I went to a party,Got drunk,and had sex with my soon to be step-brother!Part 9

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I looked down and to my surprise, there was a knife lodged in my side.....this bitch stabbed me! I looked up at her and she looked just as shocked as I was!

"How could you?" I said in a shaky voice with angry tears in my eyes!

"I-I-I...I didn't mean to"-I cut her off.

"IF U DIDN'T MEAN TO, THEN WHY WOULD YOU HAVE A KNIFE IN THE FIRST PLACE!" I yelled finding myself getting more and more pissed off! I gathered the little strength I had trying to get away from her before I put her in a hospital, I started to walk away, only to pause to look over my shoulder at her.

"This.....right here.." I pointed in between her and me. "Isn't over you remember that!" With that I walked to the bathroom towards the sink, I had to check on the damage she inflicted on me, staring into the mirror. I was about to look at the damage when my phone started to ring! I looked at the screen and the caller I.D. said Nate and I ignored him the first couple of times he called. But that didn't seem to deter him, he kept calling...then it stopped suddenly. Next, it was Chris and for some reason, I became angry at him, I know it's not his fault his ex-girlfriend was crazy. I ignored him too, I went over to the wall leaning against it then slowly slid down. I decided to call Zoe, I knew I wouldn't be able to handle this on my own! It rang once and she picked it up.

"Hello?" Zoe said

"Hey, Z!" I said my voice hoarse from yelling at Jade.

"Where the hell are you?" Zoe asked sounding annoyed.

"I know, I know I'm sorry, but I got caught up!" I said slowly so, I won't break down!

"Caught up with what?"

"Z-Z-z-Zoe i-i-i need you!" I started to cry, I couldn't hold it anymore. I'm losing a lot of blood .I'm still in a state of shock!

"Hey....what wrong?" Zoe's tone changed from annoyed to a soft concerned voice!

"Help me, I'm in the bathroom. Don't tell anyone ok!" I hiccupped as more tears fell, I can't believe she stabbed me over some fucking dude like what the fuck!

"Ok, I'm coming!" We hung up and I kept my hand on my side while I cried, it wasn't long until the bathroom door swung opened. I looked up and there Zoe was she ran over to me sitting down next to me.

"Aww babe, what happened?" Zoe asked looking into my eyes! I told her everything that happened ( Sorry, I didn't feel like rewriting what happened :P)

"SHE DID WHAT!" Zoe nearly screamed I covered her month with my clean hand.

"Shhhhh!" I hissed.

"Let me see?" She said I shifted over to my right knee, uncovering my hand from the wound she gasped as she saw the knife sticking out from my shirt. Zoe lifted my shirt and there was the gash, blood ran down my side from it. She got up and took out 75cents!

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Shhh!" She hissed back. I watched her go over to the tampon thing on the wall( Ha ha, I saw this in Salt the movie :). She got a few tampons and came back over to me. She put them on the wound and it seemed to stop the blood so that's good!

"Come on let's go!" Zoe said I could tell she was piss, hell I was pissed too! I was about to walk out when I remembered my Shirt!

"Wait...Zoe! I need a new shirt my blood's all over this one!" She looked down as to think about something, she nodded her head and took off her jacket helping me put it on! She grabbed my hand and we walked out, then we walked past the lockers when I realized where we were going i stopped!

"What?" Zoe snapped

"My stuff is in my locker!" I whispered I know she didn't mean to snap at me, but I'm emotional! I mean come on, I just got stabbed who wouldn't be emotional!

"Oh...I'm sorry it's just...!" She trailed off and I nodded. We went to my locker and retrieved my stuff, then as I turned around to walk away someone grabbed my arm. My head snapped around ready to fight when I seen that it was Chris, I calmed down (but not by much).

"Where have you been?" Chris asked looking so worried.

"I've been around!" I said getting that feeling again!

"Around where, not around me!" He was asking too many questions, it was beginning to piss me off.

"Why do you care, Chris? Huh?" I spat back!

"Why do I care....." He walked in a little circle with his hands on his head like the question I asked was so frustrating. "Maybe I didn't make this clear to you, I like you, Alex." He said while putting his hand on my shoulders pulling me close hugging me. I was fine until he tried to put his hands on my hips that's when I backed away!

"What's wrong, Alex?" Chris asked.

"Nothing, I um....I gotta go!" I turned and walked away with Zoe beside me, we continued down the stairs stopping I scanned the parking lot for my car, that's when I remembered that I still had the keys to Nate's car and I walked over and Zoe followed.

"I don't want to go home!" I said when we got in the car.

"You're not going home, now to the hospital that's another story!" She smiled and I did too. She started the car looking to make sure no one saw us leave, before driving away! We got to the hospital in no time, I had to get my stitches and they told me I had to give a statement to the police which I left before they called in.

"Let's go home ok!" Zoe said I nodded and got in the car and we went home. I was driving when my phone went off Zoe grabbed it.

"It's a text message!" Zoe said

"From....?" I looked at her and back at the road, she was smiling!

"It's Chase your lover boy!" Zoe smiled I playfully slapped her, she giggled clearing her throat she read it to me!

"Hey, Alex I missed you at lunch today I hope you're ok. Where the hell were you anyways?" Zoe chuckled I smiled

"What do you want me to put?" she looked at me.

"Put I was busy!" I said. She started to type my reply. Looking at the road again although we didn't have to wait before it went off again!

He said: "Aw! What now you're too busy for me?" I laughed

Say: "Yeah I'm always too busy for you even when I'm doing nothing!" I smiled. Zoe wrote back, then not long after she replied my phone went off again!

He said: "Oh, yeah well you weren't too busy for me when you were 2sec. from ripping my clothes off in the rec center!" I gasped forming an "O" with my mouth!

"Whatever, I didn't hear you complaining or trying to stop me!" I said and Zoe shook her head! We waited then he replied.

He said: "Of course I wouldn't stop you! I'd do anything to have you to want me like you did then.....to have your hands on me again! Soberly." I laughed at the memory of the first night I was with Chase! 

"I know you would. Too bad you won't I'm done with this conversation!" She nodded and wrote it!

"Send!" She said while looking at the road!

He said: "Um...!" Zoe stopped and I looked at her. She looked shocked!

"What? What he say?" I said starting to get anxious!

He said: "Ok, I'll see you at home......i um....I love you, Alex!" She looked at me and I punched on the breaks gawking at her!

"WHAT!" I yelled, she nodded and handed me the phone I looked at it reading it over and over making sure it wasn't a joke or she was lying and that's what it said in black and white: I love you Alex! My eyes got watery.

"I'll drive the rest of the way!" Zoe got out the car...came to my side and I crawled over to the passenger side and she drove home. 

When we got there I jumped out the car and ran to the door, so, I can ask Chase to say it to my face. But when I unlocked the door and walked in, I saw something that made me want to jump off a bridge and die..........................................................!

I went to a party,Got drunk, and had sex with my soon to be step-brotherWhere stories live. Discover now