Chapter 2

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Yu Wenlan stepped into the hall all the way, looked up, as if he saw a sea of ​​jewels, the jewelry on the head and body of those women dazzled people's eyes under the reflection of the lights in the hall.

The smell of makeup and powder in the air also became stronger, he lowered his eyebrows slightly, and said softly, "Let's get down."

All the girls returned to their seats one after another, all of them seemed to be sitting upright in formal attire, but they quietly cast their gazes at him.

"When Your Majesty comes, the hall seems to be brighter."

The one who spoke was the imperial concubine Zhou who was sitting at the front. Yu Wenlan recognized her because she was the empress dowager's niece and her cousin in name.

Today she was dressed like a red lantern at the gate of the temple, the smile on her face looked very decent, but the voice in her heart was full of viciousness.

[These **** are all dressed up better than me. It seems that they have to be rectified before they can know what the rules are. 】

--Ever since I was able to hear other people's voices three years ago, Yu Wenlan has been used to all kinds of duplicity, so she just said in a low voice, "I'm not a lantern, how can I make the hall brighter?"

But after hearing a puff, another woman approached laughed and said, "Your Majesty is really funny, but the imperial concubine is always the best at talking, why did you stumble today?"

This is Concubine Ning, as the niece of the eldest princess's husband's family, she was sent to the palace by the eldest princess. Yu Wenlan also met her a few times, so she still has an impression.

Of course, he could also hear that the woman was scolding Concubine Zhou in her heart, [Hmph, you think you can overwhelm me by wearing red, and you don't even look in the mirror to see how ugly you are! To say that my multi-treasure wishful phoenix hairpin is better, it is really worth two thousand taels of silver. Look, Your Majesty has come to see it. 】

This was probably the first time the emperor looked at her since entering the palace, Concubine Ning hurriedly straightened her waist and raised a smile to meet the gaze from above.

Unexpectedly, the emperor just glanced at the top of her head, frowned and said, "The things on your head seem to be expensive?"

Concubine Ning paused, but Concubine Zhou hurriedly said, "According to my concubine, I'm afraid that Concubine Ning's hairpin can't be made without three thousand taels of silver. It's just that the harem tightened up expenses to support the snow disaster in Gyeonggi a while ago, and I don't know that Si Zhen Where did you get the silver taels?"

Concubine Ning could only hurriedly explain, "Your Majesty, this, this is a gift from your aunt, the eldest princess, not from Si Zhen."

After finishing speaking, I was still a little flustered, wondering if the emperor would go after the eldest princess mansion again.

Fortunately, Yu Wenlan did not speak again.

Because in addition to the two women in front of him scolding each other, various voices are still pouring into his ears-

【Hmph, these two stupid women are used to being arrogant, let them have a taste of being deflated today】

[I haven't eaten for three days, so I managed to stuff it into this tunic skirt. This Jinling Yunjin is really good. How can these thick and stupid village women get into His Majesty's longan? Your Majesty, look over here! 】

【What if these two idiots drive His Majesty away? I've practiced hard for three months and I haven't had time to present the dance to His Majesty! Stupid fool! 】

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