History May Change But Fate Won't Bend

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A/N: The balladeer ends up jumping into Irminsul to try and change history and succeeds. History has changed due to Kuni's stunt, but just how much!? Xiaolumi are not sure. Asking Nahida to watch the twins a bit longer and acting on their concern, Xiaolumi go and investigate; A stranger wandering Sumeru discovers a peculiar creature with a bell collar. Enjoy the song for Wanderer~! <3


Solis Fact: Figured out Solis's True Name yet? A few of you came close. Nalini's true and secret name is in fact "Ceres/Demeter" the sister of Hades/Pluto, Jupitar/Zeus, Neptune/Poseidon, Juno/Hera, & Vesta/Hestia. Ceres was the Goddess of the Harvest, Agriculture, Fertility, Crops & Grains, Motherhood, and the Earth. Phew that's a mouthful of a list huh? Nalini sows life and destruction wherever she goes, untamed as the rumbling earth itself. But hey, her family love her for it all the same.


"I can control my destiny, but not my fate. Destiny means there are opportunities to turn right or left, but fate is a one-way street. I believe we all have the choice as to whether we fulfil our destiny, but our fate is sealed."
~Paulo Coelho


He was not sure what to feel nor do or what to make of this torrential storm of emotions that should not be there. Why could he feel when he had no heart!? Sorrow, confusion, anger, rage, loathing, and...regretful guilt. All of them contorted his face as memories of Niwa and the other Raiden Gokudan swamped his mind like a broken Fontaine silent film. His happiest and most innocent moments, just a tiny kitten left forgotten then discovered. 

"Dottore you brazen faced...!! Niwa-sensei didn't run away, you killed him and spat on his honor you murderer!!"he growled.

Niwa and everyone had given him a home, they taught him their secrets in the arts of making fine weapons, and been his family. Some of his favorite weapons to make have been catalysts and bows. "Do you understand now? This is the lies mama told you."rang the voice of a young female child, a tinge of mockery to her tone. Almost like the unknown entity was mocking him for how he had been used like a puppet on string.

Was that the sun goddess, Amaterasu Ōmikami's voice!? He had never heard the little sun goddess before. Usually it was Tsukuyomi no Makoto that spoke to him. She...sounded a lot like a strange mix of her parents. Her voice was childish, as expected but there was a soft sort of arrogance to it that her brother didn't possess. So the gods of the sun and moon were polar opposites of each other? How bizarre. But yes he understood far too well now what the newborn deities and Lumine had spoken of now. Once again that thought was surfacing: Could the past be changed? There was only one maybe two here that could answer that. 

"Hey, you ok?"wondered Paimon.

"Scaramouche you alright?"Lumine gently pressed as she and Xiao came over after they talked with Nahida. Out of respect and courtesy they had given the disowned son of Ei space to think and process what they saw. Lumine now had very mixed feelings towards the puppet yokai before them. Xiao meanwhile was starting to understand and what had once been disgust for this welp had begun to slowly shift to desire to know him better. Just like himself, life had not been kind and misfortune and hardship had been his teacher. 

"That couldn't have been easy information to take. I am...baffled myself by what I saw."admitted Xiao.

"Hmph."Kabukimono just gave an amused grin as he crossed his arms. Vesperus and Solis was it? They really were like their parents, how amusing. But the most amusing was the trio's display of concern for him now. Admittedly...not something he was used to seeing or experiencing. But his grin spooked the celestial fairy but amused Lumine and Xiao.

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