I went to a party,Got drunk,and had sex with my soon to be step-brother!Part 7

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(Alex P.O.V.)

Well, come to find out Chris has the same class as me. I was partially listening to him as he continued talking about stuff, (I guess) but I did catch that he had Mr. Johnson's class first period today. Chris had told me that he had switch classes around and now he had advanced AP classes which Mr. Johnson teaches a mixed class of both normal and advanced students, that would explain why I've never seen him before. 

"I can show you where his class is," I offered offhandedly.

"No, it's okay. I wouldn't want to take you out of your way."

Shaking my head softly, I waved his concern off. "That's where I'm going, so don't worry about it."

Flashing that perfect smile again causing my heart to flutter, "Alright, lead the way." Turning to the direction I was heading before I came face to 'too damned defined' chest, Zoe's voice rang out being my attention back to the fact that she wasn't by my side.  

"Alex! What the hell you left me behind like that!" Zoe jogged over to where we were standing, she looked up at Chris then looked at me and she smiled. "And who's this cutie?" 

"This is Chris and we're going to escort him to Mr. Johnson's class." I grabbed Zoe's hand giving her a pointed look, hoping she decides to restrain from embarrassing me by something that comes out of her mouth.

"Oh, are we now?" 

"Yes, we are. I already said I was," 

"I do appreciate the assistance."

Zoe's eyes dilated a bit as she caught site of that incapacitating smile, Chris likes to sport around with. I understand the feeling...her eyes left his face to look at me, smiling like the devil himself I decided to stop her before whatever it is inside her mind starts to make its way out into the world, where it could do real damage.

"We better get going the warning bell already rang." I started to power walk away from them both, praying that Zoe would be so busy trying to keep up with me that she'd talk less than usual. Through her probing, we found out that Chris was new to town his family just moved here to California from Louisiana because of his dad finding a better paying job. He had no girlfriend (I almost punched her in the neck for asking him that, but I was also glad), he had a younger sister her name was Nacy she had just entered middle school. And he had a part-time job at Stater Bros. The second bell rung causing all conversation to come to an end.

"Shit," Zoe and I said at the same time before booking it the rest of the way to class, with Chris easily keeping up with us with his long legs.   

"It's nice of you two to grace us with your presence!" Mr. Johnson said with a disappointed look on his face directed our way.

"We weren't goofing off, we were showing your new student how to get here." I pointed at Chris standing beside us. 

"Let me see your schedule." Mr. Johnson held his hand out waiting for Chris to give him the aforementioned item. Chris (who was breathing as hard as we were) strolled over to the desk and handled Mr. Johnson the paper. Mr. Johnson looked at his classes hummed to himself before handing it back. "Since you're being such a good Samaritan, Chris can sit next to you." 

"Whatever," Like that a punishment. I glanced over at Chris with a ghost of a smirk playing across my lips, he peered down at me smirking like Mr. Johnson wasn't going to see him. 

"Class this is Chris Olsen and he'll be joining our class as an AP student." The guy students shrugged not really showing any interest, but the girls were barely able to contain their excitement. "Now, go sit down."

I went to a party,Got drunk, and had sex with my soon to be step-brotherWhere stories live. Discover now