i went a party,Got drunk and had sex with my soon to be stepbrother part 18

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I was about to scream when i...............................I get tossed in the air, i hit the back of my head on the wall. I open my eyes but my vision was blur. All i saw was a image of someone in a long jacket i started to crawl away from it. It kept coming closer to me....i pushed past it trying to get to my door before i know it I'm face down on the ground. I turned around to at least get a look of who the hell this is....i feel a arm on my ankle pulling me backwards and slammed into the desk behind him ( I can tell its a he by his hands...and of course the lack of the Obvious.) 

I start to cry from the painfully head ache that i now have because of the ass hole beating the shit out of me. He picks me up from the floor and tosses me over to my bed....i bounced off and fall on the floor hitting my head once again. 

"Please.....stop!" I beg while crawling away as he walks closer then i started getting dark spots. I was shaking really bad......i couldn't breathe then once again my world went black. 


I woke up with the worst headache ever as my sight started clearing i looked around i see a figure in the far corner. That's when everything hits me like a ton of bricks...my mom crying, mark, Nate trying to kiss me again,  etc. So i did the first thing i thought of which was sneak over to the door and open it. Well it didn't work out exactly like that as soon as i move his head snapped up and that's when i rushed to open the door and it finally opened i was out until he grabbed my shirt. Which gave me about sec. to react...which i did i ripped my shirt and there i was in the hallway with some short shorts and my bra.

He stopped at my room's door way, i saw him walk all the way back to my baloney jumping off but not before smelling my shirt and dropping on the floor. My heart was beating so hard i was shaking so bad i felt so dizzy i collapsed on hallway floor. I heard footsteps coming my way my heart was speeding up faster.

"Alex....?" I opend my eyes to see mark looking at me not with his regular experssion it was.......soft and even concern.

"Mark..? what are you doing here...i mean up so late?" I asked when it hit me why didn't he come when he heard all the noise. 

"I got hangry so i went to the kitchen and got a snack." He said as i looked at his hands and in fact he had some cookies and milk.

"Didn't you hear all that noise?" I asked while the dizziness gets worst......I'm going to past out i just know it.

"What noise?" Mark said while i feel like the room is spinning. 

"Never mind Mark!" I said closing my eyes trying to get my self together.

"Alex are you OK?" Mark said sounding really concern. I tried to stand up with wobbly knees quickly finding out that was the BIGGEST mistake i could of  my life. Soon as i tried to get i fell straight down blood splatting all over the place.

"Alex!" Mark yells as he run over to me trying to help me up when i hear someone door open. I tried to see who it was i was hoping it wasn't Jeff then I'll be stuck out there with them. 

"What the hell do you think your doing?" Nate's voice was like sweet music to my ears i would smile if i could.

"Nothing i was trying to help her." Mark said before i feel a hand on my cheek. i hear more footsteps then nothing.

"She bleeding! You asshole! What did you do?" Nate said his voice was scaring me because he was pissed.

"I didn't do anything to her when i found her she laying here with no shirt ...shaking!" Mark said being honest in the first time in his life.

"Come on Alex open your eyes.....come on open your eyes...please!" Nate whispered rubbing my head i tried so hard to my eyes. I keep trying until they did i blinked a couple times to focus on Nate's eye's.

"Hi." I say while smiling at him.

"Hi."Nate say while he smiles back the picks me up walking me into his room. Nate walks past mark.

"You better be glad you didn't do anything to her....Because we would of had a problem." Nate voice spilling with anger.

"Sure we would of." Mark say as he walks back into his room.  Right before i was i Nate's room completely i looked over to see mark looking at me weird i couldn't tell what it was.  

"Nate?" I say as Nate put's me on his bed.

"Yes...Alex." Nate walks into bathroom got the first aid kit then came back and sat on the bed next to me.

"Mark was telling the truth about how he found me." I struggled to spit out i hate to side with mark.

"He was? hm! that's would be his first time telling the truth." Nate lets out a small laugh then he takes the shirt he has on and gives it to me...helping me out it on!

"Am i bleeding?" I ask as Nate sits me up looking at the back of my head. He nodded saying yes which made me feel scared out of my wits.

"A little bit, It's ok i'm here i got you!" Nate wipes my head and pacthes me up. then goes into the bathroom puts the kit back. 

"Alex....what happened?" Nate asks as he comes to the bed and gets in holding me making me feel so safe.

"I don't know....something...or someone came into my room and beat the shit out of me." I tried to laugh a little to ease the tension, Nate turns me around looking at me in the eyes.

"So...your telling me you didn't see who did this to you?" Nate say while his breathing was becoming uneven.

"Yes and no! I seen a guy in a long black jacket." I smile a small smile trying to calm him down.

"But you didn't see his face? Am i right?" Nate asks....i nodded! He exhaled letting that smell i love so much full my nostrils i close my eyes smiling. 

"i'm here don't worry no more ok?" Nate layed back holding me tight i nodded! The rest of the night i felt safe in his arms i slept the rest of the night.

Worrying about school with Richard and Jade and Oh! Chris i forgot about him what am i going say? then there's Zoey what am i going do i miss her. Yes she's kinda slutty but she's my best friend i need to let her know what's going on just incase she gets caught up she knows who the bad guys are. 

the next morning i moved arond and Nate wasn't there but someone was hovering over me i opened my eyes and it was.......................................................................!

I went to a party,Got drunk, and had sex with my soon to be step-brotherWhere stories live. Discover now