I went to a party,Got drunk, and had sex with my soon to be step-brother! Part23

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I jolted up breathing heavy and covered in cold sweat, shielding myself from something that wasn't there. Looking around slowly calming down realizing it was only a dream i took a swift look over toZoe hoping i didn't wake her up. And to my surprise she wasn't even phased by it....i don't blame her we've been though a lot in the past few days......well more like weeks. As i simmered down deciding to try and go back to sleep, i closed my eyes only to get a flashback on Chase's face causing me to get up.

"Well......so much for that idea." I whispered standing up with the covers sticking to my skin. Yanking them off as i go towards the bathroom.  I took a quick shower feeling so much better now that i got all that grossness off of me.  Walking out the bathroom fully dressed and smelling good, i go to the bed taking the cover off...throwing them in the corner of the room. 

"Alex?" Zoe spoke with a soft voice, i looked over seeing her eyes were still closed i laughed to myself as i go back to cleaning my bed.

"Yes?" I whispered back finishing with the bed, sitting down in the chair by the window.

"Are you ok?" She says clutching to her pillow.

"Yeah. I'm fine don't worry.....Go back to sleep." I say turning on the T.V.

'Ok let me know if...." She turned over noticing my voice was coming from a different direction.

"If..if..you have a bad dream....(she inhaled and exhaled quickly)......Cuz' i'm here you know." She continued, i nodded like she could see me.

"Yes Zoe. I know thank you i'm fine." I say still looking at the T.V. She mouthed something like 'Ok' and turned back around going back to sleep. I sat there for awhile flipping through the channels finding nothing to watch. I glanced over at the clock 6:35am it said seeing that we had maybe a couple of hours before we had to go to school.

I hopped up getting my keys, walking over to the door but before leaving i wrote Zoe a note telling her i was going to get some coffee. Leaving going down the stairs i admire the scenery of the sun just raising....peeking around the clouds making to cascade of purples and Orange sitting me at ease. Starting my car driving off making my way down the street.....daydreaming i look at my review mirror seeing this car following me.

I pushed down on the gas a bit as all kinds of things ran through my mind. 'Oh god! Is this car following me?'  'What am i gonna do?'  were some of the questions running through my mind. Until my logical side stepped in and i calmed down....focusing on where i'm going and getting there.

My phone rang i saw Chase's name on the screen, i reached out to answer it but the dream popped back in my head. i put my hand back on the wheel i know it was a dream but it felt so real. I ignored it continuing to drive, pulling into the parking lot i get out. Locking my door i felt like someone was watching me i looked around trying to find something outta the ordinary but nothing so i went about my business.

Walking out the cafe to my car my phone rang again with Chase's name flashing...it was him again. This time i pushed ignore instead of waiting for it to stop ringing. Driving into the hotels parking lot i get out putting the food and coffee on top of my hood.  Fishing for my purse for some reason i couldn't find it, I scanned for it when i heard a voice  that seemed so familiar.

"Look! Get over yourself." A male voice says....i couldn't really listen because i was trying to hurry and get my purse so we could get to school cuz' we were gonna be late, so i couldn't really focus.

"No! you get over Yourself....Ok i know i was good." A females voice came out this time.

"Yea sure! If you say so." He said when i started to look a little more slowly (lol being nosy) so i could listen. It seemed like this conversation was going to be a very interesting one.

I went to a party,Got drunk, and had sex with my soon to be step-brotherWhere stories live. Discover now