I went to a party,Got drunk, and had sex with my son to be step-brother Part 21

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Recap:  I slowly got up to look at window when.................................................!


When the door knob started to turn slowly making me jump...someone is trying to get in. I crawled as fast as i could away from the door over to Zoe grabbing her arm dragging her with me, we hid behind the counter. I door opens after whoever it was finished jingling the knob.....it was almost like the person was trying to scare to crap out us. The person just stood there i couldn't tell if it was a boy or girl it was so dark in there, I tried to take a closer look at who it was but of course i couldn't see but i seen the silhouette and by the looks of it was a male figure. I sat back down looking over to Zoe i didn't see anyone there, so i tried to reach out to feel for her but she wasn't there. I slowly looked up watching him while i crawled to find Zoe i got around the counter crawling towards the other side of the store.

I got behind him when my phone went off i jumped, but i keep crawling until i knew he couldn't see me. I saw him look around it almost looked like he looked right at me which scared me, I crawled all the way in the dressing room. I sat there breathing slowly while i checked my phone when a hand touched my shoulder- I jerked back hitting the back of my head on the wall i used the light from my phone to see who it was.

"Zoe?" I whispered she smiled at me like she in trouble, which to me she was for scaring me like that.

"Alex i'm sor-" I cut her off i heard the guy hit something i covered her mouth. We looked out seeing him walking over to where we were. I took the lead and went across to the space over by the door, looking at Zoe i knew he might hear me if i said anything. So I took my phone out again typed out the plan giving it to Zoe to read.

"Ok?" I made a ok signal and she nodded, So we started the plan to get the hell out of there. We creeped to the door i went to open the door when it squeaked.

"HEY!" He said my heart just dropped into my stomach.

"Shit." Me and Zoe said same time as we slowly turned around. I pulled Zoe behind me as standing there was the man who was most likely going to kill me. He put his hand into his pocket grabbing something.

"Wait! Please wait just take me leave my friend out of this. Let her go Please!" I begged tears building in my eyes.

"Alex?" He said While pulling out his key chain with a little flashlight on it. Blinding me a little i wipe my eyes focusing on the man.

"Who are you?" I asked still holding Zoe behind me.

"You don't recognize me?" He said i tried to remember him but my brain was shot. He brought the Light to his face.

"C-c-Chris?" I said confused as hell Zoe walked up next to me.

"Yea it's me!" Chris smiled but i couldn't believe he was right there.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked more pissed off the i intended to sound.

"I saw you and Zoe running and it bothered me because it seem'd like you guys weren't running for fun it looked like it was urgent." Chris was talking but i only heard bits and pieces when it clicked, "Is he apart of this too?"

"Thank god!" Zoe said (she believed him?)  walking up to him hugging him. But i didn't buy it i waited for her to finish so we could leave.

"Alex, Would it be ok if i walked you both home?" Chris asked i looked at him i started to find him untrustworthy but i wasn't going to say no, i too scared to anyways.

"Yea, it'd be ok. Let's go!" I say walking out the building with Zoe and Chris behind me. Zoe was so happy that it was Chris that was there for us they were laughing just having a great time. I couldn't have a great time my brain was going a million miles per hour i was far gone. A hand touched my shoulder i jumped putting my fist's up ready to defend myself.

I went to a party,Got drunk, and had sex with my soon to be step-brotherWhere stories live. Discover now