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Wednesday, Catalina and Bethany couldn't come to Jordan's home, so they did a Facetime.

They were very shocked to see Max. Max was nothing like they imagined, he was around his early forties, had jet black hair, formidable outline and feisty dark eyes.
He was intriguingly handsome.. Oh well....

"Oh wow... If it's not the infamous Max Deslgord" Madison said.
Jenny and Jordan explained how they met Max and to their up most surprise nobody, freaked out. "Am sure my dad will have it up to here with hysterics if he knew I was talking to you"

"You're the daughter of the research scientist? Mr Kendrick?" Max said

"I told you to stop that shit."Jenny glared

"Yeah, yeah" Max waved "so, how're we gonna crack this stuff?"

Cata snorted "you know, for a man of your age, you act too childish."

"I know right" Jordan agreed

"Uhn.... How do we know you're not joking around with us and will not stab us in the back?" Bethany demanded,

"Well.... In all honesty, I don't know. That's why am here. With you guys. But trust me, and you'll see, a trial will convince you" Max replied

"Oh well... What can we do, he's trynna......" Cata said, but a voice in her background spoke

"Honey, come down for your aunt is here" the voice announced.

"Okay, I'll be down in like a sec," Cata replied "okay, peps, I gotta go now catch y'all later. Peace out!" Her screen went black, and Wednesday who hadn't said a word, since finally spoke.

"Yep, I think I gotta go now too,"

"Really.....?" Luna glared

"Really" Wednesday repeated "see you soon" and her screen also went black.

"So kids, take care of yourself, I don't trust this Deslgord dude. Okay?" Bethany faltered. Max snorted and mumbled something.

"Sure, talk to you later" Jenny replied, ignoring Max's remark.

The meeting ended on good terms, Madison left. And when Jordan's mum came, Jordan and Jenny had to explain what a grownup was doing with them in her house.

"So what are you waiting for. Explain!" She demanded, placing her arms akimbo.

"Mum, his a friend" Jordan explained

"A friend? Oh please, don't fuck around with me"

"Nice to meet you. Max Deslgord" Max said stretching his arm for an handshake. Mrs White glared at him.

"Max Deslgord? Like Max, Max, Max?" She asked, without replying his handshake

"Yep, in flesh." Max replied

"Oh nice to meet you too... Am Mrs White, am sorry for the ruckus that just happened. I ain't like this normally.... So you like Max Deslgord, the owner of DES tech company?" She persisted


"Oh wow" she said in shock.

"Am sorry ma'am, we could have taken him to my house, but I left my keys, but we'll be on our way now" Jenny finally said

"Nonsense" she said "how about Mr Deslgord here,  stays for some hot cocoa?"

"No thank you, i was actually on my way" Max said, springing towards the door

"Ha, but wait, Mr Deslgord." Max turned around when Mrs White said this "what relationship do you have with my son and his  friend, Jenny?"

"Uhm... We, uhm" Jordan tried to cover up

"They signed up for a summer - part -time job at the DES company" Max explained

"Ah.. Oh well..." Mrs White muttered "but this is spring? Why register now?" She asked raising an eyebrow

"Uhmm.... The thing is that the registration period is actually limited, and it starts quite early and many people want to join the company so that's why" Max faltered

"Uhn, why come here? Why not meet at the DES company?" Mrs White went on.

"Uhn... Well.. The stuff  is that we happened to meet him at the subway, so he tagged along" Jenny mumbled

"Subway? Why didn't he use his car?" Mrs White persisted .

"Oh, I just thought using the public transport will open me to more ideas and meet new people" Max explained

Mrs White exhaled and face palm-ed herself "Ah, am so sorry for making you stay longer, Jordan's dad ain't in the country right now, so am just trynna protect the kid"

"Yeah, no problem... I'll be on my way now" Max said heading to the door

"Sure... Please do come back again... It will be lovely to have you around, again when Jordan's dad  is around"

"Sure, see you again Mrs White" Max said and left.

Jordan placed his hands in his pocket and Jenny looked uncomfortable, staring at Mrs White.

"Uhm... So..." Jordan said playing with his hair "I think I better go escort Mr Deslgord, out mama"He said and ran out.

Jenny kept staring at Mrs White, in a quivering state.
"Am gonna follow him, see you another time Mrs White." Jenny said in almost a rushed whisper and  followed too.


Max didn't go far so Jordan and Jenny were able to meet up. They walked down the street to get a taxi for Max.

"Uhm.. Am sorry for the questions my mum kept asking you" Jordan apologized

"No problem, she's good, take care of her. You won't know the value of a parent, until after you lose them." Max advised


"So... When are we gonna meet again?" Jenny asked

Max exhaled deeply and wiped his face with his handkerchief "I guess I'll call you guys or I'll show up when I have a lead"

"So, I guess I'll take your number?" Jenny said, bringing out her phone

"No, no, don't bother. I've got it, I'll call you. I've got your details"Max answered

"So now... If you want us to get along, make sure you stop this research work, you're doing about us. Deal?" Jenny faltered

"Yeah, that shit's annoying. All fucked up" Jordan added

Max reluctantly exhaled "sure... Deal"

Jordan, still, with his hands in his pockets said "yeah, and thanks for backing us up from my mum. She can be pretty annoying at times"

"Oh.. No problem.. I actually have a kid your age" Max replied

Jenny gasped "Here in Berston?"

"No in Netherlands. With his mother"

"Ohhh" Jenny and Jordan replied in unison.

"Yeah, but we're separated" Max announced

"Shit. Am sorry man" Jordan said

"Me too" Jenny added

"Thanks. But it was my fault anyways, I was paying too much attention to the company that I totally forgot about family" Max faltered

"Why tell us all this stuff, when you barely know us?" Jenny asked,

"What can I say. You guys are kids and I feel some sort of attraction to you guys"

Jenny smiled, said in a whimpering tone "you're lucky you've got your kid. I lost both,"

"Yeah, I know" Max said. This time Jenny didn't complain about Max's weird investigations, rather she gave him a very faint smile.

"So long kids. It's been a long day, rest. We'll talk later"  Max said as his Uber arrived.

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