happy and you've made true friends, Mi Amor. Now listen to me Mija, or I'll hit you with my chancla" she said wiggling  her chancla.

The latter chuckled " don't worry mom"

"My dear, you're so sweet and vulnerable, everyone can take advantage. My sweet, trust no one, trust no one, because deception is real and could change and hurt the present and even the future!" She warned.

"Bu- but what  are you talking about?" The latter asked, but her mom start to remove behind her and fade "Mom! Mom!  Don't leave me again, what do you mean?" But before she could reply, she faded away.

"Cata? Cata? Catalina! Wake up!" A voice said, repeatedly tapping her vigorously.

"Uh, uhn?" Catalina said, as she tried to open her eyes.

"Catalina what happened to you? Wh- why did you fall asleep by the tombstone?" Jenny asked, handing Cata a hand to  get her up. Cata stands on her feet and dresses her dress.

"I don't know. I just felt dizzy and everything felt like it was floating" she replied

"But you were muttering God knows what?"


"What happened to you?" Jenny inquired

"I- I - I think I had a vision?" She said stuttering

"A vision? What are you? Sleeping Vision Beauty?" Jenny asked hysterically, almost laughing. Cata  felt and annoyed and whimpered.

"Am serious, I had a vision!"

Jenny looked at her, finally giving her a listening ear.

"My mom told me something"

"Uh? What is it?" Jenny asked

"She told me to trust no one. Bu- but I don't understand what she meant" Catalina said, ruffling her hair.

"Oh, dear, it's just a vision. Don't worry you'll be fine" Jenny replied

"Jenny, you don't understand. I mean she was serious. She even threatened me with her chancla!" Cata said with wide eyes "and don't just call it a vision, trust me my vision is real, it's true. Visions in my family is a Monetro thing"

"A Montero thing? Come on, do you still believe in old family myths?" Jenny asked, laughing

"Do you think am joking? Am serious! It even happened once, and I swear it's a Montero thing!" Catalina said with an annoyed look.

Jenny looked at her like she was spewing nonsense, she thought within her and decided to give Cata a chance, so she wouldn't escalate the issue.

"Soo, what is the vision like? Is there any prove, to prove your point?" She sighed

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