I Got drunk, went to a party, and had sex with my soon to be setp brotherPart 16

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I feel......arms wrap around me so i looked and saw Richard staring at me smiling wildly, my breathe became uneven.

"Well, well, well? Look what we have here." He said in a hushed tone.

"Richard..what the hell are you doing?" I said scared and pissed all at the same time.

"You thought i was done with you didn't you?" Richard said pushing me up against the wall, which made my skin crawl.

"Richard leave me alone......go be with Katelyn oh wait i forgot you already have." I said with a disgusted look on my face. That seemed to piss him off so he give me a quick blow to the gut that sent me gasping for air.

"Now you listen to me and you listen good.....we're going to walk out of this alley together and your going to hold my hand and i'm going to take you home and make sweet...rough love to you and your going to like it." he paused wrapping his hands around my neck and squeezed just tight enough to make me feel my wind pipe was closing. I started struggling looking at his evil face.

He then stopped letting me collapse to the ground he picks me up by my hair and pushed me forward. When we got to the opening of the alley and i (doing the first thing that came to my mind.) kicked him where the sun don't shine and tried to run for my life but i was stopped short when Richard grabbed my ankle pulling me to the ground. He climbed on top of me and he tried to pined my arms above my head but i slapped him, which seemed to excite him. He hit me again in the side i yipped in pain i looked around and saw no one it was strange. But i knew i had to get away and fast.

I brought my knee's to my chest and pushed him off me and he went flying back but was back on his feet faster the i thought. I jumped up and ran i looked back and he was right behind me when i ran right into something and feel on my back. I looked up and saw Mark? He looked down at me and smiled i didn't care i was more afraid of Richard. I hoped up and got behind mark using him as a shield.

"Mark...please help me don't let him touch me!" I asked not caring if he was just chasing me not too long ago. He looked at me with a weird look like he didn't know why i was talking to him....weird. Mark went to open his mouth to say something when Richard came running up looking at me then Mark then back at me.

"Hey....thanks man for holding my girlfriend for me. Come on babe we're going to my house." Richard went to reach behind Mark to grab me and Mark pushed his hand away.

Look, she doesn't want to go with you." Mark said while looking at me with a warm smile on his face which confused me because he doesn't seem like the warm type he seems very sneaky.

"I already said thanks....do i have to hurt you little boy." Richard said looking at mark for a sec. then back on me.

"I'd like to see you try." Mark said with confidence and Richard looked at him smiling then it started blows being thrown and the Richard somehow got past Mark and got close enough to hit me in the face. I fell to the ground with my face throbbing i sat there stunted but i got up anyways i looked and Mark was winning. Then mark turned to me and yelled:

"Go! run i got this." i got up and ran all the way back to where i came. when i finally couldn't breathe i stopped and i felt this hot liquid running down my face i reached up to touch it hurt so i hissed in pain. i looked at it and it was blood MY blood i felt dizzy but i held it together, i wiped my blood on my sleeve took a slow deep breath.

After a while i started walking back to where i would think my mom would be and there she was smiling being happy which killed me deep down inside. I kept looking and there was Chase and Nate but no Kelly that made me smile a little but i frowned remembering that i still haven't told Nate what i knew and i knew when i finally tell him his going hate me for me telling him when it happened.

I went to a party,Got drunk, and had sex with my soon to be step-brotherWhere stories live. Discover now