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Today was the last day at school before the closure. Bethany dropped Jenny off, and immediately Jenny ran to class, she was late again. This was the third time this week that such will happen and teachers were beginning to mark her unreliable.

Okay, don't worry it's no problem

As she walked in the class, she noticed there was no teacher.
"Hey girlfriend, what's up?" She asked Luna as she settled in
"The teachers are having a meeting, I guess it must be concerning the closure"
"Ohhh..... Okay!" She paused "so did you call Wednesday?" She asked Luna
"Yes, I did, she'll meet us after classes in the school auditorium"
"Okay, that's great. And I also made my research and I gathered some names here, though... Not much but they'll do"
"Okay, let me see it"
"Here" and Jenny handed over the piece of paper. It was barely full, almost blank.

Luna muttered the names out loud.
"Madison Kendrick, Catalina Montero...." Immediately Luna said that name her eye balls popped
"I mean Catalina Montero, you know I and Catalina ain't on good terms with each other"
"I know, just continue reading" Jenny said, Luna simply looked at here like a crazy person and exhaled
"Okay we have, Jordan White..... Uhmm, is that all?"
"Yeah, I didn't have much to think about"
"So how are we gonna do this?"
"We gonna talk to them during lunch, how hard can it be?"
"How hard can it be?" Luna said
"Yeah, how hard can it be?" Jenny repeated
"Very, very, very, hard"

It was lunch time, and Luna and Jenny were just waiting for their targets. As soon as they noticed, that they were all in, they went in to each persons table. First it was Catalina Montero.
"Hi Cata" said Luna with an evilish grin
"Hi Cata" Jenny repeated
"Hey, hello.... I think you guys got the wrong table here" Catalina replied coldly, while her gang of friends watched
"Nope, we're just where we wanna be" Jenny said
"Okay, what brings you here?" Catalina said as she raised an eyebrow "or you just wanna get a piece of your medicine"
"We have a sweet offer for you" Jenny said.
Actually, before coming to talk to Catalina, Jenny and Luna agreed that Jenny will do the talking.

"Which is?" Catalina said
"If you help us fights those evil bots terrorizing our town, I'll give a two million bucks.... How about that?" Jenny said with a smirk on her face
"Huhnnn..... You guys must be kidding me, cause you nitwits are too poor to afford a good home like mine" Catalina said while smirking
Luna wanted to speak, but she was stopped by Jenny
"Don't worry we have everything under control"
"Hmmmm...... Alright, then. But if anything happens to me during this fight, I'll put you guys to blame. Alright?"
"Yeah.. We got it" Luna said with some sorta devilish grin on her face
"Hey and you" Cata said while pointing at Luna " Lunny girl, make sure you don't cross my path, it won't be funny"
Luna  just replied with a fake smile
"Can we meet in the school auditorium after school?" Jenny faltered
"Yeah, sure " Catalina mumbled, while keeping her eyes on Luna.

Catalina Montero was a girly kinda girl, the usual wannabe queen with her pack of backup girlfriends, always at her back. She is a spoilt brat, has a known name for the only child in the school with most followers on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Snapchat. Her father, Luciano Montero owns one of the most successful jewellery shops in Berston, while her mom owns a modelling agency.

If you are looking for the perfect Barbie doll, make sure to nominate Cata. She was a ten out of ten, perfect body shape, pink lips,  long blonde hair, straight legs, perfect tanned skin, a cute boyfriend and a cool ride.

Second on the girls' list was Jordan White. Jordan was a black American. A descent of Nigeria. He was a total nerd, engineered by science, because he's a science freak. He was just a cool average guy with a pretty smile.

"Hi Jordan" Luna said as she sat down near him
"Hey girls" he said with a raised eyebrow
"Hi" Jenny said while making herself comfortable on the chair.
"Uhm... I hope you guys aren't here to ask for answers for Mr Ben's   homework, cause i haven't done mine yet" he said as he brought out a textbook from a bag " and it isn't that easy!"
"Hey dude, relax. We ain't here for that" Luna said
"Oh, okay!" He gently replied
"Yeah......" So Jenny explained the  reason why they where there.
"Oh, wow... I'll be happy to team up with you guys, actually.... Those bots killed my uncle last week" Jordan said with a sad face
"Oh, sorry to hear that. My condolences" Jenny said "okay, so we're having a meeting in the auditorium, after classes.. So meet you there?"
"Yeah, I'll be there"


Talking to Madison was pretty easy, because she was the daughter to a research scientist, and so she was willing to help. Most importantly, she had valuable information about the robots, which she was going to tell about in the meeting.
"Hi guys" Jenny said as she stood on the stage, talking to her team members
"Hi" they chorused
"So we all know why we are here, right?"
"Yeah" they chorused
"So... Do you guys have any ideas, suggestions or anything, that might help?...... And yeah, Madison here says she have something to tell us"
"Okay, hi" Madison started " so as you might have know my dad is a research scientist, so I have valuable information, that might give us a little headstart. So...." Madison was interrupted by Catalina
"Hello, excuse, but this is kinda taking up my time, so I need you guys, to you know.... Give this thing a boost"
"Okay" Jenny faltered "Madison you may continue"
"Okay.. So, according to what my dad told me some weeks ago, he said that this bots were created by DES group of companies. The owner of these companies is Max Deslgord. This scientist created this robots to destroy mankind for some reasons best know to him. So, when he created this bots they went overboard and killed their creator, Max. " Madison said
"Well, that is something to know. So, do you have any solutions or ideas? Anyone?" Jenny muttered
"Yeah, I do" Madison said
"So... XELZ, their main robot is the one we have to find. If it inserts a chip in the world's general electricity power point, here in Berston. XELZ has no core, so our only aim is to find it's core and wipe out the entire robots" Madison said with a smile on her face
"So where exactly can we find the core?" Jordan asked
"Here in Berston, in the DES headquarters"Madison faltered
"Oh... DES headquarters, I've seen that somewhere...... Yeah, I remember, I usually pass there when coming to school. It's somewhere around the outskirts of the town" Catalina said
"Well, this is awesome!" Jenny shouted
"Yeah, now we at least have a headstart" Luna chipped in

Wednesday didn't arrive for the meeting because she had something to do.
At least the team had something worth looking for, basically they were in  one level in the mission.

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