I went to a party,Got drunk,and had sex with my soon to be step-brother!Part 12

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I was in complete darkness when my mind became aware of everything around me, taking into account my body and how heavy it felt...how bruised it felt. My hand twitched as I took inventory of the rest of my person. There was a slow beating noise somewhere in the background. I started to walk towards the beeping when I see this flash over my mind's eye and there Richard was on top of me smiling evilly at me, unzipping his pants and in the next flash my hands were flying around like crazy! My eyes started to water as the memory continued to replay itself, I heard my name being yelled out before the screen changed and I recognized that voice. It was Chase's voice, then a hand hit me in the face forcing everything to go black, but before it did, I watched Chase tackle Richard then while Richard was still down Chase came over his eyes scanning me, he looked like he was crying.

Richard got up Chase was facing me, my heart started to beat harder...faster as I watched this take place.  At the back of my mind, the once slow beeping got louder mimicking the way it was beating in the memory....I looked around the black room trying to find the source of the sound, I saw a little light, brighter than the one coming from the screen. I slowly walked towards it, but I stopped once I got close to it because I was scared...not knowing what it was. I guess it wasn't up for debate as I got pushed into it! My eyes flipped open to see Zoe holding my hand looking at me crying!

"Alex, this is going to be ok!" Zoe said. Looking at her it pissed me off! I know it wasn't her fault because she didn't make me put that damn dress on. But still, I found a fire brewing in my stomach towards her.

"Where am I?" 

"The hospital!"

Pulling my hand out of hers, I sat up in the bed paying little to no mind to the pain coming from my limbs. " This....Is....YOUR...Fault!" I yelled at her making her flinch.

"How is this my fault?" Zoe yelled back.

"The dress was your idea!" 

"I was only trying to help YOU!"

"Yeah. BIG....help!" I said as fat tears ran down my cheeks folding my arms over my chest. Zoe was crying too, making me feel bad.

"Richard was the one that tried to rape you, not me so if you want to be mad at someone, be mad at him." Zoe said. That cut me like a knife, I know how much that hurts (thanks, Jade)! I looked at her, my expression unreadable she was trying to, but I had too many emotions running through my head I couldn't pick one. I got up out of my bed and stood right in front of her! She looked concern even though we were fighting!

"You're the reason why he tried to.....with this slutty outfit you gave me to wear. But I should've expected this out of a slut like you!" I knew it was wrong for me to say before I said it, but I didn't stop it. She looked even more hurt by my words, (she probably already blames herself and here I am being selfish enough to really shove her nose in it) tears quietly fall down my face my heart beating so hard that the machine was going crazy!

"Takes one to know one!" Zoe said before she turned around and walked out of the room. My heart beating like it was about to explode, the persistent beeping got louder and more erratically before suddenly Chase bust's into the room looking right at me. I was still standing when he came to hug me. I let him I needed one, I hugged him allowing myself to cry until I had no more power to even stand. Picking me up, he laid me on the bed and sat beside me.

"Alex...what happened?" He asked I looked away.

"When?" I said feeling as weak as my voice sound.

"Just right now?" He asked grabbing my hand intertwining our fingers.

"Me and Zoe got into a fight!" I said.

"Why?" He asked me. I thought to myself: 'Man, isn't he full of questions today!'

"Because...I blamed her for what happened today.....with...Richard." I whispered the last part, voice creaking!

"Why would you do that, Alex?" He asked, this time, I didn't answer only continued to stare at the hospital issued sheets.

"Alex?" He said while lifting my chin so, I had to look at him, a tear run down my face! He looked like he cared and like he was about to cry! 

"Because....it was her idea to wear the dress to school today." I said stopping before I told him why I wanted to wear the dress!

"That's not your fault or Zoe's. That Richard is a douche bag!" He said to me making me feel worst than I already do about what I said to her.

"I know. I know! I just can't believe he tried to..!" I trailed off feeling Chase's body tense!

"I can't either! But it's ok. He will never touch you again! I promise you that!" Chase said 'that' with so much assurance that I got scared for a minute.

Then the room fell silent....I was looking at our hands and how they fit so perfectly together when I felt Chase staring at me, curiously I peered up to see him gazing intensely into my eyes. I got so lost in his eyes that I didn't even notice that he was leaning in towards me and to my surprise, I was too! He cupped the side of my face coming closer without even looking away. Then finally our lips touched it was like fireworks exploded inside of my head......at first, it was slow and sweet. Then it turned into a hot kiss that held so much want and need, from both of us, it started to get really hot in there. But I didn't complain! Chase put his hand on my lower back pulling me up with him, he stood up holding me with both hands around my waist and I put my arms around his neck! But that dumb beeping made us stop!

"We should stop before we get caught." I said to Chase breathing hard with him doing the same!

"Yeah....we should. I'll go sign you out." He put me back down gently onto the bed, slowly walking out the room. I sat there enjoying the moment that just happened, I looked down at my newly exposed skin gasping at the damage that was left, black and blue spots everywhere on my legs. I took out the needles out angrily, hurting myself in the process, but I didn't care I wanted to kill Richard! I went to the bathroom to change into the navy blue sweat suit someone brought me when I reemerged there he was, Chase waiting for me!

I walked up to him and he smiled! "They said you can go!" He said I nodded scanning the space to make sure I wasn't leaving anything behind, once I saw nothing that I own still in the room we walked out the hospital and Nate was outside standing there and the car wasn't behind him. They didn't even bring the car? We slowly got to Nate and he smiled sadly at me which made me mad, I don't like people feeling sorry for me!

"Nate! Please stop looking at me like that. I don't want your pity!" I snapped at him and he just  pulled me into a tight bear hug, making me feel 100% better! He finally let go of me, I peered up at him, he still was smiling at me before leaning down to kiss my forehead. I smiled back at him (even though I really didn't want to) then we started down the street!

We walked in silence...it wasn't awkward, my brain was torturing me about what took place, though. I couldn't let that bitch get away with that. Before I could get to lost in thought Chase decided to break the quiet space between us and started making fun of Nate who in turn hit Chase in the back of the head, I laughed at their Stupidity!

When we turned the corner to the street by our house I looked up and saw something that stopped me dead in my tracks.....................................................!

I went to a party,Got drunk, and had sex with my soon to be step-brotherWhere stories live. Discover now