I went to a party,Got drunk, and had sex with my soon to be step-brother Part 24

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"I don't think i am! Now when Captain starts to complain then That's when i'll change." Chris says. I want to step off behind that wall so bad but i wanted to investigate without them suspecting it. I took off running to the back of the school past the field into the little trees all the way in the back of the school.

'Are they talking about me?' 'She said she saw him kiss someone....He just kissed me' Unless he's cheating on me. Who the hell is this captain they were talking about? Do they work for my Step dad? Mark Joe and Kevin?

I was so rapped up in my own thoughts that i didn't hear someone was walking up behind me. Until they put their hand on my shoulder making me jump. As i jumped up i slipped on wet leafs hitting my head on the tree that was in front of me.

Who the hell is that? Wait...................................Mark?

"Alex? Alex....wake up! Wake up!" A voice says afar off it seems. As my hearing became clearer the voice became louder , Trying to open my eyes my vision was fogy slowly unveiling my surroundings.

What! Stop yelling......please." My voice turning into a whisper at the end, bringing my body to a up right position holding my head shutting my eyes tight trying to make the pain stop.

"Hey.....take it easy." He says as I hear him walk over to me. Touching the back of my neck, I look at him his face was little fuzzy.

"How long have I been out?" I say blinking a few times focusing my sight before looking back at this guy.

"Well, a few minutes, Almost and hour." He says. I finally get a good look at him. Why is he here?

"Mark why are you here?" I looked at him but he seemed surprised at my tone of irritation.

"Mark? Um yes..well...i'm...i mean..i saw you..um running and I wanted to make sure that you were okay." He says when i started to feel dizzy.

"Okay? Why are you talking so funny?" I looked at his eyes he just smiled and shrugged.

"I don't know what your talking about." He laughed, I rolled my eyes- something was rolling down my forehead. I thought it was a bug so I swat it. Ending up toughing my head thinking it wasn't a big deal.

"Oh....Alex your bleeding." He says with such calmness as I bring my hand into view I was indeed bleeding.

"I am! Oh my gosh im bleeding!" I started to freak out, I tried to remember what brought this to be. I jumped up pacing the floor as my blood began to flow faster. I kept touching it with my hands i couldn't believe i was bleeding. Mark tried to get me to calm down.

"Okay! Okay....Alex. Stop touching it. Alex!" Mark grabs my shoulders bringing me to a haul. I look at my hands that are now covered in my blood.

"Wh-What happened?" I looked at him as he nods towards the log we were once sitting by, walking me over to it sitting me down.

"Well, remember I told that I saw you running and I decided to follow you to make sure you were okay?" He says I nod saying yes. He reaches into his pocket getting a handkerchief wiping my hands then moving onto my head.

"So I followed you out here and when I touched your shoulder because you looked very angry, but when I touched you, you got scared turned around really fast tripping over some wet leaves and hit your head hard on that tree right there." He said it so calm it made me mad for his lack of emotions.

"Why are you so calm! On top of that why are you nice to me.?" I yelled at him, but he continued to clean the cut un-phased.

"Well for one you could of really hurt yourself. It's partly my fault so I should want to help. Besides your freaking out enough for the both of us." He smirks a bit looking at me as he finishes with my cut.

I went to a party,Got drunk, and had sex with my soon to be step-brotherWhere stories live. Discover now