i went to a party,Got drunk,and had sex with my soon to be step brother19pt.2

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When...............Nate's hand over my mouth i started to hear footsteps coming closer and closer. Every one step we heard get closer we took two back. I seen a shadow creep by the door then it stopped by this time we're all the way in the back of the closet. The door opened and it was........Chase?

"Chase?" I said as the light flows in the dark closet binding for a second.

"Alex?......Nate?" Chase looked back and forth between me and Nate. I started walking towards him when Jeff's voice comes running down the hallway. I ran to Chase pulled him in and closed the door behind him.

~Jeff's one-sided conversation~

-I'm sorry? You think what?


-I'm not soften on this deal.

(More mumbles)

-Mark....doesn't know what he talking about!


-No disrespect! Yes i need it, Just give me more time.

-I'm on my way i just need to get my coat and me and mark we be there.

We started freaking out trying to figure out what we're going to do, If Jeff opens and we get seen we're screwed. So we start scrambling to find what to do. When i felt dizzy again so i lean up against the wall. Chase came over and did the same thing i was doing then he started hugging me.  

"How can you two just sit there?" Nate looked at both of us like we we're in a life or death situation.....(which we kinda are. Well i know i am!)

"There's nothing we can do...really!" I shrugged like it was so obvious. Nate gave a stubborn sigh and walked and throw his back on the hard. That's when it gave way and we all fall through the wall (literately) we rolled all the way down this ramp when we finally stopped. my everything hurt...i got up slowly looking around it was pitch black!

"Alex?" Chase called me when feel a hand on my boob! 

"I'm right next to you ok hands off!" I slapped his hand off me while getting up helping them to their feet.  

"What the hell just happened?" Nate said as we hear the closet door slam closed my heart started pounding. Nate grabs my hand and i grab Chase's and we hid in the smallest place i have ever seen in my life.

The wall door thing yanks open making me jump Nate puts his hand on my back rubbing small circles calming me down. 

-Hold on Joe...! Jeff looked around grabbed something putting it in his pocket i heard it click. 

-Nothings wrong i just thought i saw something. then Jeff walked out and left.

As we sat there i started to feel like the wall was giving way i was trying to move but we got kinda stuck! 

"Guys? Do you feel that?" I asked but they were so busy auguring with each other about who choice it was to put us in this little space. Just then the wall just moves and we fall backwards right into  the front yard.

I rolled around feeling the aftermath of the fall and all the pain from the night before. When the pain finally went away i just laid there when i felt something warm going down my leg and i started freaking out i thought it was a bug. 

But it wasn't it was blood i looked over at the boys and they looked pretty messed up too. I crawled over to Nate he had no shirt on and some pajama pants.

"Nate you ok?" I rubbing his cheek. I look over to Chase his arms are all scratched up.

"Chase are you good?" I ask he shakes his head saying no. I was ignoring my pain to make sure they were ok.

"What's going on here?" A voice said from behind me which made me jump. I looked and saw my mom looking at me and the boys with worry written all over her face.

"Nothing mom just horsing around getting ready for school." I look at the boys as i was getting up i nudged them a little and they both got up slowly.

"Well i off to work ok? Be home a late." mom says walking away shes gets in her car and as she was about to drive away she turned and gave me this look it was strange....then drove off!

"Come on guys let's go." I say as i help them both in the house and get inside and i noticed Mark and Jeff was gone. We got in the house and walked up the stairs the boys got into their shower's and i got into the hallway's shower.

I got out and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me went to my rooms door and stopped dead in my tracks. Remembering with happened last night i was shaking just thinking about it so i went to Nate's room and opened the door without knocking. Oops...I opened the door and there he was getting dressed.

"Alex.....!" Nate yelled which made me laugh a little.

"Sorry i should of knocked but....." I trailed off  covering my eyes.

"It's ok now Alex i'm dressed!" Nate said as i uncovered my eyes i saw him smiling.

"Can you um...?" I said embarrassed.

"What Alex?" Nate stood there looking at me.

"Can you come in my room with me so i can get dressed?" I asked as i looked down at the floor smiling shyly.

"Yea sure Alex!" Nate said with a small laugh. We walked out his room on down to my room i stand at the door looking at it.

"It's ok Alex....i'm right here!" Nate grabbed my shoulder's giving me a little shake. He opens the door pushing me slowly in. As we got in i went straight into my closet my clothes and went to the bathroom just as fast getting dressed so we can get out of that room as fast as we possible could.

"Ok Nate let's go." I didn't even put on makeup i was in such a rush to get the hell out of that room i forgot my backpack. We walked out the room when we ran into Chase who looked as us trying to figure out why we were coming out my room together.

"Don't start Chase!" I rolled my eyes and walked down the stairs and grabbed my purse and out the door we went to the car. In no time we were at school i got out in a daze i missed and few days of school and was nervous about seeing Zoey and Chris.

I walked into the gate an straight to my locker when i hear footsteps coming up beside me i look and its Zoey i had to fight the urge to hug her. She looked at me and i tried not to look at her so i started to put my stuff into the locker.

"Alex..what happened to your arm?" I looked at her face then to where she was looking at and it was a mark on my arm when Jeff grabbed me.

"Nothing i got to go! " My eyes got watery and i walked away and went straight to class. On my way to class i turned the Conner and there Chris was. I stopped and put it in reverse and back up and went the other way. 

The bell rings as i walk into the classroom and that's when i realized i forgot my backpack i told Mr.asshole(My nickname for him) that i forgot my books and he pared me up with Zoey to share.  He started talking about something and i zoned out when i get a poke in the side which made me jump i started laugh.

"I swear he loves the sound of his own voice." Zoey said and we laughed. We give each other the "look" ( You know the "look" that you give your best friend after you guys fight and your telling them your sorry with words) 

"Zoey i'm-" she cuts me off.

"I know i'm sorry too!' We smile we were going to hug but we decided to wait until the bell rung. 

-After class-

"Zoey there is so much i have to tell you!" I say as we are walking down the hallway.

"Ok is that a good thing or not?" Zoey looked me i shake my head.

"No not even close." I laughed as we about to turn the Conner when i see Chris again and i stop again! Zoey looked at me.

"Your gonna have to face him soon or later!" Zoey said with a laugh.

"I choose later! Let's go!" I grab her and run the other way.

I keep running and i took my eyes off of what was in font of me and ran me and Zoey right into something.

Or was that a somebody........................?

I went to a party,Got drunk, and had sex with my soon to be step-brotherWhere stories live. Discover now