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The following weeks went smoothly, though there were reports of robots attacks, however without any loss of lives or properties.

Jenny spent the rest of her  weeks preparing for her final high school exams,ahead of the 'Big Ball Prom'.
Still no news from Max Deslgord. Anytime Jenny heard about any robot attack, she would think about what Max had said some few weeks back.

She still, went on visiting Dave's Diner,with the intention of meeting Jay. She grew close bonds with him, that they even exchanged numbers and often times sent each other texts. Jenny didn't want to raise her hopes high, so she kept the relationship between she and Jay, on the friendship level.

Planning ahead of the future, she registered for different scholarships, in universities around the world hoping to get at least one accepted.

"Jen, don't stress yourself out. I know you can do it" Bethany said to her one morning over the dining table.

Jenny munched on some fruit salad and smile halfheartedly "I hope so, I've invested so much of my time and effort into this and I can't just lose"

"And you won't" Bethany retorted "I know your grades aren't A+ grades, but you're smart and a very resilient young lady, you've worked hard. Give yourself some break and have some fun"

Jenny chuckled "Beth! I always go to Luna's and Cata's house, and yet, to you that isn't fun?"

"Yeah, that isn't fun. You  repeat the same cycle, over and over and over again, everyday. And you call that fun?"

"But you're the one always telling me to read hard for my final exams and now you tell me to have fun? To you, what does fun feel like?" Jenny picked a slice of bread and washed it down with a lemonade

"Going to the beach, the park, the arcade. Making new friends, trying something new, picking a wacky hobby, doing something crazy" Bethany retaliated

Jenny laughed "have you tried that yourself?"

"Don't tell me that, am a grownup and I have a lot of responsibilities, for example paying the bills, buying the groceries, going to the office, taking you to school... Etc"

"Now about taking me to school, you can always get me a car, I already have my driver's license" Jenny shrugged.

Bethany laughed wickedly "no, no,no. Don't tell me that Missy. You can still get your car later on when our needs are less heavy and the town is not in an utter disarray"

"You see? And yet you tell me to try something crazy with this much restrictions"

"When I mean crazy, I mean do something different. For example, we can all go to the beach this weekend, with the team. They can even invite their families too, it will be very fun"

Bethany stood up and placed her dirty dishes in the dishwasher, while Jenny continued to eat slowly. She also stood up and grabbed a jar of milk and strawberry smoothie, fetched it in two cups and gave Bethany one.

"So?" Bethany went on

"Uhmm, I'll chat the group up through a Skype video, since not everyone has an iPhone to do a Facetime"

"Nah! Just text them, you have  group chat right? I can't do any video calling for today, I'll be busy for the rest of the day" Bethany winked "so? "

The latter arched her eyebrows "so, what?"

"About.... You know Jay?"

Jenny drank her glass of smoothie in one go before answering "what about him?"

Bethany scoffed "Come on! Don't tell me you've let him go"

"Let who go?" Jenny asked cynically "well, yes I've let him go. I don't want issues that would hinder anything I do now" she exhaled deeply "Now can I go and inform the group about your so called Beach Day Out?"

Bethany scoffed yet again and waved her dismissal "yeah yeah, whatever. Keep running from love" she said in a sing song tone.

Jenny gave her a gentle thud in response and muttered a something incoherent.

Sitting on the couch and watching Side Hustle Nickelodeon TV series in repeat, she quietly made her group chat.

Jenny — What's up people?

Almost immediately Wednesday responded which made Jenny's eyes pop out of it's socket in amusement.

Wednesday — Grumpy and annoyed.

Jordan — Hey Jen!

Jenny — So who's bored, I've got an idea... Actually it's Bethany's idea, but anyways, whatever.

Catalina — Hey Jen... Sure, make sure it's cool though.

Madison — So?

Jenny — How about we go to the beach this weekend? It will be fun and if possible you can bring your parents along! It's totally gonna be fun, we can have some BQ, some lemonade, surfing. Basically anything you can think of!

Luna — Cool idea, am in.

Jordan — Me too.... But my mum might have to tag along because we have a church program and I want to avoid, so she might not like the idea of me going alone

Jenny scoffed.

Ugh! Jordan! I just said it to make it enticing you don't really have to bring them along.

Reluctantly, she typed

Jenny — Yeah sure😅

Madison — Am in, my dad won't come..... He's too busy😟 maybe....

Luna — Ugh! Danny just saw our texts and decided he'll also tag along😶 sorry😭

Catalina — Beach day here I come💃💅!

Jenny — Is Wednesday still here?👀

Some few minutes past before someone finally replied.

Jordan — Nope,  I don't think she's here

Another few minutes passed before someone finally texted back.

Wednesday — Am here! I was just feeding Patches

Luna — In case you maybe wondering... Patches  is Wednesday's White Bombay cat.

Wednesday — :-!

Jenny — Anyways, since everyone's in, I'll just inform Beth:-)

Jenny — Get your  swimming gears ready, because Berston National Beach, here we come💧🌊

Wednesday — What about that dude, Max?

Jordan — He normally contacts Jenny so? I don't know. Anyways am off, I've gotta go.

Jenny responded to Wednesday's text.

Jenny — I swear sometimes that dude creeps me out, though he's cool and all, sometimes I find him hard to trust.

Madison — Let's just hope he's telling the truth and isn't gonna stab us at the back

Wednesday — I might be Gothic and all, but I really hate backstabbers.... He better not be one

Catalina — I hope😪 so

Jenny — Alright people...  Surf's Up😉

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