I went to a party,Got drunk,and had sex with my soon to be step-brother!Part 13

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I looked up and saw Janet locking lips with some short blond dude, he wasn't even hot! I glanced at Nate to make sure he wasn't seeing what I was and thank God he was still looking at Chase smiling. I thought to myself 'I had to do something and do it fast!' So, I did what came to my mind first.

"Ouch!" I yelled and grabbed my side sitting on the ground, while I faked like I was really hurting (even though the pain was there just not as painful as I'm portraying it to be) while Chase and Nate tried to catch me

"What is it Alex...where does it hurt?" Nate asked and Chase looked at my eyes I think he saw through it.

"Um....my back and my side!" I hesitated rattling off something to keep his eyes on me. I looked up at Nate, he seemed to have bought it. Chase, on the other hand, didn't. Nate went to look at what I was looking at, but I grabbed his shirt stopping him before he saw Janet.

"Nate! Um....it hurts so bad!" I yelled while making the "I'm in so much pain" face! When I yelled Janet turned and saw us, her eyes grow so big, I thought they would pop out of their socket's. She said something to the guy, before they went into the house that's when I stopped the act!

"Ok...Alex, I'll carry you the rest of the way." He said nodding my head while I kept my eyes on everything, but Chase who was looking at me like he knew I was lying. However, he just didn't know why I was lying. When we got home, I saw my mom's car, I took a slow breath as Nate put me down and we walked in the house. I opened the door and I saw my mom on the couch, she looked up when she heard the door closing before jumping up out of her seat to rush over to me with a sad smile on her face. She ran up to me and hugged me, not long after she came over Jeff came to me to do the same thing. I smiled at them both, allowing them to guide me to the couch as gently as they could, they asked me what happened, and I told everything. I saw no other way around it. 

"I'm calling his parent's; I want to have a conversation about how they're raising their son!" My mom states making me feel even more embarrassed than what I already do. What a thing to take place during the time where she should enjoy being a newlywed. 

"Fuck his parents. I'm calling the police." Jeff started walking towards the phone without waiting for anyone to agree with his choice.  

"No, wait Jeff." I was waved away as he continued waiting on the phone. "No. mom I'm fine!" I said even though I was lying. I'm not fine! My head space was all fucked up and I didn't want to get into how much this affected me. Because the fact that it was making me fearful to go back to school was pissing me off to the highest degree. I refuse to let that dickhead control where I go or what I do.

"No, you're not fine. Alex, I want to file something on him! Attempt rape or something!" My mom said really making me face the fact that this thing did happen. It did happen to me. I just want it to go away I really don't want any more attention surrounding this.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Petersburg, I will never let this happen again." Chase said while looking at me.

"I'm going to go to bed now, ok mom!" I said walking to my room. Once I get safely behind the door I plopped down onto the bed. MY mind was racing with so many thoughts and questions that I couldn't grasp onto anything. MY emotions were frazzled causing my heart to pound in my chest. I don't know if I should be angry of cry or throw up....I really don't know what to do with this. Sighing, I stare up at the ceiling blankly until I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in, it's open!" I called out! My door opened slightly before I see Chase pops his head inside checking to see if it was ok to come all the way inside.

"Hey, Alex. I'm sorry if I interrupted." He said while coming in towards me to sit on my bed. 

I shrugged. "No, don't worry about it. I wasn't asleep." I said still looking at him.

I went to a party,Got drunk, and had sex with my soon to be step-brotherWhere stories live. Discover now