I went to a party,Got drunk,and had sex with my soon to be step-brother!Part 2

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( Alex's P.O.V.) 

I woke up to the dry morning air and a massive headache pounding between my eyes. Squeezing my eyes tighter trying to lessen the pain I was feeling, although I wasn't getting anywhere with that, my head still felt too heavy for my neck. Groaning softly, I rolled over onto my back, stretching my limbs to their full capacity until my bones gave a loud 'pop' (which felt amazing). But as I returned to my original position, I was startled when my hand hit something?

"What!" It, I mean he said. I shifted my head to the side slowly to see a dark brown-headed boy in my bed, oh and he was NAKED! Glancing around the room I quickly came to the realization that I was, in fact, not in my bed, therefore this was not my house. Which would explain the butt ass naked guy laying next to me, panic rose swiftly from deep within me. The pressure began blooming over my chest causing my heart to pound against its cage forcing the little bit of content in my stomach to churn. Pushing down the bile I felt crawling up my throat, I removed the covers from off of me noting that my skirt and panties were gone. So we had sex...last night, while I was drunk off my ass, in retracing my tracks to answer the questions hanging over my head (due to the fog that surrounds it). I actively avoided the topic of why I went so hard into the liquor last night, I should have just gone home after I felt like I wasn't having any fun anymore. I know my limit I should've stopped drinking after I noticed those drinks were affecting me. Shaking my head, I resumed my search for my missing clothes. 

Gliding my palms over the cooling sheets, hoping I would be able to quickly find my stuff so I can go. Moving further down the bed, but I didn't feel anything that remotely resembled what I was looking for, scanning the room I spotted them some ways from the foot of the bed. Peering over my shoulder at my unintentional hookup, I tried to get my stuff and leave the room without waking him up, just to skip out on the awkward thing that happens in these situations. Where we're both trying to feel each other out to make sure neither one of us might end up with a potential stalker on our hands due to our one-time interaction. He would end up trying to make sure I'm not one of those 'clingy after sex' types of girls and I'll be trying to do the same thing with him. I'm already highly fucking embarrassed right now knowing that I let this happen over a silly thing that should've meant nothing to me. Over a stupid crush that wouldn't've gone anywhere, even if the principalities were my friends and they wanted to grant me, my every whim, stupid Ryan, stupid Katelyn.

"Fuck him and that bitch," I whispered angrily into the otherwise silent space. Shaking my head, I swing my legs out of the bed sliding over the side of the mattress, I gently push myself up to get onto my feet. Holding my breath to ensure I didn't miss the moment that the guy's breathing change indicating that he was waking up. Once I knew that he was still asleep, I took a careful step forward into the direction of my discarded clothes (which was a big mistake) I felt this very sharp pain that went from my inner thigh to the middle of my stomach. I let out a loud yelp before crumbling onto the floor with a thump. Unfortunately, that woke him up. He jolted straight up, looking around lazily to pinpoint where the noise came from until his eyes eventually landed on me. A knowing smile spreads over his face as our eyes locked, turning back around where he starts to get out of the bed as well. Walking over to where I was still sitting on the ground still completely naked if I may add. It took a lot to not stare at it as he stands over me, honestly the size of it was...surprising. I don't know how that even fit...like how did I even? I mean no wonder I'm so sore, he was able to put that anacon-

"Are you ok?" He said still smiling down at me.

Blinking as I was suddenly yanked out of my rambling thoughts. "Yeah, I'm fine. I just like sitting on the floor randomly screaming out in pain." I said making every word drip with sarcasm.

"You didn't seem to have a problem with screaming last night!" Chase smirked cockily at me knowing I was having a hard time with not staring at his dick, which was purposefully positioned in front of my face. 

I went to a party,Got drunk, and had sex with my soon to be step-brotherWhere stories live. Discover now